Sacred Heart


We call Jesus’ Heart the Most Sacred Heart. Why is it  sacred? Because it is Jesus’ Heart. Why should we  adore the Sacred Heart? Because it is Jesus’ Heart.

What is  so special about the   heart of  Jesus so as to be  elevated to the  level of  something to be adored? The reason  is best explained in  the last thing the  Roman soldiers did before permitting the body of Jesus to be removed from the cross. ‘One of the  soldiers pierced his side with a spear, and at once  blood and water  came out’ ( Jn19:34). This incident  is  recorded   by John only,  because  he was the sole  disciple who stood with  Jesus through his  final hours.

It is then  no wonder that  sixteen centuries after  John wrote  about what  he  witnessed at Calvary, another  person whose heart was so close to Jesus had a  vision of  the  sacred heart of Jesus on 27th December, the  feast day of  St John the Evangelist. It was St Margaret Mary Alacoque. Like John she also experienced, though mystically, the  feelings of a   wounded heart that loved humanity so much.  John had a personal experience of  the  heartbeats of his loving   Master. The gospels introduce only one person as reclining   next to Jesus and it was John.  ‘One of his disciples – the one whom Jesus loved- was reclining next to him’ (Jn 13:23).  John himself  acknowledges in the  gospel that the   disciple whom Jesus loved was none other  than the author.  

So Sacred Heart is about  love; the boundless and infinite love of Jesus towards us.The devotion to the Sacred Heart of  Jesus is a blessing  given to those whom  Jesus loves.

Two years  after the first apparition,  Margaret Mary Alacoque received another vision of the   Sacred Heart  in which  Jesus told her; “Behold the Heart that has so loved men. … Instead of gratitude I receive from the greater part (of humankind) only ingratitude.” 

June is the  month dedicated  to  the devotion of  the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It is in essence an act of   reparation, because we have been giving  ingratitude only to  the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus which he permitted to be  pierced to prove that  he loved us to the  last drop of his blood. He wanted to tell us that  his love goes beyond his death. ‘ Love never ends’ ( 1 Cori 13:8).

Margaret Mary Alacoque  loved Jesus to the extent of  signing  a   testament  consecrating her life to the  Most  Sacred Heart of Jesus, with her own blood. With the  help of a pocket knife, she inscribed  the   name of  her loving Savior on her breast and  with this blood she signed the  testament.

When the  scars of the  wound started fading, she  replaced the knife with  fire to recreate the  image of the ‘name  that is above every name’( Phil 2:9) again on her breast.

Let us also   come closer to the loving heart of Jesus  and  inscribe his name in our hearts with a simple prayer:

‘O most holy Heart of Jesus, fountain of every blessing, I adore You, I love You, and with a lively sorrow for my sins, I offer You this poor heart of mine. Make me humble, patient, pure, and wholly obedient to Your will. Grant, good Jesus, that I may live in You and for You.’
