Holy Family Prayers


Holy Family

Heavenly Father, You have given us the model of life in the holy family of Nazareth. Help us to make our family another Nazareth where love, peace, and joy reign. Teach us to see Jesus in the members of our families, especially in their distressing disguise. May we love one another as God loves each of us, more and more each day, and forgive each other’s faults as you forgive our sins. Help us take whatever You give and give whatever You take with a big smile. Amen.

–     Mother Theresa of Calcutta

Prayer to the Holy Family

Lord, You intended for the Holy Family to be an example for all, and for the Holy Spirit to enlighten our homes.

May we, like them, be able to live according to the family virtues and stand united by the strength of Your love before meeting again for eternity in the joy of Your house. Amen.

Prayer to the Holy Family

Lord Jesus Christ, who being made subject to Mary and Joseph didst consecrate domestic life by thine ineffable virtues; grant that we, with the assistance of both, may be taught by the example of Thy Holy Family and may attain to its everlasting fellowship. Who livest and reignest world without end. Amen.

Family Prayer

God made us a family, we need one another, we love one another, we forgive one another, we work together, we play together, we worship together, together we use God’s word, together we grow in Christ, together we love all men, together we serve our God, together we hope for Heaven, these are our hopes and ideals, help us to attain them, O God, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayer for My Family

God our Father, source of all our family has and is, help us to follow the example of the family of Your Son, the Holy Family of Nazareth. May we love one another as they did, and come to share eternal happiness with them in Heaven. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Holy Family Short Prayer

God, watch over our family, help us to pray together, help us to stay together, help us to love and respect one another. Amen.

A Prayer for a Family

O dear Jesus, I humbly implore You to grant Your special graces to our family. May our home be the shrine of peace, purity, love, labor, and faith. I beg You, dear Jesus, to protect and bless all of us, absent and present, living and dead.

O Mary, loving Mother of Jesus, and our Mother, pray to Jesus for our family, for all the families of the world, to guard the cradle of the newborn, the schools of the young, and their vocations.

Blessed Saint Joseph, holy guardian of Jesus and Mary, assist us by your prayers in all the necessities of life. Ask of Jesus that special grace which He granted to you, to watch over our home at the pillow of the sick and dying, so that with Mary and with you, Heaven may find our family unbroken in the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Amen.

Catholic Holy Family Collect

Let us pray [for peace in our families] Father, help us to live as the Holy Family, united in respect and love. Bring us to the joy and peace of your eternal home. Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.

–     New Saint Joseph Sunday Missal

Prayer to Obtain Favors

Hail and blessed be the hour and moment in which the Son of God was born of the most pure Virgin Mary, at midnight, in Bethlehem, in the piercing cold. In that hour vouchsafe, O my God! to hear my prayer and grant my desires, through the merits of our Savior Jesus Christ, and His blessed Mother. Amen.

(It is piously believed that whoever recites the above prayers fifteen times a day from the feast of St. Andrew (Nov. 30th) until Christmas will obtain what is asked.)

–     Imprimatur + Michael Agustine, Archbishop of New York, New York, Feb. 6, 1897

Consecration to the Holy Family

O Jesus, our most loving Redeemer, who having come to enlighten the world with Thy teaching and example, didst will to pass the greater part of Thy life in humility and subjection to Mary and Joseph in the poor home of Nazareth, thus sanctifying the Family that was to be an example for all Christian families, graciously receive our family as it dedicates to consecrate itself to Thee this day. Do Thou protect us, guard us, and establish among us Thy holy fear, true peace, and concord in Christian love: in order that by living according to the divine pattern of Thy family we may be able, all of us without exception, to attain eternal happiness.

Mary, dear Mother of Jesus and Mother of us, by thy kindly intercession make this our humble offering acceptable in the sight of Jesus, and obtain for us His graces and blessings.

O Saint Joseph, most holy Guardian of Jesus and Mary, help us by thy prayers in all our spiritual and temporal needs; that so we may be enabled to praise our divine Savior Jesus, together with Mary and thee, for all eternity.

Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be three times. Amen.

J + M + J

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, like You we are members of the Father’s family. We pray that our family love may reflect His love on its openness to all people, may we forgive even when not forgiven, and be patient with others’ weaknesses.

Jesus, give us peace, unity, and strength to meet the difficulties of our daily living, may we use our family resources to improve the quality of life for ourselves and all people. Let us show joy in serving for whatever we do for others we do for You.

Mary, inspire us, that our love may be strong but not possessive. Let our willingness to give depend on the needs of others rather than the cost of giving.

Joseph, help us to be attentive to the Father’s will. Let us be ready, as You were, to act whenever He calls us. Amen.

Prayer to St. Joseph

O Saint Joseph, whose protection is so great, so strong, so prompt before the throne of God, I place in you all my interests and desires.

O Saint Joseph, do assist me by your powerful intercession, and obtain for me from your Divine Son all spiritual blessings, through Jesus Christ, our Lord, So that, having engaged here below your heavenly power, I may offer my thanksgiving and homage to the most Loving of Fathers.

O Saint Joseph, I never weary contemplating you and Jesus asleep in your arms; I dare not approach while He reposes near your heart. Press Him in my name and kiss his fine head for me and ask him to return the Kiss when I draw my dying breath.

Saint Joseph, Patron of departed souls, please pray for us and all those who have died this night. Amen.

A Husband’s Daily Prayer

As a husband I beseech Thee, a Triune God, make me unselfish, cheerful, trustful, thrifty, and a devoted companion. If I am blessed by Fatherhood, I ask the additional grace of helpfulness and good example. May our family be modeled upon the Holy Family. Amen.

Prayer for a Mother

O Lord, bestow Your infinite grace and blessing upon Your servant.

May Almighty God grant you continual wisdom, loving kindness, and strength to keep us together as a happy family.

May all your days be filled with love and joy, and may happiness and peace be His strength in your soul.

May God defend you from all harm and shower His blessings upon you now and for evermore. Amen.

Prayer for the Little Ones Unborn

Our Father, we thank you for letting us share in the gift of life. We know that all your children are precious to You. We pray that You may give special protection to the little ones not yet born.

Guard them from those who would do them harm. Permit them to enter the world safely, to live in the light of day, and to make their way to the place that You have prepared for them. Grant that every mother would welcome her child with love as Mary welcomed her Divine Son. We ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord. Amen.

Prayer for Parents

O Almighty God, You gave us the commandment to honor our father and mother. In Your loving kindness hear my prayer for my parents. Give them long lives and keep them well in body and spirit. Bless their labors; keep them always in Your care. Bless them generously for their loving care for me. Grant that, through Your grace, I may always be their support and comfort, and that, after our life together on earth, we may experience joy together, praising You forever.


Parents’ Prayer for Their Children

O God the Father of mankind, who hast given unto me these children, and committed them to my charge to bring them up for Thee, and to prepare them for eternal life: help me with Thy heavenly grace, that I may be able to fulfill this most sacred duty and stewardship. Teach me both what to give and what to withhold; when to reprove and when to forbear; make me gentle, yet firm; considerate and watchful; and deliver me equally from the weakness of indulgence, and the excess of severity; and grant that, both by word and example, I may be careful to lead them in the ways of wisdom and true piety, so that at last I may, with them, be admitted to the unspeakable joys of our true home in heaven, in the company of the blessed Angels and Saints. Amen.

Prayer for a Sick Child

St. Gerard, who, like the Savior, loved children so tenderly and by your prayers freed many from disease and even death, listen to us who are pleading for our sick child. We thank God for the great gift of our son/daughter and ask Him to restore our child to health if such be His holy will. This favor, we beg of you through your love for all children and mothers. Am

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