Consecration Of Family To Our Lady


Mother Mary, we consecrate our entire family to your Immaculate Heart. We desire to renew the promises of our baptism and place each member of our family, through this consecration, into loving union with your Holy Family.

At Fatima, dear Mother of God, you appeared with Saint Joseph and the Child Jesus, blessing the world. Intercede for our family that each of us grow in the virtues and joy which you lived as a family. Help us to grow as faithful disciples of Jesus; help our domestic church to grow as a light which gives your Son glory from our home.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for Jesusโ€™ peace to fill each member of our family. (Name each family member, or a particular family member.) Never permit any member of our family to stray from the true Catholic Faith. For any member of our family who is beset by doubts, we beseech you to be their guide through the darkness back to the light of your Son. Watch over our perseverance so that we may all one day be reunited with you and the whole family of God in our Fatherโ€™s house.

