Sequences of the Daily Prayers
1 Reflections of the day as given in the book
(Day 1 to Day 33)
2 Apostles’ Creed
I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heav en and earth; and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, Our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suf fered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried; He descended into hell; the third day He rose from the dead; He ascended into heaven, sits at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and life everlasting. Amen.
3 Daily consecration
Holy Mary, my queen and my mother, I offer myself totally to you. I offer very specially my eyes, ears, tongue and my heart, for your special protection. Now onwards, you are mother to me as I am yours. Guard me forever. Amen
4 Angelus.
V. The Angel of the Lord declared unto Mary
R. And she conceived of the Holy Spirit.
Hail Mary full of grace! The Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus. Holy Mary Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
V. Behold the handmaid of the Lord
R. Be it done unto me according to thy word. Hail Mary —
v. And the Word was made flesh
R. And dwelt among us.
Hail Mary —-
V. Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. V. Let us pray.
R. Pour forth, we beseech Thee, O Lord, Thy grace into our hearts that we, to whom the Incarnation of Christ thy Son was made known by the message of an angel, may by His passion and Cross be brought to the Glory of His resurrection through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.
5. Prayer for the Seven Cardinal Virtues
1. Holy Mother of God, bless me so that the virtue of faith may be formed in me, and that it may grow and prolifer ate and bear fruits.
a. Our Father in heaven, holy be your name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.
b. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. Amen.
c. Come, Holy Spirit, enlighten my heart, to see divine mat ters. Come Holy Spirit, enlighten my mind to understand divine matters. Come Holy Spirit, radiate your light on my soul that I may belong solely to God. Come Holy Spirit, sanctify my thoughts, words and deeds, for the Glory of God.
2. Holy Mother of God, bless me so that the virtue of hope may be formed in my heart and that it may grow pro liferate and bear fruits. (repeat –a, b, c, above )
3. Holy Mother of God, bless me so that the virtue of love
may be formed in my heart, and that it may grow, pro liferate and bear fruits. (repeat –a, b, c, above )
4. Holy Mother of God, bless me so that the virtue of humility may be formed in my heart and that it may grow prolifer ate and bear fruits. (repeat a, b, c, above)
5. Holy Mary Mother of God, bless me so that the virtue of patience may be formed in my heart and that it may grow, proliferate and bear fruits. (repeat a, b, c, above)
6. Holy Mary, Mother of God, bless me so that the virtue of perseverance may be formed in my heart and that it may grow, proliferate and bear fruits. (repeat a, b, c, above)
7. Holy Mary Mother of God, bless me so that the virtue of obedience may be formed in my heart, and that it may grow, proliferate and bear fruits (repeat a, b, c above ).
6. Hymn to Mary
O Virgin Mother, fashion my heart like unto yours, Enfold it with a wreath of sanctity studded with virtues. Transform my heart like the consecrated heart of yours, Accept and offer it to God as my gift given for God’s glory through you.
Make me an instrument of yours,
And thus let the world know more about your heart’s glory.
7. Pentecost Prayer
Spirit of Christ, enliven me.
Spirit of Christ, move me.
Spirit of Christ permeate me.
Spirit of Christ, stamp your seal on me.
Father in heaven, stamp on my soul, your divine Will. Father in heaven, create in me a fountain of virtues. Father in heaven, transform my soul so that it may be reflect You.
And it may be light unto the whole world.
DAY -1
Message of Blessed Virgin Mary
Dear Children,
I rejoice that you understand the import of my words. Consecration to my Immaculate Heart is not done by merely pronouncing the prescribed prayers. Consecration is done only by concrete actions on your part.
I may explain it clearly. Your hearts are a window to your soul. The act of consecration opens the window to divine grace –the light from God. This grace will purify the soul. Your soul is like a prism. God designed it to reflect Him. But if it has impurities, it cannot reflect God. So you have to pray to get grace through the consecration. When you receive grace the soul will get purified. So pray intensely.
Now , look into my heart. Look carefully and you will find that my heart has only the Holy Trinity in it. Nothing else exists there. So my heart reflects the Holy Trinity.
Dear children, hark and listen. Open your souls and re ceive the Light from God. Your soul must reflect God and God only.
The way forward
We are called to be holy and find peace in our souls and in the whole world, our mother gives us a call to con secrate ourselves .Consecration takes us closer to God. Our prayer creates a bond with God. The Mother’s call to consecra tion leads us to opening up our soul for God to work in us. This opening up leads on to establish inner peace in us and also in the world.
Consecration unites our souls with the Son of God through the agency of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Mary’s mediation brings a special grace to make this possible.
Action Plan
Prayer connects us with God. Thus we begin to live in God, and He begins to dwell in us. Prayer cleanses the soul of al impurities and they are destroyed by His incoming grace. Human soul is fit for God’s living only when it is free from im
purities. Purity causes God to work wonders in us and through us.
Immaculate Heart of Virgin Mother, help us to open the window of my soul so that all impurities may be removed from it. I pray that God may be magnified brilliantly through my conversion, consecration and witness. May my consecration become concrete acts in my daily life. Make me a witness to your final victory over Evil.
Word of God
“They are like angels in Heaven” (Matthew 22:30) 19
DAY – 2
Message of Blessed Virgin Mary
‘Dear Children,
I have this wish to give you my greatest gift which is my heart in exchange of your heart. This is the surest way to give you my love .On your part, you have to make the act of consecration to my Immaculate Heart. Thus you shall partake in my ultimate triumph. But you can choose to accept or reject my wish.’
The way forward
The message of Our Lady has a single purpose. One part of it is to sanctify you. The other is to collect all souls for sanctifi cation. The sanctification is the only way to be in God. Consecra tion to the Immaculate Heart puts the soul in her possession and all her possessions are God’s, for she is the Spouse of the Holy Spirit.
By divine grace, in the act of consecration, the hearts are exchanged, spiritually. Our Lady gives up her heart to us and she takes our heart. Thus our hearts are purified through the recon ciliation with God. Mary’s heart in us creates a great desire to im itate Mary. This desire is the end for which hearts are exchanged. Thus the received heart in us creates a spiritual atmosphere, as in the heart of Mary, fit for Union with Jesus. The three hearts are joined together-your heart, Our Lady’s heart and the Heart of Jesus.
Action Plan
Our Lady reminds us that we are not aware of the great power of prayer. Prayer holds the key to peace in this world. We can pray to Jesus, which means that our hearts can communicate with the heart of Jesus. Remember that through consecration, our hearts are united. This intimate relationship can secure fulfilment of all our needs.
So we must put aside some time for the relationship to grow. This is to say that more time is to be given for prayer. The prayer is a two-way traffic. We say what we want to say. But we must listen to Jesus and hear Him. He has a design created for us. We must learn of it from Jesus. Be alone with God, be in solitude, so that we can listen to and learn from Jesus whispering in our hearts. Heaven will reveal its mysteries through prayer.
O Immaculate Heart of Virgin Mother, help me to pray for the fire in my heart to explode in to a blaze, necessary for the exchange of our hearts. I pray that I may be enabled to make my consecration to you. Enable me, dear mother, to imitate you. Give me power to do everything to please God, with all my heart, and all my strength. I wish to be near you for all eternity. Present me to your Son, in a state of perfection, and filled with love for my divine Master, the Holy Trinity.
Word of God
“And everyone who has left houses, brothers, sisters, fa ther, mother, children or land for the sake of my name will receive a hundred times as much, and also inherit eternal life.” (Matthew 19:29)
DAY – 3
Message of Blessed Virgin Mary
My Dear Children,
Renew your consecration to my Immaculate Heart, on the feast day ( of Annunciation). I ask all my children to remain united to me through consecration. You do not know how much grace is held in my arms for distribution among you. I am anxious to carry my children in my maternal arms and present them to God the Father in heaven and to God the Son, Jesus who is truth, life and way to eternal life in heaven and to God the Holy Spirit.
I come with such plentiful grace, because the world is influenced by so much evil and deceptions. I wish to lead my chil dren to the fullness of the gospel message. Your life has to be shaped by this message to enable you to claim the crown in heav en. Moreover, I long for protecting and guiding you. The world is going to succumb to dark times, and tribulations will be great. Satan entices the world through subtle means which are alluring too. So you need my protection and guidance.
Those who are faithful to the gospel message, obedient to the Vicar of Christ, and devoted to the Holy Eucharist shall have special protection as they are covered under my mantle . I wish to lead you to glorify the most Holy Trinity. The passage is through my heart. You will be bearers of divine splendor. The splendor shall emanate from within you. When the splendor reaches the entire world, my triumph will be complete. My duty to usher in the reign will be fully done. That is when the reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus begins. His kingdom will be fully established here on earth. Through your small efforts You shall radiate the glory of God.
It is in your power to decide your role leading to the suc cess of our joined hearts and our triumph.
The way forward
The preparation for Consecration is vital. It makes the soul fit to receive the exceptional grace .Thus you can see that preparation is real purification of the soul, to the level of holiness required to receive the bounty from God. The Consecration may never be taken lightly, for its momentum is great: it is spiritual communion with Jesus, through the heart of Mary. Much grace is compressed within the act itself. Preparation lays the strong foundation for the edifice of unity. The soul must be made strong enough to receive the great gift.
Action Plan
Ardent desire in the soul is the first requirement. The consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary takes it to great spiritual elevation. It also gives the soul wings to soar higher and higher, breaking loose the ties to this world. Here we get peace that goes beyond our understanding.
O Immaculate Heart of Mary, help my soul to be fit to receive the immense grace God wants to bestow upon it. Help my soul to realize the import of the great gift. I know that I am unworthy to receive it. But allow me to receive the gift in all sincerity, humility, and purity.
Word of God
“God wills you all to be holy.” (1 Thessalonians 4:3) 25
DAY – 4
Message of Blessed Virgin Mary
My dear children
All my children shall receive the grace they pray for, only on my request from my Immaculate Heart. Your conviction in the consecration allows the Holy Spirit to move within you and through you. When you find that the ground beneath your feet has disappeared, don’t panic, you are in a flight towards me and my embrace.
My triumph, as I have said to you, will happen. It is the Will of the Heavenly Father. The Union among my children who are consecrated to my Immaculate Heart, and who have given their clear Amen, inspires God the Father to execute it.
The Way Forward
Consecration brings the grace necessary to lift the soul towards God. Here the heavenly exchange of hearts takes place. At this point God moves toward it to a lift it higher level of love. In other words it may be said that the soul gets an awareness of heaven through the exchange of hearts.
The human soul and the heart is transformed only on a strong foundation of love .So preparation is a must for consecration. The rest is done by God.
Action Plan.
Let us remember that a great desire is the human foun dation for spiritual growth. Perfection is always a gift from above. Great desires give strength and courage. They reduce the fatigue that sets in while climbing the mountain of God. None shall be perfect without enthusiastic hard work. What awaits us at the top, is a crown of purity adorned with virtues. Our Lady wants to place this wreath upon our heads. It is forever.
O Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray to your son Jesus, that my heart might be opened to let is divine grace which trans forms it, to be like your heart. Pray to your Spouse the Holy Spirit so that my heart be made worthy to be exchanged with your heart. Allow my heart to be lifted to the heights willed by God.
Word of God
Who shall Go up to the mountain of Yahweh?
Who shall take a stand in his holy place?
The clean of hands and pure of heart, whose heart is not set on vanities, who does not swear an oath in order to deceive. (Psalm 24:3-4)
DAY – 5
Message of Blessed Virgin Mary
Dear Children
You are waking up to the dawn of my great triumph. I pray for the unity among all my children who have responded to my call. I am leaving it to you to decide and work for peace in this world. It is up to you to bring to fruition all my desires. I await your response. I wish that change of hearts and conversion towards God may happen everywhere. Likewise, it is you who should bring to a successful close, all my earlier messages. You may give life and fulfillment to my words.
The Way Forward
Firstly, during preparation for consecration, the soul ought to be open to inspiration from above. Only pure love for our Heavenly Mother shall motivate you for it. There shall be no other motive like any material gains or cure from illness etc.
Secondly, the soul must desire complete reconciliation with God. This grace for unity is partly given during preparation itself. But if the reconciliation is not complete, grace cannot flow into the soul.
Thirdly solitude of the soul is required for the nurturing of love for Our Lady. Solitude means our mind and heart are after God and nothing else matters.
Fourthly, we must gain an awareness of what Holy Mary wants from us. We do know what we want from her. We seldom listen to whisperings from her. Pray we must to learn what Jesus wants from us. The Immaculate heart has no personal wishes. Jesus and Mary demand the same things from us.
Action plan
As we move forward to perfection, we must wish to love God to the maximum: to love him more than all saints ever did or do; to suffer more for God that all the sufferings of all martyrs; to welcome all possible pain; to forgive those who inflicted them; to welcome every pain to save even a single soul; to be charitable .These desires will light a huge fire of holiness in us. The fire will result in generating simplicity and sanctity in the soul. These are the cornerstones of consecration.
O Immaculate Heart of Mary, help me in my way forward to holiness. I ardently wish to be pure in heart and saintly. En able me to bear in mind, the goodness of the Lord always. Many people do not recognize the favours the Lord bestows on them. Enable me to compensate for the ingratitude. I wish I had loved your tender heart more than I really did. Dear Mother unite me with your Son so that I may become entirely His as he desires me to be.
Word of God
“God, create in me a clean heart.” (Psalm 51:10) 29
DAY – 6
Message of Blessed Virgin Mary
Unite yourself as one heart, and come near me. As a col lective body, you have only one purpose in this consecrated life; to honour, love and serve the Triune God- the Holy Trinity. I love you all and wish you to have goodness and joy. Many things do happen every day. On your part be ready for a battle and wait for it. This is the beginning of the final battle for peace and harmony. The Father in heaven has promised and assured peace and har mony.
Your consecration is already accepted. But God is wait ing for your conversion. He is anxious to possess each heart and every soul to fill them with His kingdom.
So take my hand and run together with me. Never turn back or hesitate. Give your entire self to this mission. Be fully converted to the cause. Dear children, let the fire of your cause consume you fully. Share this spark with others. Unity happens when many people join together. Your duty is to bring together your neighbors, people around you. Unite your heart with theirs. Your conversion is full, when God is reflected in you.
The Way Forward
While the desire of consecration is put into action, many graces are conferred on your soul. They are gifts for petition, in tercession, guidance and consecration. In return we have to satis fy the demands of God, which are also demanded by the Mother. We have to know what they are. So hold the hand of our Mother and run with her. She will guide you and teach you what God wants from you.
Action Plan
All good comes from God. Without His grace, His Holy name cannot even be pronounced. To do anything, we depend on His grace. God wants us to do our part in the Work of Sanctity. to do that, we must be holy ourselves and cooperate with God. Many people wish to be holy. But they are not ready to suffer incon
venience or do labour. They wish that God might infuse sanctity without any hardship on their part. This is impossible. God’s law is this. To achieve sanctity, human souls ought to cooperate with God. We on pour part, must crush the obstacles to holiness. Usu
ally our will is the biggest obstacle.
O Immaculate Heart of Mary, I put my trust in the infinite mercy of God. I pray to God for the will and power to love you with my whole heart. I know that God’s grace flows in to me through you, my mother and your intercession. I got divine light, goodness of heart and good desires only like this. Loving Mother, continue to pray for me. Pray with me for my sanctification, until I become what God wants me to be. I pray that my consecration to you, and to Jesus be full and complete. I pray that my hope may be realized.
Word of God.
“Your light must shine in people’s sight, so that, seeing your good works, they may give praise to your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16)
DAY -7
Message of Blessed Virgin Mary
My dear Children,
I am inviting you to join an important mission for peace. I shall not leave your side. Instead, I shall return to you, especially on my Saturday each month, to prepare you for the mission, and to teach you, your part in this plan of grace.
Dear children, I am calling on you to ask you to complete all things I asked of you. I am looking at the culmination of my message for peace. On my feast days let us offer ourselves to the Father in heaven as a group. That is a time for me to fulfill your desires. Let us come together under the selected shepherds .I shall deposit in you seeds of sanctity. They will grow up to produce virtues and grace.
The Way forward
One of the major aims of the consecration is to form a union of devotees. Our Lady will grant the special grace that will ce ment this union. On our part we have to be prepared to receive this grace. If we are not prepared, the flow of grace will be blocked. We might receive only a part of what Our Lady intends to bestow on us. It is like taking a small vessel to receive a large quantity of matter.
Now you have to be conscious of the purpose of the grace. Graces are given ultimately for the glory of God .They are gifts, given free.
Action Plan
Be confident that if you don’t progress in sanctity, at the desired speed, you do not have to despair. Only desire, earnestly, to complement your wants. And try hard to reach the destina tion. Grace will follow you. Never despair and fall into the trap of satan. Consecration is a sure guarantee to bond with God. When He commands, it will be done. The consecrated ones are God’s children.
O Immaculate heart of Mary, I thank you for the interior light which I received at the consecration. Help me to gain more light through grace. May I continuously seek, as you did, the will of God and to follow it without reserve. I wish to be freed from all attachments to this worldly life. I wish to carry my cross with passion, and be at your side during the battle for peace and see your victory. Amen.
Word of God
“For the sake of the joy which lay ahead of him, he en dured the cross, disregarding the shame of it.”
(Hebrews 12:2) 34
DAY -8
Message of Blessed Virgin Mary
My dearest children,
Do not ever leave me. I have great longings to gather you in my embrace. You will stay strong in unity. Satan can do no harm when you stand united with Jesus at the centre. I call on you to give you conviction about the importance of the global consecration. You will be my colleagues in harvesting sanctity from this global union.
Through this consecration, you give your consent to serve God in a very special manner. Also you agree to make per sonal sacrifices for the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart. I will ask much of each of you. Humble yourselves. Hold my hand so that I may be able to lead you to peace: peace in your families, peace in your homelands, and peace in the whole world.
Dear children, open your hearts before me. I shall place a spark of wisdom in you. I shall give only that which you can accept and assimilate. The greater your acceptance and greater the spark of wisdom in your soul, the deeper will be your understanding. Live exactly according to my message which will be your teacher, and which will prepare you to face your future. My purpose here is to transform your heart and soul into the very image of God. Won’t you come to me? Shall I carry your heart to the Father in heaven? The choice is yours. I ask you to reflect on these matters now itself.
The Way forward
A deep and profound love shall keep you in thrall after consecration. This divine thrall is powerful enough to attract the attention of Blessed Virgin Mary towards you. It is like magnetic force. Your intense desire draws the attention of Our Lady. She intensifies this love to such a degree that the divine exchange takes place.
Action Plan
Human soul may be compared to a garden where weeds spring up in abundance. Unless each weed is removed by a shovel, the garden will be a waste land of thorns. If the interior of your soul is a wasteland of thorns, external devotions are of no avail.
The thorns are selfishness. When you have consecrat ed yourself, the soul becomes fertile with graces. Mortifications remove the thorns of selfishness. The virtues grow under the watchful gardener who prunes and cuts branches. A fragrant and flowery garden of virtues, comes up.
O Immaculate Heart of Mary, take me very close to your Son. Light His fire in my soul. I wish to be totally consumed by this fire. Mother, Take possession of my heart, and exchange it with yours. Fill it with love for holiness, and make it fit enough to do the will of the Heavenly Father. May I find sanctification. I desire to be eternally attached to you through the chord of sanctity. I do not want my heart to be mine, but God’s only through the consecration to your Heart.
Word of God
“She is a garden enclosed, my sister, my promised bride; a garden enclosed, a sealed fountain.” (Song of songs 4:12)
DAY -9
Message of Blessed Virgin Mary
Dear Children,
You cannot keep away from the love of my Immaculate Heart. I come to give you the message for peace in this world. I need your active cooperation for it. I would be able to dwell in you, when you consecrate yourself to my Immaculate Heart. In that way you will be able to participate, very deeply, in my triumph. Participation happens when my heart is infused into yours. Then, practically, your heart becomes mine and my heart becomes yours. Our conjoined hearts can bring peace to this world.
Global consecration is my great ambition. So, meditate on the mysteries while you say your rosary with the intention of fulfilling this ambition. I wish to be with you and I shall come, with abundance of graces of the Holy Spirit who resides in me, to prepare you for the consecration.
The Way forward
The foundation of consecration is an intense desire for it. This attracts our mother towards us and us towards her. It also pushes us towards consecration. The Holy Spirit is the spouse of Our Lady and is within her soul always. As and when Our Lady has prepared our souls fit for the Spirit, The Holy Ghost comes in to our souls to gather our love. The Holy virgin shall take every consecrated soul to her son. Thus Our Lady will live in us, with the Holy Spirit and her Son Jesus. The fire of the Spirit will make our consecration fruitful.
Action Plan
Humility is the base on which other virtues rest and also its guardian. God hears all prayers, but those of the proud, He hears with a deaf year or rejects them. But His response to those of the humble is immeasurably kind. The prayers of the consecrated are heard positively. Graces asked for are showered upon them. This is the triumph of Our lady happening in our hearts.
O Immaculate Heart of Mary, pity me and enlighten my soul, so that I might see what the real state of my soul is and what my merits are. Give me the real conviction that the ways of this world lead finally to sorrow. Enable me to see the greatness of Heaven. Teach me to humble myself, in the manner of your humility at the moment of annunciation.
Word of God
“He has looked upon the humiliation of his servant.” (Luke 1:48) 39
DAY -10
Message of Blessed Virgin Mary
Dear Children,
Remember this fact. True devotion to my Immaculate Heart is interior, not external. It springs from your heart and is cultivated in the soul. When the consecration becomes perfect, you will develop a child like confidence in me, your mother. With simplicity and tenderness, you can trustingly come to my Immaculate Heart and make your requests to me. In all your doubts, ask for clear light. When you go astray, you can depend on me for reaching the right path, and in your temptations for support. In your weakness you may ask for strength and in every fall, for uplift. When you are discouraged, I may console you. In your toils and tribulations, and when you carry a cross on your shoulders, you can get a hug from me to accept and endure it with courage.
I nurture a deep love for you and from it everything fol lows. Amass as much grace as possible from heavens. Open your heart so that, the Holy Spirit may envelop and penetrate you fully. Stretch out your hands so that your heart is open to the Will of God.
The Way Forward
The purpose of the consecration is to grant redemption to your soul. The Mother of God is an active participant co–redeemer. The Holy Spirit is the true unifier of the hearts of Jesus and Mary. Your heart is already joined with the heart of Mary.
Thus your heart is united with the heart of Jesus. Consecration prepares the heart to receive Jesus Christ, through Holy Spirit. The Divine Mother also participates in the re demptive work.
Action plan
The redemption can be easily had, when the heart fo cuses on God and on nothing else. This is called the solitude of the heart. It expels all other affections from the heart. The sole purpose of life is to please His Sacred Heart. It remains detached from all other things. Thus the human soul will find Him and it will reflect Him and Him only. The soul that wishes to unite itself with God, will retire into an open heart which is focused only on Him. The soul is in solitude.
O Immaculate Heart of Mary, guide me to find God in all things and above all things and be with Him in solitude. May I find His peace and solitude through consecration. I pray that the Holy Spirit burn to ashes my worldly affections. O Mary my mother and refuge, obtain for me the grace of solitude.
Word of God
“But when you pray, go to your private room, shut yourself in, and so pray to your Father.” (Matthew 6:6)
DAY -11
Message of Blessed Virgin Mary
My Dear Children,
You souls are about to receive exceptional grace. On the feast day of Annunciation (and similar occasions) God the Father shall rain grace on you. I am going to gather as one, my chosen flock and the chosen shepherds. Be one team for the sake of my triumph. I place my hope in you. I entrust my Immaculate Heart also with you. The saving grace for mankind now lies in you.
Pray intensely for the Vicar of my Son and regard him in a special way. Similarly, offer all your joys and sufferings as your special offerings for the consecration you are going to make. Cov er yourselves in virtues. Give others greater importance than you give to yourselves. God the Father sees your soul. Where he finds love and mercy, He sends His love and mercy. He gives His justice where justice is seen.
Bring together, this army of mine, for the battle that awaits you is about to begin. Dear children, let me stress it that I am your mother and you are my children. I have given my heart to you. So give me yours. Whatever you may be, I shall mould you into what God wants you to be.
The Way forward
The Divine Grace binds us together. As our Mother tells us, this is the time when the hearts are exchanged. The soul be comes transformed .The change will be experienced by the soul, when the consecration is made authentically, with true love. The changes occur in the heavenly realm. It is God’s will that the soul completes the consecration.
Action plan
The foundation of spiritual life is keeping the soul in the presence of God. This has three distinct results….avoidance of sins, practice of virtues and union with God. God’s presence preserves the soul from sin, leads it to practice virtues, and binds the soul to God with the chord of love. The soul realizes that God sees the mind that thinks, hears spoken words and observes all actions.
The soul that feels God’s presence will strive to please God, and not those around him. Thus virtue shall grow in him. The soul will keep on growing rapidly, because love grows in the presence of the object loved. These gifts shall reach you from the Holy Spirit in your consecration.
O Immaculate Heart of Mary, bless me with your boon to love you through the remainder of my entire life. I may become totally yours. Take my heart to the presence of your Son so that the flame of my love for Him may increase. Help me in the practice of virtues. Deposit strength and courage in my soul, so that my being and life reflects you in this world. Mould me into a mighty warrior of your triumph among your hosts. Bless this world with the graces of your triumph. I pray for these gifts from you at my consecration.
Word of God
“Let the deserts and the dry lands be glad, let the waste land rejoice and bloom; like the asphodel, let it burst into flower, let it rejoice and sing for joy. The glory of Lebanon is bestowed on it, the splendour of Carmel and Sharon; then they will see the glory of Yahweh, the splendour of our God. “ (Isaiah 35:1-2)
DAY -12
Message of Blessed Virgin Mary
Work with me to bring to fruition, all my promises. The peace that our Heavenly Father wants to bestow upon the world is intimately connected to my triumph. Firstly I would give you inner peace. Without interior peace, there can never be external peace.
Take up your rosaries, to speed up the efforts to bring peace to the world. When my army prays together their rosaries, the heart of the Father will melt under the collective impact, for the rosary expresses best your love for me.
Consecrate the youth of today to my Immaculate Heart. They are my triumph’s future. It is they who would renew the Church, for the future generations.
My children, may I warn you in advance. Certain destruc tion awaits you, if reparation is not made for the evil of mankind. Consecrate yourselves to my Immaculate Heart and the Holy Spir it shall direct you and guide you to do your part.
I come for the fulfillment of my promises and not for the beginning of the feared destruction. My promise is that the grace of God shall rain on you. For this purpose, let us unite our hearts to respond positively to God the Father and the Holy Spirit shall overshadow you. Remain within the sight and touch of my Spouse, the Holy Spirit.
The Way Forward
Jesus came to this world, solely for the salvation of souls. In this mission, Our lady remained an integral part of it. It is impossible to separate her work as co-redeemer. The union be tween Jesus and Mary is complete as it was designed by God, for human redemption. Her actions and desires are totally in agree ment with those of her son. Our Lady’s desires may be seen only in this light. Her part in salvation is co-redemptive.
Action plan
Do everything to please God. An action that might look good may be bad in the eyes of God, depending on the bad in tention with which it was done. We can judge the quality of an act, by looking at the intention with which the body performed it. Our Lady asks us to keep our intentions simple. If our intention is to please God and none else, then it will shine with purity. If we have other intentions the act will be less pure, and becomes worldly. Let us have only one intention for the consecration -to please God. Thus when our Mother offers it to God, it will shine with purity.
O Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray that my love for God be strengthened through this consecration. Only fervent love can guide me to overcome all difficulties, and one that is never divid ed. I wish to have my heart open to devotion to you. Dear Mother, help me to have pure intentions in all my actions, to have single minded focus on God and that they may be pleasing to God.
Word of God
“I seek to do, not my own will but the will of him who sent me.” (John 5:30)
DAY -13
Message of Blessed Virgin Mary
Dear children,
I am waiting for your response which to me is very pre cious. I invite you to my Immaculate Heart, so that you become my children. Your hearts will be a joy of my times to come. I want to be with each one of you, so that I can guide you and protect you .Children, listen to me carefully. Receive my heart too. I have only one wish which is to bring you to sanctification. This is also the greatest desire of God in heaven.
All that I want from you is to give me your open heart. Above all else, pray for this gift and you shall receive everything else. Further, I want my triumph to fill your hopes and wishes.
The Way Forward
God the Son condescended to be enclosed in the womb of a humble handmaid. He brought his glory to this hidden place. Thus He glorified His Father. He entrusted His life to the care and protection of this handmaid. For thirty years He was obedient to her. This humbling of self was conjoined to the sacrifice on the cross. These may be viewed from another perspective. This mother, this handmaid, bore Him in her womb, nurtured Him before and after His birth, mentored Him, and offered Him finally on the cross to the Father in heaven. Jesus commenced His public life, with the instant brewing of wine. That was the first of the great signs and miracles Jesus wrought, at the request of this mother. God could have managed His Provenance in myriad ways. But the Holy Spirit arranged only the womb of a humble virgin for Him. The lofty scholarship of the world may never grasp the content of this great mystery which occurred in a humble female. The Divine Embryo, waiting to be born to this world, got the blood of the Immaculate Virgin. We must reckon it the Will of God. None might ever influence it. Likewise, God asks us to open our hearts to Him, for Jesus would enter them spiritually, and take up His abode in them.
Action Plan
God has created in our heavenly mother, an eternal spring of divine grace. God wills to pour out divine graces for all humanity from this spring. The Holy Trinity wants to be glorified through the heart of the mother. God the Father invites us to consecrate ourselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. As for the mother, she has no personal or private desires. Her focus is the doing of the Will of God, that His Will be done in the hearts of all individuals of humanity, that they may be one in Him and with Him. She wishes people to join with her son Jesus, and thus form a communion. This communion is possible by Grace only. God’s invitation for consecration and union with mother Mary is for a glorious future, beyond our imagination.
The Divine Mother comes down to the world, to comply with the Will of the Father Who wants her to counsel us, and to give His message to the world. He wants us to experience her sweet and soft personality, and be guided by her hand, into Life Divine. To a child, there is nothing like mother’s guiding hands.
O Immaculate Heart of Mary, guide us in this campaign for your Triumph. In your great victory, let the entire humanity be united with you and thereby join with the Sacred Heart of Jesus and be one with Him. Transform my heart to be pure: adorn it with flowers of virtues. In my trials, give me strength: may your warmth ensconce my soul. Take my heart and make it yours: in times of rejoicing which will surely come, we may smile together!
Word of God
“And now my children, listen to me. Happy are those who keep my ways.” (Proverbs 8:32)
DAY -14
Message of Blessed Virgin Mary
My Dear Children,
Prayer is the foundation and the heart of consecration. In prayer we are united with God. He who wants to guide us in a specific way might reveal Himself to us to guide and teach us how to go forward. We may know the will of God about us only through prayer.
The preparations for the consecration are also centered on prayer. It is the medium of communication. Constant prayer is constant communication between God and the soul. Continuous communication with God brings about the solitude which the soul seeks. Pray that you may receive everything from God’s hands. Thus you can unburden your heart, get peace and quiet. When you are in deep solitude, God may write on the walls of your heart.
The Way Forward
One of the aims of the Consecration is to have an insep arable connection with Our Lady. On her part, Our Lady connects every soul in her reach to her son Jesus. The aim of Jesus is the salvation of humanity. Thus it becomes clear that the aim of Our Lady is to play her part in the salvation of souls. She is a part of God’s great Providence for human salvation. Through her a torrent of grace reaches humanity. Thus she becomes co-redeemer. Her sole concern is to contribute to the plan of salvation. The triumph of Immaculate Heart cements her place as co-redeemer. All souls who are consecrated to her Immaculate Heart also come to play their parts in the salvation history of human race.
Action Plan
Our Lady makes a point clear to us that those who have recourse to her end up with a life of divine grace, and its re ward-eternal glory. She is Stella Mare, the pole star that draws all ships to the safe port. She draws all souls through her heart to the presence of her Son Jesus. All intentions and prayers channeled through her, reach the Trinity for special consideration. Since her intercession is very powerful, they shall be heard and shall not be rejected. As her pleas are a continuous stream, the flow of grace is also continuous. She has but one motive: the sanctification of all souls.
It is at our peril that we neglect the intercession of Our Lady, for never is a request made to her ever rejected. Through consecration she is our patron. The graces flowing into us unite our souls with the heart of Mary and Jesus.
O Immaculate Heart of Mary, spring of invincible strength, able to absolve and erase all sins, nothing ever resists your power because your Son Jesus is in you and with you. You are working together with God In His eternal Providence. Bestow upon me your intercession, now and at the hour of my death. I place all my petitions at your feet: place them my mother, in the heart of your son Jesus. Defend me in my tribulations. Hold me close to you when I despair. Have mercy on my soul in all its agonies. O Mother, mediator of all blessings, make my heart your abode.
Word of God
“The Almighty has done great things for me.” (Luke 1:49) 53
DAY -15
Message of Blessed Virgin Mary
Dearest children,
Your heavenly Father has mandated that there shall be deep devotion to my Immaculate Heart, when any soul is conse crated to it. Consequently, I too stipulate that you meditate and recite the rosary on a daily basis; observe the first Saturdays’ pieties. Give all your prayers to me, and just depend on me in your daily life. Do these for your love for me. I shall respond with my love, by transferring all these gifts of yours to my son.
Begin your days with a prayer to me ( in response to the mandate of the Heavenly Father)
“Holy Virgin Mother, condescend to receive my heart as your own. Guard it, dear mother, veiled under a collage of virtues’ flowers. Dearest Mother, take my heart, consecrated as it is to your heart, like your own: offer it to the heavenly Father as a gift from me to you. Mary, dear Mother, may your Immaculate Heart get more renown from my humble efforts too.”
The Way Forward
Consecration is a must for the triumph of the Divine 54
Mother. It will cause a substantial shift in the nature of the soul, and make it fit for the reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The hearts of the Son and the Mother will unite in a single purpose to bring down the grace to save the whole world. This then is the Providence of the Heavenly Father. When we have consecrated ourselves, the Mother will lead us on.
Action Plan
Let us bear in mind that giving our hearts to our Mother is an easy task. Our aim is to get her as mother and we must be her children. For this to happen we have to change our life-style. This change consists of rejecting whatever is sinful or evil, giving control of our mind and soul to our Mother, and finally drawing others to the Immaculate Heart of the mother. We may very well be sitting at her feet, giving thanks to the Almighty Father for the gift of mother to us.
O Immaculate Heart of Mary, whatever you ask of the Father in heaven, is given to you. So, pray for the gift of purity of soul in me. I shall gift my soul to you. Bless it and grant me the virtue of perseverance. Enable me to seek your help whenever I am tempted to sin or am in danger of losing my soul. Render solace to my soul when I breathe my last. Hand over it into the hands of the heavenly Father. I put my total trust in you while I labor for the triumph of your Immaculate Heart.
Word of God
“No one who obeys me will ever have to blush, no one who acts as I dictate will ever sin.” (Sirach 24:22)
DAY -16
Message of Blessed Virgin Mary
Dear Children,
Let us be one. I want our souls and hearts to be one. Whatever I demand from you are things of divine nature. One such demand is that you help other children of mine. But of more importance is the fact that you will take my triumph to the corners of the world and together with it, God’s plan for grace.
Now dear children, look at the sky above and the clouds there. When the wind blows they move together. Each cloud moves with the wind and stays where God wants it to be. The Holy Spirit will come on you and your heart will move, together with my heart, like the clouds above, to be where The Heavenly Father wants it to be.
Be sure, dear children, through your consecration you are free from this world, like the cloud, free to move with wind. So be in peace and love. Be where God wants you to be.
The Way forward
It is certain that Our Mother will carry us to the reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The soul will receive abundant grace as the Kingdom of God descends into the human souls. These graces are graces which our Mother calls ‘Second Coming’. Equally, it is the time when the hearts of Mother and Son conjoin.
Action Plan
The consecrated soul is, in its interiority, freed of this world. It neglects the world and maintains an aura of otherworld liness. Remember that Jesus took possession of it through con secration only. Therefore the soul has to take every day seriously to work for Jesus.
Doing one’s will is pleasing to the self. But God wants this self denial, the denial of self on the part of the soul. Nothing else satisfies God. Blessed is the soul that does the will of God, instead of its own will.
O Immaculate Heart of Mary, bless me so that I move where the Spirit leads me to. Teach me to find what the heavenly Father wants from me. Give me the grace to follow the Will of God, totally. Grant that I offer my will as a victim for sacrifice. I offer to move as the Spirit moves me. Let me be what what God wants me to be.
Word of God
Mary said “You see before you the Lord’s servant, let it happen to me as you have said” (Luke 1:38)
DAY -17
Message of Blessed Virgin Mary
My dear children,
My triumph is a certainty, but it is yet to be fulfilled. It depends on your response. But I assure you, –it will happen, like wind blowing all of a sudden. You may not know the direction it arrives from, nor can you guess how close or faraway it is. Be ready, my children.
The Way forward
There is a sphere wherein the divine providence has planned our souls to flourish in. To reach this sphere is not an easy task. But for the consecrated ones, the walk-over is a de light. The Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mother provides the necessary grace for this transition. Those who reject the in tercession of the Blessed Mother can never aspire to this sphere. The graces flow into the souls that are united with the hearts of both Jesus and Mary. This union of the soul with Jesus and Mary, is created by the consecration.
Action Plan
To be a part of the triumph of Our Lady, one has to be vigilant, like the ten virgins in the parable of Jesus. In a rush of grace, the Triumph will come about. This is also the final battle for peace in the world. It is not a battle of swords but a spiritual battle in which love and mercy, patience and forgiveness are weapons. When persecutions strike in our faces, we have to be models for others in the dark. We shall hold high the sword of truth which is a light unto others. For those who are consecrated, all things lead to consolation here and merit in heaven.
O Immaculate Heart of Mary, grant me the grace that I might never contradict God’s will. I yearn to wait with oil in my lamp, waiting for the triumph. Dear Mother, I want to respond to the call of God as you always did. Grant that the all consuming love that Jesus had for humanity as he lay writhing on the cross, be in my heart too. Dear Mother, offer my prayers to the Most Holy Trinity. Amen
Word of God
“Set me like a seal on your heart, like a seal on your arms.” (Song of songs 8:6)
DAY -18
Message of Blessed Virgin Mary
Dear children,
The heart of my mission is to bring all hearts together. Together, they must imitate the Immaculate Heart and this imita tion is the path to holiness. This path was made perfect by Jesus in me. On my part I bring to you everything created in me or ever taught to me. Thus, you will be able, not only to love everything that is holy and good but also never to succumb to sin. This will take you to deep peace and a burning love of God. You will also be able to live for Jesus. The heart of my mission is to bring about unity of hearts, leading to peace in them. Your heart will change, that is what I call for from you.
The Way forward
Jesus chose Our Lady as His close companion, in His life, death and glory. Jesus shares His power with her in heaven and on earth. Their hearts are one , beating in unison. Here lies the reason why she is Immaculate Conception. Jesus the second per
son of the Most Holy Trinity, shares everything with His mother.
Action Plan
Learn to find joy in your consecration. When you are humiliated, treated as dirt, when you are subjected to ridicule, and made a fool of, find joy in them. When you are made a scapegoat, do not go in for excuses. Be submissive, when your faults are exposed. Never trace the accusers or reproach them and never reveal that you know who and what they are.
When you pray for others, put them at the top of the list. Seek unity with God, in all humility. Through the grace that follows you consecration, be one with the mission of Our Lady. Her triumph occurs when you are humble and are deemed good for nothing. It is now the time when God lifts you up.
O Immaculate Heart of Mary, I pray for the virtue of hu mility. I pray that when God Almighty works in me, I may be found to possess humility. Dear Mother when tribulations come, I wish to endure them calmly and offer them for your triumph. May I be empowered to have single minded focus on my consecration, and its merits. May the reign of the sacred Heart of Jesus come upon the world trough unity of human hearts through His Heart and your heart. Amen.
Word of God
“If you are insulted for bearing Christ’s name, blessed are you for on you rests the Spirit of God.” (1Peter 4:14)
DAY -19
Message of Blessed Virgin Mary
My Dear Children,
Any person who becomes a part of my triumph, certain ly goes through a metamorphosis of heart. This change comes through an extraordinary grace prevailing in the soul. The trans formed soul is united with the divine Soul of Christ, to fulfill His mission in this world.
The battle for the hearts has begun. You have to join one side or the other. There is no middle ground, no neutral territory. If I do not take possession of the heart with its consent, it will be in the net of satan soon.
May I assure you that my triumph will change the world. The need of the times is a unity of hearts and unity of prayer. It is not hands that must unite but hearts. All who become a part of the Divine Plan must be united as one in heart, through consecration. This is necessary to co-ordinate the prayers of all participants in the divine plan.
Remember this. A child’s greatest enemy is pride. It is the seed of dissention and illusions. We live in critical times. I cannot exaggerate the need of your honest efforts to help my mission.
The Way Forward
We are called to be perfect. This becomes possible only when we are consecrated to and united with the heart of Jesus. This can be achieved only by travelling through the way designed by God for this purpose. Only Our Lady is immaculate, close to God in holiness, and there is no other better way than Our Lady, to reach God. To be one with Our Lady, you may just take the road of consecration.
Thus you are consecrated to God, through Our lady’s Im maculate Heart.
Action Plan
Through our consecration, we are empowered to rejoice in the good works done by others for the triumph of our Lady. It happens because our hearts are united in the mother. We will also be able to find out if and when we take a wrong route, instead of the one marked by Our Lady. Charity enables us to rejoice in the success of others. But do we get dejected when we fail? De we rue when undeserving people get success? But consecration helps us to rejoice in the success of all people. When we rise up to the level of Our Lady’s expectations about us, her triumph occurs.
But satan will prompt that this is not in your power to be holy. But you must take care to live fervently as in the moment when the Spirit penetrates your soul, and you make your consecration.
O Immaculate Heart of Mary, Bless me and enable me to give love to all I might meet in life as in the moment of consecra tion. Enable me to neglect the faults of others, which certainly get magnified by the Tempter. May I see every one as your beloved son or daughter just as you treat me like a favorite child. Eradi cate the sin of pride from me. Strengthen me so that I may not fall victim to the grand illusions of the tempter.
Give me the grace for gathering people for consecration to your Immaculate Heart, and also for joining hands to work for the great triumph. Your triumph will give us love and unity of soul, and make us open to the Spirit. Blessed Virgin Mother! Take charge of my heart so that it may not fall when the tempter pulls it towards him.
Word of God
“It is in him that we live, and move, and exist.” (Acts 17:28) 65
DAY -20
Message of Blessed Virgin Mary
Dear Children,
I am delighted as I get a taste of my triumph to come. As I told you, the triumph is always felt in the heart. Now, I have felt the same in your hearts which are joined to my heart. I feel that you are now closer to me and stronger. These blessings are the results of consecration. It is the Holy Spirit who renders the consecration fruitful.
Consecration is an act, not a wishful prayer. This act con nects the human soul to the Most Holy Trinity and in turn gets a transformation in the soul. Consequently, the soul is opened up to God and all creations. You now try to focus on my heart only. Do not turn your attention away so that I shall be always pres ent before you. Remember our hearts are one, united together. You shall find strength in my heart. Continue to be in touch with me and move forward. My promise of a gift for you is grace. I promised to give you everything. This gift of grace is everything. It leads you on to complete union with the Most Holy Trinity. De posit your trust in me. You shall find solutions to all your problems through my heart.
This then is the reason why I am your refuge. I pour grace into you so that you may get the strength to gather others to this unity. The required strength and sense of direction will be given to you through me. I am already with you to guide you. So you will be able to do all necessary things in a short time. Well, these things are not easily grasped. On your part, just do what I taught you. It is God who completes everything. Be sure, to remain in me is to be in grace, and through grace you are in the heart of my Son Jesus.
The Way forward
Consecration is in a way, a total renewal of your bap tism. Before baptism, you were slaves to the Satan. After it, you belong to Jesus. You are given to Jesus, through intense con secration and renewal of baptismal vows. This transfer happens only in the holiness conferred on the soul at consecration. This way is actually envisioned by God only. It is a way to God Himself. The consecrated ones are gifted to God, while evil and all asso ciated with evil are rejected. In baptism we had rejected satan and all evil. We offer ourselves now through Mary and thus glorify God more intensely. You may wonder how and why the intensity is greater. In all creations, only the Virgin Mother is perfect. So anything done through the Virgin Mother gives God greater glory.
Action Plan
God prefers to speak to the heart (it is the seat of soul) rather than to the mind. Our mind is the seat of our will. When Our Lady urges us to open our hearts, we are being asked to open our souls to receive the rain of graces. Through Consecration our hearts are joined to the heart of Divine Mother. Thus we get strength from the beating heart of the Divine Mother. She got great strength from the great sufferings and trials she had gone through in her life. We are transformed interiorly, to be fit to receive grace. We are asked to focus our vision on the Immaculate Heart. Thus we are in her protection and she is our refuge.
O Immaculate Heart of Mary, I pray intensely that your heart may be my refuge. In all my needs I shall come to you. I expect to receive guidance and strength from your heart. In my thoughts, words and deeds, teach me to seek only your heart. I hope to fill my heart with the triumph of your sacred heart. In times of sorrow, I seek solace only from your heart. Keep it Mother in the inner cockles of your heart, so that I might enjoy, love consolation and compassion of the Most Holy Trinity
Word of God
“Christ suffered for you and left an example for you to follow in his steps.” (1 Peter 2:21)
DAY -21
Message of Blessed Virgin Mary
My dear Children,
Listen carefully and learn. God wants to complete all things that had been initiated at my visit to Fahima. Heaven is going to shower graces on souls in an unprecedented manner.
Every soul can get showers of grace. You cannot see or hear it at a physical level. But it shall be felt in the soul. This is heaven’s intervention and co-operate with it. In the spiritual soli darity, I shall open a stream of graces in all people, through you, my consecrated ones. This stream will be overflowing with a tidal swell of more graces. The soul has to just will it and all impurities shall be washed away. When you say yes to my call for consecra tion, you will get the key to the tidal flow of graces. Your soul will become stronger, and your virtues will send down deep roots.
So I renew my invitation to respond to the heavenly Father’s call, and consecrate yourself to my Immaculate Heart. When you consecrate yourself, you open your soul towards the heart of the Heavenly Father and to my heart. Work diligently so that nobody is left out of the shower of graces. The heavenly Father is keen on this universal alliance. I wish to hear a resounding ‘ amen’ from all people. As a mother I would embrace all of them.
The Way forward
Consecration creates an otherworldly solidarity of hearts. Each heart undergoes change and transforms. When grace anoints a soul, change occurs. It gets filled in graces and thirsts for pleasing God. To persevere in this state, let the heart be consecrated so as to receive the heavenly Mother’s protection.
The Kingdom of God begins with Our Lady’s soul. When we are in it, we too will be drawn to the kingdom of God. All people conse crated to the Mother become one union in hearts.
Action Plan
Consecration deserves a strong conviction behind it. The hearts that receive a flood of graces must remain thankful. So consecration has to be renewed daily while help must be sought for tackling the challenges of daily life. Moreover, help all others who are devotees of Mother and who would consecrate themselves to the Immaculate Heart. There is need for the whole world to respond positively to Mother’s call. Let us wish that all accept Our Lady’s invitation. Every consecration is victory for the soul and a joyous one at that. Such a soul craves for giving glory to God. The sanctification of the soul is a great achievement too. So everyone may be prepared to make sacrifices and self denial for the sake of others who are yet to join it.
O Virgin Mother, fashion my heart like unto yours, En fold it with a wreath of sanctity studded with virtues Trans form my heart like the consecrated heart of yours, Accept and offer it to God as my gift given for God’s glory through you. Make me an instrument of yours, And thus let the world know more about your heart’s glory.
Word of God
“Make me strong today, Lord God of Israel!” (Judith 13:7) 71
DAY -22
Message of Blessed Virgin Mary
My dear Children
I bring to you joy from the heart of my son. We can re joice in everything accomplished so far. Also let us take care to remain faithful to the grace from above. This grace will prevent any fall from grace and thus God’s plan will be followed.
I am come with an abundance of graces, very specially with a halo of purity, decorated with virtues. I wish to place this halo on every head that bows before me in my alcove. Each of you should be a sign of God, in this world. Give me your soul and I will make you a sign of God here on earth.
God has a plan and He will fulfill it. This is the time when God opens the heavens to carry out a great transformation. Also He will close the gates of hell. This is time for three hearts to join your heart joining with the heart of Jesus and me. When you join us, you are going to get reconciliation, union and peace. They are in my heart awaiting you.
The Way forward
This is a time of grace and we might drink deeply from it. 72
This loving Father in heaven has taken care to send us a Mother. He knows the tenderness of her touch and her caresses. The heart of Jesus had melted many times when this mother smiled at Him. Jesus had found protection in her arms, comfort in her heart and wisdom in her words. Through this mother He gives us correction when we are in need of it, a smile to show His love for us, and tears when he weeps with us in our sorrows. She gently takes us to consecration and her triumph.
Action Plan
Through our consecration, we are pledging our unity for all eternity. We also agree to put up with all possible sufferings. The way of truth is met with disdain. But we have to shine and light the path. This pledge cannot be half hearted. The mission requires conviction about the triumph to come.
O Immaculate Heart of Mary, I believe in your triumph. I desire reconciliation, peace of mind and heart of peace. Kindly take this plea to the Father in Heaven. I pray for my soul to be come so brilliant as to shut out evil. Let my heart remain open, ex posing all its corners and crevices so that no blemish may remain hidden. I pray that your victory might happen firstly in my heart and only then I may be able to carry it for the world.
Word of God
“The standard you use will be the standard used for you.” (Matthew 7:2)
DAY -23
Message of Blessed Virgin Mary
Dear Children
This mission has its origin in heaven. It is heavenly Fa ther’s plan. Through consecration to my Immaculate Heart, I wish to bring all hearts into a single union and to lead it to the em brace of my Son. I am able to provide everything for it but I need your hearts. I want you, children, to place my call for consecration before all to come under the banner of my Immaculate Heart. You may not know the impact my heart has on this world. Receive the grace I intend to shower on you. I am here, to be your refuge in this world. Have no doubts about these things.
The Way Forward
Our Lady is very serious (as her tone of speech suggest ed). She pleads with us to be consecrated to her heart and also to live this call. The promised graces will flow into our hearts. She says that this time is important.
She asks us to readily join our hearts and abandon them into her care. Let us remind ourselves of the blessings from her through centuries and also those given in the present times. There is more to come in large measures.
Action Plan
Mother calls us to execute the Divine Will, at our best. The consecration is the means to do it. We are also directed to seek and receive the guidance and blessing from the Blessed Sac rament. Let us do her bidding. Let us stand before the Eucharist and contemplate the divine breath upon our souls, we are conse crated to the Triune God through our Mother.
We are invited to soar great heights! In fact we are in vited to the presence of the Father who would embrace us. It is a kind of coronation in heaven. Our sorrows and joys are our deco rations. Let us open our hearts to the Heavenly Father. We would also try to undo our will. Thereafter, only the commands of God will remain in our hearts. We will be growing in grace and virtues daily. We would feel the touch of God’s hands.
O Immaculate Heart of Mary! Embrace me and gift me to the Father in heaven. Enable me to meditate and grow in virtues and graces, after you. Enlighten my heart daily about the divine plan. Cultivate in me a longing for truth and justice.
May I remain in the heights where God wants me to be. When I live here, may I be other worldly. Amen.
Word of God
“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” (Psalm 119:105)
DAY -24
Message of Blessed Virgin Mary
My dear children,
The best gift you can give me is your consecration to the Immaculate Heart. Only when you make a gift of yourselves, I can gift you to my son Jesus. To be able to say ‘yes’ to God is answer to all your prayers. This is how it is. Human nature always asks why to every command. When you seek how you may or when you may obey the order, God will reveal solution to all your problems.
If you imitate my Immaculate Heart, you will wish to fol low all the wishes of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Thus you will be in a state of purity, filled with grace and shall practice virtues. Give me your heart fully, I shall give it all the graces given to me. The consecrated heart is left in my care eternally. So renew your consecration daily. I invite everyone to receive an eternal union with me.’
The Way Forward
Let us leave our hearts in the care of our Mother. We have not comprehended the depth and width of her Triumph. Any way it is a cause of celebration in heaven. We are invited to it. The unity of human hearts with the Immaculate Heart of Mary is cause of great happiness. Surely this involves much responsibility too. Participating hearts have to make big contributions also. The Mother demands it. We have to obey in all things asked for by the Father. Never ask why but always ask how it may be done. We have left the right to ask why, in the consecration itself. When the depth of our commitment increases, we will be able to discern the Will of God in clearer details. Finally our hearts will reflect the Will of God. God’s will becomes all in all. For us.
Action Plan
Receive with pleasure all trials arising out of consecra tion. These are your crosses. Carry them with patience. When the glory awaiting us in heaven is considered, the price we pay here in terms of sufferings is negligible. A single moment is heaven is worth all sufferings on earth. Heavenly Father sends to us diffi culties and worries with a reason. Our rewards in heaven will be great, if we receive the crosses with a happy heart.
Virtues exist only in actions. Those who are insulted have chance to practice humility. Blessed is the soul who receives af flictions in peace. The crown of glory is theirs. The triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary warrants merits in heaven for all sufferings.
O Immaculate Heart of Mary, I pray for strength to take with a smile, all sufferings from God. I understand that they are tests from heaven. May I burn with a desire for heaven. Send your angels to protect this consecrated heart. I abandon myself in your loving care. I am your child and wish you to keep me covered under your mantle. Bless me so that I shall have recourse to you always and find refuge in you.
Word of God
“All that we suffer in the present time is nothing in comparison with the glory which is destined to be disclosed for us.” (Romans 8:18)
DAY -25
Message of Blessed Virgin Mary
My dear children,
My invitation to you is for a special exchange of our hearts. Your consecration to my Immaculate Heart ought to be made as I received the annunciation. Such an act from your side, is glorifying my Son and He shall take it as a great gift from you. It was my Son who selected my heart before his incarnation. Now He invites you to be born in me. You are to meet Him exactly where the blood from my heart became His flesh. My Son is seated on the throne of my heart. He is there where He waited for permission to be born in me. I shall take you spiritually into my womb, and thus become your mother. Each one of you shall be my children. It is my Immaculate Heart that invites you.
The Way Forward
The most Holy Trinity has assigned a very special status to Mary. She is Queen Mother who keeps, administers, and dis tributes all graces of heaven. It is she who decides who might get what and how much. The graces of the Father, the virtues of the Son and the gifts of the Holy Spirit are channeled through the Holy Queen Mother.
In this world a child has a father and a mother. This is exactly the situation in heaven. God is the Father and the Holy Queen Mary is the mother, in a strict spiritual sense. Jesus the king of the elected got flesh from Blessed Virgin Mary. It is incumbent upon her to train the elect. Those who aspire to reach God through grace, have to accept Virgin Mother as their mother. This mother is plenitude, fullness of grace. The elect get grace from her.
The Blessed Virgin Mary is the spouse of the most Holy Spirit who works with her and in her and through her. That is how ‘the Word’ became flesh. The Spirit forms the elect in her, in a divine way.
Action Plan
We have to move to the Immaculate Heart, for refuge. From there, we can reach the Light that Christ is. Under her pro tection we can sanctify ourselves. Remember that we have al ready given away all our fears, and failures to her. We pledged all our strength and obedience to her. We shall renew our consecra tion daily and get directions from her. It is her delight to offer us at His feet. In return we must work for her triumph. Let us glorify her. Let us gather all souls to her feet. When she is referred to in no glorious terms, let us glorify her.
O Immaculate Heart of Mary, my heart is offered at your feet. Kindly take it in your hands and endow it with holiness. Give it a child’s candor and simplicity. Give me stamina, Mother to continue to work for your triumph. Allow me to never waste a moment for prayer. Keep me close to your heart. Treat me like a
mother, treating her new born child. Save me from all my weak nesses.
Word of God
“Draw me in your footsteps, let us run. The king has brought me into his rooms; you will be our joy and gladness.”
(Song of songs 1:4) 81
DAY -26
Message of Blessed Virgin Mary
My Dear Children,
I have you gathered around me to share a great news. I am inviting you to be my triumph. This call has been given through many centuries. I am repeating that for you. Thus you are getting grace from heave. Rejoice and share the grace with others also. What you have to do is to get more people to consecrate their hearts to my Immaculate Heart. That way you are creating heav
enly unity which is also a unity of mother and her children. You come together globally, and spiritually. Pray intently, for the con clusion of my triumph. I will be with you spiritually. Also I will be waiting for you at my Immaculate Heart, to let you into my heart. It is only you who can fulfill my earnest desire.
The Way Forward
God created the Blessed Virgin Mary for Himself only. She on her part never retained anything for her private self. She gave herself up totally, for God. She is in a perfect union with God, like the unity of her body and soul.
Our Lady is an echo of God. Through her, we can reach her Son, and finally the Most Holy Trinity. Through her we can get
salvation. Holy Mary who gave a body to Jesus, gives eternal life to us. Whatever she does, gets great results. She gives us purity of heart and proper focus, together with fruitfulness. Her mind enlightens us. Her heart deepens our humility. Her love inflames us. Her purity cleanses us.IN short the consecration makes us no
ble and great.
Action Plan
We ought to think of Our Lady only with gratitude. She lives in our hearts , always pouring out graces and gifts. Her love for us cannot be measured. She nurses the infant-like souls in us. She guides us personally. She protects us from ourselves and other external enemies. She intercedes for every soul before the Heavenly Father. The bond of consecration is the reason for these blessings.
O Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beseech you for the bless ing of a changed heart. Stock the fire of my love for God, angels fanning it. Let prayers emanate from me ceaselessly, keeping me in the divine presence of your Son. May your spouse, the Holy Spirit be in me forever. Amen.
Word of God
He went in and said to her, “ Rejoice, you who enjoy God’s favour! The Lord is with you.”
(Luke 2:28) 83
DAY -27
Message of Blessed Virgin Mary
My dear Children, Do you not remember the words Jesus spoke to the weeping women of Jerusalem? He asked them not to shed tears for him but for them and their children. He spoke with compassion about you and about this generation that has not seen the divine Light that Christ is.
I call upon you –this generation-to be my presence in this world. My request is not just for heightening your devotion. It is for consecration to my Immaculate Heart. Wish for sanctifi cation as if you are on fire. Ask my heart for grace to purify you and endow you with virtues. On your request you will get the grace. By constant practice they can be strengthened. The power of the Holy Spirit can put life into them. Consecration gives you my grace and the Holy Spirit complements it. Thus you can reach perfection. Nothing is beyond your power through consecration which will last for ever.
The Way Forward
The Holy Spirit waits for the arrival of His spouse in the heart. When she arrives to make her abode, the Holy Spirit also will make His presence total. The human soul will be able to com
municate with the Holy Spirit .The soul will be showered with gifts and graces. These are the results of the consecration. If, on the other hand, the consecration is imperfect, and the unification of the hearts is incomplete, the graces and gifts will be absent. But if the consecration is proper, there will be grac es galore.
Action Plan
To them who have a burning desire for holiness, the Divine Mother grants faith, which is her own incomparable faith. She also grants confidence, which is quite natural, since she is present with us. You do not have fear to face the Father because the mother is with you. As you have gifted yourself to Her , she will cover you with her gifts and graces. Thus you become what God wants you to be. The Holy Spirit will reside in you. What a change! Remember that all these are the consequences of con
O Immaculate Heart of Mary, I pray that your maternal heart may strengthen my faith and make it invincible; grant me deep humility, firm hope, and profound love of God. Holy Queen of Hearts, take control of my heart and make your dwelling there, with your spouse The Most Holy Spirit.
Word of God
And Mary said: “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour” (Luke 1:46-47)
DAY -28
Message of Blessed Virgin Mary
My dear Children,
I have great expectations about you. Rest assured that I am always with you. I want you to make it known widely, that the Heavenly Father cherishes the consecration to the Immaculate Heart. It will shine a light of grace on you. Consecrated hearts are open hearts and through them the world will become, at the physical and mental realms, a paradise.
I come to bring to the world, joy and consolation. Let me warn you affectionately, that you must allow my heart to shine through your heart, to the whole world. Stay in the peace of my Son, Jesus.
The Way Forward
The history of salvation began with Our Lady and it shall be completed, through her. It is clear that the Holy Spirit glorifies the Virgin Mother so that her Son Jesus would be glorified all the more through her. Now the Virgin Mother is seen and revered as the crown of all creations. Her womb is the portal through which Jesus entered this world in flesh. The world has to recognize this mystery. Every soul that would shine in sanctity may meet the
Lord in her Immaculate Heart. None will meet Mary unless they seek her with their hearts. Those who seek her through their hearts will not fail to meet her either. So let us glorify Mary for the greater glory of the Most Holy Trinity.
Action Plan
Begin our day with a look at the face of Our Lady and request her blessings. A child looks for the mother the first thing in the morning. If you don’t see the face of the mother, just cry and the mother will hurry to your side. Don’t be ashamed to cry out loudly. Catch hold of her hand and make sure you don’t leave it. Consecration assures her hand within your hand’s hold.
O Immaculate Heart of Mary, You have the power to change hearts. Do change my heart into a child’s heart. Fashion it to suit yours. Permit me to watch your face constantly. Through consecration I am holding your hand. Grant me the grace never to leave it or cease to look at your radiant face.
Word of God
“And for Mary, she treasured all these things and pondered them in her heart.” (Luke 2:19)
DAY -29
Message of Blessed Virgin Mary
My dear children,
All souls consecrated to my Immaculate Heart, are en titled to all my heavenly graces. In fact, there is no limit to the graces. You are the consummation of my triumph. I donate to you gifts of salvation. You are manifestations of His Love and Mercy. You are witnesses to my Son’s Sacred Heart. You are consecrated to my Immaculate heart and are partners in salvific work. Your full attention may be focused on the greater recognition of the Light that my Son is and also for the spread of my renown.
The Way Forward
In these end times, Our Lady shines like never before, in mercy, grace and power. She also brings through consecration, renewal of the Church. She brings back poor sinners through their conversion. She deploys a huge army to fight satan. She show
ers grace on her soldiers to sustain them in their battle for her triumph. Satan puts snares in the path to holiness, and so the mother herself comes to lead the battle. Her heels shall crush the head of the evil one, in the final battle.We also join the battle, and proclaim her our queen. Her triumph begins in our hearts which were dormant for too long a time.
Action Plan
Our consecration draws the public attention to Our Lady. This ensures that the graces showered by her reach every one. We are also called to be her torch bearers. Satan wages his war against the children of our lady. In salvific history, what satan lost by pride, Mary gained by humility. What satan lost through rebel
lion against God, Mary gained by complete submission. Through sin, the paradise was lost to humanity, but Mary has regained hu man hearts for the reign of the Sacred Heart as in Paradise. But the battle is far from over. The fight rages between the children of light and the forces of darkness. What we witness today, are the disruptions caused by this war. But humility will defeat pride.
O Immaculate heart of Mary, permit the glory of your triumph to be radiated through me too. Empower us to continue our hard fight for souls, under your banner. Allow me to forget myself and to continue to fight for you. Keep me Mother, in the battle front itself. Let virtues be my weapons. May I wield Truth as my sword. May my heart be strengthened with the word of God and His commands. Let prayer be my fortress. May I remain ever in unity with the Holy Spirit, and you. Fortify my soul with spiritual stamina when trials assail me. May I rejoice in your triumphant victory!
Word of God
“Yes, from now onwards all generations will call me blessed, for the Almighty has done great things for me.” (Luke 1:48-49)
DAY -30
Message of Blessed Virgin Mary
My dear Children,
In this world there are many ways before you to dis seminate the call to consecration to my Immaculate Heart. In fact this is also a call to self sanctification. Many are waiting for this call to consecrate and grow in virtues. Do not waste this chance. The world and you need the renewal and transformation through grace.
My triumph shall be both internal and external. The truth of my Son’s message will hit the world leaving out no corner of it. Enlighten all those who are already in this mission, about the urgency of the call. Do not doubt as to how these thing will come to pass: they will. The heavens shall release great power as to shake the world.
The battle field is everywhere. The fight is on the streets and in the sky, affecting every individual. Either a soul is protected by grace or is caught in the grasp of satan. You who hear me , ponder over these , seriously.
The Way Forward
It is certain God wants the Divine Mother to be known and revered more. Humanity is urged to consecrate their hearts to her and thereby experience her grandeur, her goodness, and her motherly mercies. They will know that the world needs her help and it will come to seek her help. Her acolytes will be apos
tles of the modern world. They will be ministers of her triumph .They are the burning torches of love of God. The fire in the hearts of the consecrated ones will pierce the sides of the enemy forces. These acolytes will not belong, in their minds, to this world. They will be like the clouds above, but they shall shower ‘truth’ upon the world. They will take the Immaculate Heart to all places of the world. The invitation is for all to join the ‘army’ of the mother for the final battle. The outcome of it all is mind boggling,.
Action Plan
Let us decide to be the apostles of these times. The Lord will give them the sword of truth to carry. They shall bring the marvels of consecration to those who are waiting for it. They may not be rich: but they shall be without a care in the world. You may find them amidst the chosen priests. They go where ever the Spir
it leads them to. They preach the love of God and the tenderness of God’s Mother.
O Immaculate Heart of Mary, make me an apostle of these times. Deploy me among your select units for special duty for your Son Jesus. Guide me in the battle. Send me to the world
so that I might win at least a single soul, for you to present to the Divine Father, as your gift. Give strength so that I might never waiver, but remain totally committed to your cause.
Word of God
“Then an angel appeared to him, coming from heaven to give him strength.” (Luke 22:43)
DAY -31
Message of Blessed Virgin Mary
My dear children,
Remember my request to you, to take the consecration to my Immaculate Heart, to the attention of the world. I promise to guide and protect all who work for this cause. Those who do, will find great favor with God.
Let me try to make you understand the magnitude of the desire of the Heavenly Father. He wants all human hearts to be joined to His heart, through my Immaculate Heart. Through my heart only God came to the world. So He wants to honor me and pour graces through me. God wants to share the wealth of heav
en with all souls. In the same vein, He wants to share my heart with all.
My Children, assemble all and prepare them for the great gifts arising out of the consecration to my Immaculate Heart. Come together, I will teach you its importance, give my graces, and imbue you with the power of the Holy Spirit to evangelize the multitudes to satisfy the wish of the Heavenly Father.
My solemn request to you all is to put your best into this matter. 93
The Way Forward
We know for certain that the apostles of these times are the true disciples of Christ. They will not brook any compro mise with truth. They will lead the world through the narrow path. They shall carry their crosses on their shoulders and rosaries in their hands. They have the name of the heavenly Mother in their hearts: their eyes reflect Christ. They make up a huge army, but all are united as one by grace obtained by consecration.
Action Plan
Those who are invited by the Divine Mother to be a part of her mission, will feel a burning sensation within their hearts. It will not subside at all as long as it gets the warmth of the mater nal heart. We have joined an army for a spiritual warfare. There are signs to show the war has begun. We on our part fight for victory. We draw strength from the cross that Jesus lays on our shoulders. After the cross, there is resurrection, And we too will rejoice.
We will complete our race and lower our heads for the victor’s wreath. Then we will realize that Our Lady was our guide: she was our light on the way. There were pits and snares all the way but we didn’t fall for them, because the guide foresaw them all. The consecration ensured our success.
O Immaculate Heart of Mary, keep me close to you. Cover 94
us with your mantle to protect us from external dangers.Give my soul refuge in your Immaculate Heart. Show me my place in God’s plan.
Word of God
“I was born for this, I came into the world for this, to bear witness to the truth; and all who are on the side of truth listen to my voice.” (John 18:37)
DAY -32
Message of Blessed Virgin Mary
My dear children,
I come to you to give everything necessary to fulfill God’s desire (for consecration to the Immaculate Heart).I give my heart to this world because of my great love for it. My Immaculate Heart is going to send another shower of grace upon mankind. Jesus came to this world, as knight of salvation from my womb. This time His Sacred Heart is giving tender love to His children, yet again through the Immaculate Heart.
Dear children, now realize how important every heart is for Jesus. When a heart is consecrated, the soul will find the heart of Jesus, in a profound way. Take this invitation to all. This heavenly grace will melt and mould their hearts after my Immac
ulate Heart. This is the only way for them to be drawn to heaven where they can rest in His light.
The Way Forward
From the hosts of Our lady, will emerge saints of the future times. They will have stood the test of fire and emerged victorious. They will be full of zeal and grace to fight against the forces of Evil. Focused on the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and illu
minated by her grace, they will fight evil. They will be sustained by 96
the mother’s hand, led by her spirit and protected under her man tle. The words and examples set by them shall draw the whole world to her Immaculate Heart. They will be surrounded by ene mies, but shall be victorious. They will glorify God.
They, who are joined to Our Lady’s heart, are indeed, the apostles of her triumph.
Action Plan
To work out one’s salvation, devotion to Our lady is re quired. To those who strive for perfection, it is a must. To have an intimate relationship with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, an honest union with our Lady is necessary. Her maternal instincts can guide people through the narrow path to heaven
The body of Mary is the depository of heavenly mynter ies: they will be dispensed to those who are humble of heart. We who are the elect are called into the secret paradise within the virgin Mother. From this mystic realm we are transformed into the perfect image of God. Let us be the example of unity, conversion and holiness.
O Immaculate Heart of Mary, I am given a call to per fection. Unite my soul with your soul, so that I may receive and accept the call. Make me perfect. Grant my soul the unity with you which is necessary to abide in perfection. Keep me, hidden in your womb, consecrated as your own. Enlighten me so that
I might fulfill the tasks I am called to complete. Send me to the fields where souls are ripe to be harvested, for their consecration and your triumph.
Word of God
“Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman robbed with the sun” (Revelation 12:1)
DAY -33
Message of Blessed Virgin Mary
Dearest Children,
Before you begin the act of consecration, before the first word of pledge is uttered, may I ask you to examine your inner motive. Consecration is a union of pure love. If purity is lacking, let the soul reflect on its motive. Only when the soul is overwhelmed by love for the Immaculate Heart, it may do the consecration.
Consecration is an act arising out of total abandonment to the Holy Mother. Her love is always total. Love is a gift of God. All virtues flow from it. If the consecration is based on love, it will flourish. When this principle is embedded in your hearts, I can take your hearts to my son Jesus. Today, I shall shape the atti
tude of hearts to make it ready for consecration.
The Way forward
The entire purpose of consecration is to bring all souls to the sinless state before the fall of the Adam and Eve (prelapsar ian state). As the focus of heaven is total sinless state, the con secration also can have no other purpose. It was for this reason the Father in heaven sent his only Son to this world. Viewed from this perspective, we can see that consecration brings to bear all qualities of Divine Mother. The Divine Mother acts in unison with
her Son Jesus. She dispenses the salvific graces from Jesus.
Action Plan
You do many things to please God. But do they please God? You may find out if you can apply the following tests.
Firstly, you will not be disturbed or worried when you fail to achieve your goal. You stay calm. Secondly, you will rejoice when any one does a good thing. Who did is less important than what happened. Thirdly, you do not reject any job as unworthy of you. All jobs are equal before you. Fourthly, you do not look for recognition or acknowledgement. You are happy that you gave joy to God. Finally you are prepared in your mind, to leave what
ever you were doing to another and remain calm.
O Immaculate Heart of Mary, grant me through my con secration, peace and calm of mind. Let no desire cloud my mind. Allow me to be selfless, never seeking my glory but the triumph of your Heart. Let me do my duties, for the glory of God. In my consecration, I give God my past, present and future, all my joys and my sorrows, prayers and sacrifices, all that I am, whatever I will be as my heavenly Father shapes me to be.
Word of God
“We are well aware that God works with those who love him, those who have been called in accordance with his purpose, and turns everything to their good.” (Romans 8:28)
Mother of my Lord Jesus Christ, Most Blessed Virgin Mary, I accept with my full heart, your invitation to consecrate my self to you, and through your Immaculate Heart, to the most Holy Trinity. Now, I do consecrate myself to your Immaculate Heart. Here after, Mother, take me in your arms and offer me ,like a gift, to the heavenly Father. Trough your intercession, dear mother, appoint me an apostle of Jesus, to work for His Kingdom, wher ever He places me. Now and here I dedicate myself, to stand firm with your Son Jesus, and you my Mother, in this battle of end times for world peace. At Fatima, you did promise the conversion of Russia. Mother fulfill your promise, wholly and in full measure, for the whole world.
Holy Virgin, queen of the apostles, enlarge our mind scape and enlighten it with light of the sun you wear as your robe. In this war with darkness, give us protection in the fortress of your Immaculate Heart. Give us the sword of truth and armour of virtues, for our defense.
Mother most dear, now I renew, my total allegiance to Pope, the Vicar of Christ. I unite myself with him through this consecration. May the triumph of your Immaculate Heart, be com plete on earth at this point of time.
I promise to bear witness to the divine presence of our Lord Je sus Christ, in Holy Eucharist,. We acknowledge the Holy Eucharist as the only source of unity for your church. We pray that we may be blessed to give full attention to the Holy Eucharist. Me we receive self confidence and conviction from the Holy Eucharist. May I go on towards perfection and let my being radiate God’s light for all.
Virgin most chaste, depository of all heavenly virtues, abide in my soul. Bring along your Divine Spouse The Holy Spirit to sanctify this consecration and make it fruitful. Let my soul be imbued with the power of the Spirit and live always in prayer and hope of eternal life. Let me abide in the Father and at the same time live in this world without a care. Let the whole world feel the movement of the Holy Spirit rippling in all hearts.
I, .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. (name) with all angels and saints in heaven as my witness, and in unity with my mother Church, renew my vows of baptism. I offer to you, dear Mother, my past, present and future, pains pleasures and my sacrifices, whatever I am and what ever I would ever be.
I offer to you, my commitment to your heart, for all eternity so that I may be united with your triumphant heart for ever.
Name :
About this book
This book of prayer has taken its basic contents from an open document on a reported private revelation from Our Lady. It is now available at days prayer-tri umph. Under canon law 826 paragraph # 3, the document had received approval from Rev. John W Rhode Episcopal Vicar Santa Barbara Pastoral Region of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. The publication complies with the Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church on Faith and Morals. This book in modified diction has also received approval from Mar Arackal, Bishop of the Eparchy of Kanjirappally, Kerala India.
This book which is an aid to Consecration to the Immac ulate Heart of Mary has a certain focus which is world peace at all levels of society. At the individual level a human being has to have the peace that Christ offers to all and which very few enjoy. Peace should bind the members of the family, the neighborhood and the society at large. The world can have peace only when Christ reigns over the world. For this to happen, we have to take Christ to all creations on this earth. So let us pray to the Father in Heaven to send workers to the harvest of souls.
This book and the companion book ” Angel of Peace” which is under print, are intended to bring together those who
are consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary in a group to pray for world peace through evangelization, particularly to bring freedom of religion to all countries of the world.
The prayer group is “ Hosts of the Lord”. They do not meet in designated places to pray: they pray together spiritually. They have one focus: take Christ to the whole World.
The consecrated ones are already under the special com mand of Our Lady. So there is unity among them. They also pray to the Angels to influence the hearts of the people of the whole world. We learn that billions of angels are ready to help human ity. We have to pray to them through Our Lady who is the Queen of Angels.
The Book, Angel of Peace, sets forth the Teachings of the Catholic Church as given in the CCC and in the catechism classes held by Pope, St. John Paul II, about angels and their role in evangelisation. The book also contains, among others, prayers to St. Joseph, the heavenly patron of the Church.