Litany Of The Lost


Lord, have mercy. – LORD, HAVE MERCY.

Christ, have mercy. – CHRIST, HAVE MERCY.

Lord, have mercy. – LORD, HAVE MERCY.

For those of us who have lost our health,

– ST ANTHONY, PRAY FOR US. (Repeat after each line.)

For those of us who have lost our peace of mind,

For those of us who have lost our housing,

For those of us who have lost our financial security,

For those of us who have lost a loved one,

For those of us who have lost our dreams,

For those of us who have lost our talents,

For those of us who have lost our initial zeal,

For those of us who have lost our sobriety,

For those of us who have lost their faith,

For those of us who have lost our self-respect,

For those of us who have lost our perspective,

For those of us who have lost our innocence,

For those of us who have lost our independence,

For those of us who have lost peace within our families,

For those of us who have lost civil peace,

For those of us who have lost our trust in others,

For those of us who have lost our virtue,

For those of us who have lost our home,

For those of us who have lost our job,

For those of us who have lost (please add your own particular loss), – ST ANTHONY, PRAY FOR US.

Lamb of God, You take away the sins of the world, – HAVE MERCY ON US.

Lamb of God, You take away the sins of the world, – HAVE MERCY ON US.

Lamb of God, You take away the sins of the world, – HAVE MERCY ON US.

Let us pray:

All loving God, You have given us in St Anthony the patron of the lost, as an intercessor of those who are in need of Your mercy. Listen to his voice as he calls out to You on our behalf, and grant those things which will help us grow in Your love. We ask this through Christ our Lord.

