Mary Had A Little Dream


Mary was no ordinary woman. She was wealthy and beautiful. She was well known in her locality. At the outset, it looked that she had everything for a happy and contented life. But it was not to be so as she had a major problem haunting her. She was under a severe demonic possession. Not one, but seven evil spirits were hunting down her for long. Imagine the sorry plight of a poor woman afflicted by a group of evil spirit. When we speak of seven evil spirits, bring to our mind the seven deadly sins viz. Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy and Pride. Nothing good could come out of her and she lived a pathetic life.

We know Mary, the woman from Magdala. She had a dream of getting rid of those seven evil spirits some day.

She was lucky that she could meet Jesus from Nazareth who drove out the evil spirits from her. She was cured of her spiritual, mental and physical illnesses, all in a single stroke. How could she thank Jesus for this great favor? She followed Jesus till the very end, right upto the cross ane even beyond. She was present when Joseph and Nicodemus buried Jesus. She was there at the tomb in the early hours of the day after sabbath. She was the first to see the empty tomb. And it was to her that Jesus gave the greatest blessing of seeing him for the first time after resurrection, a blessing which he reserved exclusively for her. Jesus commissioned her with the mission of testifying to his disciples about his resurrection; ‘Go to my brothers and say to them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and to your God’ ( John 20:17).

Mary obeyed her master’s instructions and gave witness before the disciples saying,”I have seen the Lord”. Church honours Mary Magdalene by addressing her as ‘the Apostle to the Apostles’ and celebrates her feast on 22nd July. Tradition testifies that Mary Magdalene is the same person who anointed Jesus with oil at Simon’s house and Mary of Bethany, the sister of Lazarus.

What makes Mary Magdalene particularly important in our days is that traditionally christians used to beg her intercession for delivering them from sins against chastity. In a world obsessed with the philosophy that the desires of the flesh should be satisfied at any cost, Mary Magdalene’s life should motivate us to lead a holy life. Sixth and ninth commandments are so important that breaking them will deprive us of our eternal salvation. Our Virgin Mother has revealed to us that she is weeping at the sight of thousands of her children going to eternal hell due to sins of the flesh.

Mary had a dream, which she realised with blessings from Jesus. She became a saint in that process. She got the courage to be with Jesus in his last moments. Naturally she was the first to witness the resurrection too. All because she was delivered from evil spirits.

Do you have the same dream of getting liberated from the bondage of evil spirits? If yes, ask for the intercession of St Mary Magdalene.
As sins against the sixth and ninth commandments increase in volume and gravity, we need her intercession more than ever before. She, who is the role model of penance and steadfast faith in Jesus Christ, will help us with her prayers.

Let us pray:

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
St. Mary Magdalene, woman of many sins,
Who by conversion became the beloved of Jesus,
Thank you for your witness that Jesus forgives
Through the miracle of love.
You who already possess the eternal happiness
In his glorious presence,
Please intercede for me so that some day
I may also share in the same everlasting joy. Amen.
