May Is The Month Of Mary


Bring Flowers of the Fairest.

Bring flow’rs of the fairest,

Bring flow’rs of the rarest,

From garden and woodland

And hillside and vale;

Our full hearts are swelling,

Our Glad voices telling

The praise of the loveliest

Rose of the vale.

O Mary! we crown thee with blossoms today,

Queen of the Angels, Queen of the May,

O Mary! we crown thee with blossoms today,

Queen of the Angels, Queen of the May.

Our voices ascending,

In harmony blending,

Oh! Thus may our hearts turn

Dear Mother, to thee;

Oh! Thus shall we prove thee

How truly we love thee,

How dark without Mary

Life’s journey would be.

O Mary! we crown thee with blossoms today,

Queen of the Angels, Queen of the May,

O Mary! we crown thee with blossoms today,

Queen of the Angels, Queen of the May.

O Virgin most tender,

Our homage we render,

Thy love and protection,

Sweet Mother, to win;

In danger defend us,

In sorrow befriend us,

And shield our hearts

From contagion and sin.

O Mary! we crown thee with blossoms today,

Queen of the Angels, Queen of the May,

O Mary! we crown thee with blossoms today,

Queen of the Angels, Queen of the May.

Of Mothers the dearest,

Oh, wilt thou be nearest,

When life with temptation

Is darkly replete?

Forsake us, O never!

Our hearts be they ever

As Pure as the lilies

We lay at thy feet.

O Mary! we crown thee with blossoms today,

Queen of the Angels, Queen of the May,

O Mary! we crown thee with blossoms today,

Queen of the Angels, Queen of the May.

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