O Sacred Head Surrounded- Saint Bernard Of Clairuvax

O Sacred Head, surrounded

by crown of piercing thorn!

O bleeding Head, so wounded,

reviled and put to scorn!

Our sins have marred the glory

of Thy most Holy Face,

yet angel hosts adore Thee

and tremble as they gaze

I see Thy strength and vigor

all fading in the strife,

and death with cruel rigor,

bereaving Thee of life;

O agony and dying!

O love to sinners free!

Jesus, all grace supplying,

O turn Thy face on me.

In this Thy bitter passion,

Good Shepherd, think of me

with Thy most sweet compassion,

unworthy though I be:

beneath Thy cross abiding

for ever would I rest,

in Thy dear love confiding,

and with Thy presence blest.

But death too is my ending;

In that dread hour of need,

My friendless cause befriending,

Lord, to my rescue speed:

Thyself, O Jesus, trace me,

Right passage to the grave,

And from Thy cross embrace me,

With arms outstretched to save.


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