Mind Your Body

We would suggest you take some extra care  about  your body  these days. Physical fitness is one thing  that  helps a  person the  most in sustaining a  healthy  mind  within  the  body. A healthy body  that is  host to   a healthy mind  will  give us  more  flexibility  in  making  decisions that  are going to … Continue reading Mind Your Body

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Yesterday, Today,Tomorrow

When we say yesterday, today and  tomorrow together, our  thoughts naturally take us to  eternity.  Time is but a  miniscule  piece  carved out of  infinity, of which   we know  very little. When we  say that  our  God is  eternal, we  understand that  God  exists beyond and  without  time.  But our existence  is  bounded by … Continue reading Yesterday, Today,Tomorrow

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No Time To Doze

The venue: Garden of Eden, the  most  beautiful of places that God created Time: Sometime  after creation but immediately  before the  Fall Original Actors: God the Father, Adam and Eve Villain : No doubt, the  ancient serpent. We are familiar  with  what happened in  the  Garden of Eden.  The serpent   tempted  Eve to  eat… Continue reading No Time To Doze

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Mary – Immaculate

The Catholic Church believes and  declares that   the  Blessed Virgin was Immaculate. Yet  for many, the  very thought of  immaculate conception is  a baffling  question. Nowhere in the  Scripture  do we  come across any reference  about the  immaculate conception of  Mary.  But  in  extracanonical  writings dating back to  the second century,  there are indications… Continue reading Mary – Immaculate

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Die In The Lord

Christians live in  Christ. It is natural  that they should   also die in Christ  at the appointed  time. What does  dying in Christ mean? It refers to the death of a person  who, having  reconciled  himself with God, crosses the  threshold of  eternity  with  the  firm hope that   the doors of heaven are … Continue reading Die In The Lord

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My Son, My Son

Today the  number  of  parents shedding  tears  for their  children  is on the  rise.  It is  when  their  children start living an immoral life totally  disregarding   Jesus Christ and his   Gospel  that  the parents  realize the  gravity of the issue.  For any such parent who  has to   helplessly watch   their  children… Continue reading My Son, My Son

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The Price Of Holiness

What does  holiness cost? Many times it is  our own life.  In our effort to   flee from sin, perhaps no doors would be  opened before  us.  Is it an excuse to  compromise with sin citing ‘compelling  circumstances’?  As for a  Christian, there is only  one option and  it is   standing against  sin.  Jesus… Continue reading The Price Of Holiness

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Get Behind Me, Satan !

“Get Behind me, Satan!”  Dare to say this?  This is the  only language understood by Satan.  Neither  dialogue nor persuasion is  effective  against the   devil. He will not  understand them, but when we command   in the  name of  Jesus Christ, to flee  from us, he has to  go.  Knowing this, James writes: ‘Resist… Continue reading Get Behind Me, Satan !

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In Those Days

‘In those  days a decree went out  from Emperor Augustus that all the  world should be  registered. This was the  first registration and was  taken while  Quirinius was  governor of Syria. All went to their own towns to be registered. Joseph also went  from the town of Nazareth  in Galilee to Judea, to the city… Continue reading In Those Days

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Reed That Never Shakes

‘As they went away, Jesus began to speak to the crowds about  John: “What did you go out into the  wilderness to look at? A reed shaken by the wind? What then did you go out to see? Someone dressed in soft robes?…… “( Mt 11:7-8). John the Baptist was one  person  whom Jesus  praised… Continue reading Reed That Never Shakes

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