Words Of A Loving Mother


We know that Mary, our Mother and the Mother of the Church has been appearing at many locations in the recent past.The sharp increase in the number of  Marian  apparitions  is itself a big sign  to humankind.  Wherever she appeared, Mary’s message was the same. It is a call  to repentance. Unless we return to God in a true spirit of  prayer, penance and reparation, the days ahead will be  difficult. If humanity continues offending the Father,  coming  days  will be that  of  suffering and  calamities. Mary has  nothing else to  tell us  except  a tearful  warning  about the  need to prepare for those days   trusting in   the strength of prayer.

Though the essence of  Marian apparitions  everywhere  is the  same,  we  feel that  contemplating  her messages given at different locations separately would be more beneficial. This small compilation  is an attempt  towards this  end.


It was during the  six month period starting  13 May 1917 through  13 October 1917 that  Our Lady appeared to  Lucia, Fransesco and Jacinta Fatima. She appeared once again in 1925, this time to  Lucia alone. Major messages  from  our Lady at  Fatima were:

Constant prayer is the  need of the hour

We should pray  the Rosary

Prayers are needed  to   bring peace to the  world.

Many sinners go to  hell because  there  is nobody to pray for them

We should give special  attention  in praying for the sinners

Acts of reparation  are  must. They should be offered for the  conversion of sinners.

Reparation should be  done for the blasphemies  and  offenses against  God. 

We should  grow in  devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

The need to consecrate Russia  to the Immaculate Heart

The promise that  ‘In the  end my Immaculate Heart will triumph’

Another promise for those  who devoutly observe  five consecutive first Saturdays was also given at Fatima. Those who go to confession and receive Holy Communion, pray  Rosary and spend at least  15 minutes in the  company of the Mother  meditating on 15  mysteries of the Rosary will be given  every grace needed for the  salvation of their souls at the hour of their death.

Our Lady taught a special prayer also at Fatima. The prayer, ‘O My Jesus….. ‘ that we  recite after each mystery  of the Rosary  has its origin at Fatima.


In February 1858, Our Lady appeared to Bernadette Soubirous. Mary  was holding a Rosary  at that time.  Her message was:

‘Penance, penance, penance. Pray for the sinners’. The Blessed Virgin told  Bernadetta that  she could not be made happy  in this world, but promised her happy days  beyond this  world. Onlookers  observed that the face of Bernadette was radiant with joy  during the  first  seven apparitions. But from the  eighth onwards her face  became sad and  it betrayed a  certain  degree of inexplicable sorrow. Then she started  doing  incomprehensible things like  kissing the  dirty  land beneath, and putting the mud from there  on her face. She started eating bitter leaves. Many thought she has gone out of her senses.

During the  sixteenth  apparition   Our Lady told  Bernadetta that she was  ‘the Immaculate’.

In  a nutshell the Marian message from  Lourdes is a call to pray for the  conversion of  sinners. Equally important is the need to live a life of reparation   and  offer the  sufferings in  this world in a  spirit of  reparation looking forward  to our eternal reward in heaven.


The face of the Mother of God who appeared to two shepherd children, Melanie and  Maximin in September 1846  was almost always  gloomy.  She told the   children that  she had come from heaven to  tell them something very important. The gist of   the Marian   messages at  La Salette were:

Unless men return from evil, the  hand of  my  son will fall upon them with all strength.  I may not be able to  prevent it anymore.

You should pray more. However lengthy your prayers are, it will not be sufficient  to pay for  what I do for you. Let those who do not find time to  pray, at least  say an  ‘Our  Father’ and a ‘Hail Mary’.

You are given  six days a week to work. Yet you work on Sundays. Only a few old  people  come to the  church during summer.

It is commonplace to take the  name  of  the  Lord in  vain. Irreverently  using the name  of  the Lord,  and  not glorifying Him, and   ignoring  the Sabbath will bring punishment.

You run to the meat shop like dogs  during Lent!

When  crops fail, know that  it is because  of your own  transgressions.

You  should tell these things to  others.

Apart from these messages to be  shared publicly, Melanie and  Maximin were given a secret message too. Of this  the  message  given to Melanie was made public in  1879.  It contains the following:

Rome will lose faith and it will  become the seat of Antichrist.

Church will be eclipsed.

Woe to those  authorities in the Church who run for  money.

Priests have become a cesspool of  impurity  because of their own evil deeds.

There is  nobody to pray for mercy from God. The wrath of God is imminent. Woe to the  inhabitants of the earth.

Because Italy has rejected the yoke of the  Lord, that  country will be punished.

Wars and  much bloodshed  is going to happen. Churches will be  locked down and defiled. Persecution and  cruel death await  those priests and  faithful who  hold on to the true faith.

A great apostasy  in the Church. Many, including  bishops, will reject the faith.

Thousands of   demons will be released from hell.

Obscene books will  be freely available.

Demonic spirits will get power over   the elements. They will carry men  from  one place to another.

Evil spirits will do many  wonders.

God will forget  Italy and  France for a while because they have  forgotten the  gospel of my son.


These are messages  given to Sr Agnes Sasagawa of Akita, Japan during the  Marian apparition  on  6 June 1973.

Do acts of  prayer, penance and    brave acts of mortification so as to  prevent  the wrath of  God.

On the anniversary of  Fatima apparition ( October 13) of that year the Blessed Virgin said:

Unless humanity  converts, terrible chastisement will befall us. The chastisement  will be a great  one and more terrible than the deluge.

Fire will come down from  heaven and a large part of  humanity  will be  destroyed. Both the   just as well as the  evil  will have  to  suffer. Both the  clergy and  laity will be  punished alike.

Those days, you will envy  the  dead. Then the only weapons that will come to your help will be the  Rosary and the sign left by my son.

Pray for the Pope and  Bishops. The Devil will infiltrate the  Church. Cardinal will turn against Cardinal and Bishop against Bishop.

Those priests who are devout to  the  Mother of God will be mocked  and  opposed by their colleagues.  

Churches and  altars will be defiled or left to impurity.

Many in the  Church will  agree for any kind of  compromise. Many will leave their vocation. Evil forces will attack the  consecrated.

I weep because of the  number of souls being lost. If sin increases any more, there will not be forgiveness.

After  giving these messages to the  world, Sr Agnes Sasagawa returned  to the   enclosure of her convent and continued a  life of prayer. She broke  her  silence after 46 years. It was  on  6 October 2019 – when the Synod was  in  session at the Vatican- that  she  shared  the  message received from heaven.

‘Put on ash and pray. Pray a Rosary of  reparation every day.  You should become like a  child. You  should also do acts of  mortification every day’.


Major points of the message given  by the Blessed Virgin directly and through St Michael the Archangel during  1961-1965 to  Conchita and her three friends.

Pray for the priests. Many Cardinals, Bishops and  Priests  are on the  way to perdition. They take with them  many  faithful also.   If the  priests do not  perform their responsibilities sincerely, many  souls will be lost.

Already the cup of Divine  wrath is  being filled.

Pray for sinners

The Eucharist is  not  given due reverence.

Ask forgiveness from God, Do works of  penance, meditating upon the passion of  Jesus.

Our Mother promised a big   miracle also that should take place at Garabandal. It will  be an occasion for the  conversion of many. The miracle will occur on a Thursday at  8.30 pm local time. This day will be the  feast of a  saint who was zealously devout to the Blessed Sacrament. It will also be a day when an important incident will happen in the Church. Conchita will reveal the date of this miracle eight days in advance.

After this miracle a permanent sign will appear at the  pines there. Though it can be photographed, it cannot be  touched.

A great warning will occur before this miracle. During this miracle the state of our souls  will be  laid bare before us. It will be a chance to repent and  return to God. This warning will happen at a time when everything will be in disorder. The miracle will happen  within one year from the  great warning.

If men do not repent and convert, terrible  chastisement will follow.


The Blessed Virgin has been giving messages to six children at  Medjugorje since 1981. Each was given ten secrets to be  revealed  to the public in future. These secrets contain details about the  great chastisement that will happen unless humanity repents and returns to God. The children were told that the fulfillment of the  prophecies  contained in these   secrets will happen during  their lifetime itself

These are the five things that the  Holy Mother  wanted from us.

1.    Prayer

2.    Fasting

3.    Regularly attending  Holy Mass

4.    Regular reading of the Holy Bible.

5.    Frequent confession.

The Virgin calles on us to pray for the family, the youth, priests, non-believers, the sick and  the poor souls in  purgatory.


In 1610, the Blessed Virgin appeared to  Mother Mariana  of Quito in Ecuador. The messages given  there were important and  more  relevant today.

Starting by the  end of  the nineteenth century  through the   initial years of the twentieth century many heresies will spread in the Church.

Many will reject faith.

Innocence will be lost from children

An ocean of impurity will envelop the world.

Priesthood will have to  face great challenges. Vocations will be lost.

Priests will become indifferent  towards  their ministry.

Shortage of good bishops to  lead the priests will be  felt.

Many priests will fall in sins of the flesh.

Sacraments like Holy Mass and  Anointing the sick will become rare.

Many will have to die without getting the  last sacraments

Only a little flock will remain firm in  faith. Others will persecute them cruelly.

As for you, become a victim soul and  do works of penance.


The gist of  messages given by   Our Lady to Pierina Gilli of Montichiari in Italy  starting  1947 was  a call to the  sanctification of priests and  the consecrated. She told Pierina that  the first sword that  pierced her heart  was those vocations lost, second being priests and  the consecrated living in mortal sin. When they betray the Church like Jude Iscariot, it becomes a third sword  that  pierces her heart.

As remedy,  the Blessed Mother suggested prayer, penance, and reparation. The  Blessed Virgin attaches high importance to the holiness of priests. She said that unless humanity converts, it will not be  possible to prevent the  hand of Divine  justice any further. She told  us  to  observe  an ‘Hour of Grace’ on December 8 every year and reminded that  at this hour  many will get  the  grace  to convert.

What is common to all  the apparitions and messages of   the Blessed Virgin is a  call to  repentance and  conversion. Equally important is the   need for a holy life, prayer, penance and reparation. Unless the  world  converts, great sufferings and  calamities  will follow. To overcome them, prayer, fasting, mortification  and  acts of reparation will help us, reminds Our Lady.

 Now we are living those days  prophesied by  our Mother  years and  centuries  ago. Let us  follow our Mother in a spirit of  true conversion in the  hope that  our Lord will  bring us  everlasting joy.

“For as it was your mind to go astray from God: so, being returned, seek him ten times more. For he that hath brought these plagues upon you shall bring you everlasting joy with your salvation” ( Baruch 4:28—29).


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