A Parent’s Prayer

Most merciful Jesus, I offer my children to You today. Please accept them and take care of them. No other person can understand my sorrows and anxieties and give me a greater help. Give me the grace to bring up my children as You want of me, because without Your help my work will not be fruitful. Purify my actions and enlighten my teachings before my children. Free them from sin, teach them to grow in love, protect them from bad company, help them in their studies, and make them loving and merciful to the poor, the unfortunate and the suffering people. Keep them in good health and may Your Holy Spirit help them to grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. May they grow for the sake of God’s glory, the good of others and the satisfaction of their parents and when after death I appear before You, My judge, let Your mother take good care of my children. I promise hereafter I shall serve You, trust You and spread this devotion. Amen.


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