We are living in an  age of grace. Year after year we  experience our Lord’s blessings, but often fail to acknowledge them and thank him.

As we enter the twilight moments of  2024, the most important  thing   that  God expects from us   is nothing but  our words of gratitude. As the best way to express our feelings of gratitude to our  Lord, let us join in praising and worshipping him in this blessed new year eve.

Jesus came to the world to proclaim, among other things,  ‘the year of the Lord’s favor’ (Lk 4:19). He was quoting from  prophet Isaiah, who had something  more to  add to it; ‘….to proclaim the  year of the Lord’s favor, and the day of vengeance of our God…’( Isa 61:2).

So it can go either way.    ‘If you are willing to  accept   it’ (Mt 11:14) Jesus came to  proclaim  the   good news of the Lord’s favor.  If you refuse to accept the  good news,  the days will turn into days of  vengeance of  our God. And that day brings with it  the ‘fearful prospect of judgment, and a fury of  fire that will consume the adversaries’ (Heb 10:27).

Standing at the threshold of a new year, we are  really at a crossroads.  Whether to make the new year a  year of the Lord’s favor, or to make it  a series of days that  would   witness God’s vengeance befalling humanity depends on our decision.

Paul the apostle also quotes  Isaiah saying; ‘At an acceptable time I have listened to you,  and on a day of salvation I have helped you.’ He goes on to add that  now is the acceptable time, and now is the day of salvation (2 Cor 6:2). For us believers, in spite of all that we  have witnessed,  it was an acceptable time because God’s mercy protected us throughout  the year. And in Jesus, we hope that  humanity will  be willing to  accept   the  coming year as  their days of salvation.

Let us pray for the world to accept  Jesus Christ as  Lord and  Savior in this new year. And to make it happen,  let us pledge to bear witness to Jesus Christ in everything, big or small, we do. ‘Let our light shine  before others, so that they may see our  good works and give glory to  our Father in heaven’ (Mt 5:16). And let this not  become another  routine  pledge that we  take every  new year.

Wish you all a very blessed year ahead.