An angel of the Lord said to Philip, “Get up and go toward the south to the road that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza. This was a wilderness road (Acts 8:26). Perhaps Philip was sitting comfortably somewhere in Samaria, after preaching the gospel there. In the previous chapter we read about how… Continue reading Snatched Away
Category: Articles
Heaven Is Open
Heaven is open. Is it difficult to believe? It is an absolute truth that heaven is open. Bible testifies; ‘Its gates will never be shut by day- and there will be no night there (Rev.21:25). So it is ‘trustworthy and true’ that heaven is open. But are we able to see it? We are resigned… Continue reading Heaven Is Open
To Bind And To Loose
Binding and loosing are two diametrically opposite actions. Yet, it is natural that the one who has the right to bind should have the right to let loose also. In the Bible we see our Lord granting this great power to bind and loose to the Church, his mystical body. It was but an extension… Continue reading To Bind And To Loose
First Christmas, Last Christmas
‘Good news of great joy for all the people’ (Luke 2:10). This is how the Bible describes the birth of Jesus. It was the first Christmas and the news was first broken to shepherds living in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. Even today, the good news is coming first to those… Continue reading First Christmas, Last Christmas
True Church, False Church
For many among us, the title would seem a little embarrassing. We have been with the one and only true Church of which Jesus Christ is the head. Though our Church had to face a number of schisms, heresies, splits, and erroneous teachings from the least expected corners in the course of her history, we… Continue reading True Church, False Church
Here Is Your Mother
“Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?” And pointing to his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers! For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother” (Mat. 12:48-50). The litmus test for becoming the brother, sister and mother of Jesus Christ… Continue reading Here Is Your Mother
A Centenary Not To Celebrate
We are writing this on the the 18th of November 2020. Today we commemorate an important event in history which altered the future of the whole mankind for ever and affected more than a billion human lives directly. It was the decision of a national government, but one with global ramifications and it was… Continue reading A Centenary Not To Celebrate
For Heaven’s Sake
Of all the Bible verses, some of the most beautiful lines are contained in the penultimate chapter of the book of Revelations. Here we read about something beyond our comprehension or imagination. Yet, John the Apostle tries to narrate it for our benefit. Elsewhere, St Paul also tries to instruct us about it. According to… Continue reading For Heaven’s Sake
Fear Whom ?
Fear is natural to humans – there is nothing wrong in it. Some are afraid of death, some are afraid of poverty. Some are afraid of persecution, insult, isolation and deprivation. Some are afraid of loss of reputation and yet some others are afraid of losing their money. Some are afraid of their enemies. Snakes,… Continue reading Fear Whom ?