The color of blood is red and a   cloth dipped in blood will also turn red.  John the apostle has written about  a person who comes with a robe dipped in blood.  He is  called Faithful and True, who judges in righteousness  and makes war (Rev. 19:11) and who  will rule the nations with a rod of iron‘ (Rev 19: 15). ‘He is clothed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is called The Word of God’ (Rev: 19:13). This Word  once became  flesh and lived among us (Jn 1:14). ‘He will appear a second time, not to deal with sin, but to save  those who are eagerly waiting for him’ (Heb 9:28).

It is not the first time Jesus is wearing a red robe. Once his  enemies  made him wear a   scarlet robe (Mt 27:28). Jesus who ‘gave his back to those who struck him and cheeks to those who pulled out the  beard’ (Isa 50:6) did not protest when he was  stripped and   a scarlet  robe put on him forcefully. This  change of dress was with the sole purpose of mocking him. The evangelist has recorded that  after mocking Jesus they  stripped him of the  scarlet robe and  put his own clothes on him (Mt 27:31).

Jesus in scarlet  robe was an undertrial waiting to be  presented  before the judge. But Jesus who is to come  with a robe dipped in blood is the  ultimate judge. He is  ‘King of kings and Lord of lords’ (Rev 19:16). A day is coming  when every knee should bow at his name (Phil 2:10-11).  

The scarlet robe, once a symbol of  insult and ignominy, has transformed into a red  robe, the symbol of  glory. The period in between is the age of grace granted to mankind from heaven. In the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, the rich man was clothed in a purple  robe.  His life was a celebration of pleasure and  by the time he woke up from the slumber of  dissipation,  he found himself at an unpleasant place, far from Abraham’s lap. And  a return  from that place was  never possible. 

The robes of  Christians always have the  shade of blood on them. Jesus has  forewarned us that if they persecuted him, they will also persecute us.  If this prophecy is not fulfilled  in us, it simply means that we have not yet become Christians. To those who are  not  willing to wear the red robe of insult, injury, persecution and mockery for the sake  of Jesus’ name, standing before Jesus clothed in a robe  dipped in blood would be  difficult.

 We have entered an era when  thousands and millions more are going to be added to the long list of Christians who overcame the power of Satan  ‘by the blood  of the Lamb, and by the  word of their testimony, and who loved not their lives unto death’ (Rev 12:11). Let us effectively utilize these days of grace to wash our robes so as to acquire the right to the tree of life and to enter through the  gates into the city’ (Rev 22:14).

The merciful Lord who has promised to transform our scarlet like sins into snow white (Isa 1:18)  is waiting with white garments  to  clothe us (Rev 3:5). But it is our  duty to   prove our worthiness to  receive that  white robe. Let us prove it by  taking  the  firm decision ‘to go forth unto him without the camp, bearing his reproach’ (Heb 13:13).  


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