Facts About Fasting Brought To Light In Medjugorje By Our Lady

1. Fasting stops wars. 7/21/82 2. Fasting can suspend the laws of nature. 7/21/82 3. Fasting reduces punishments from God. 11/6/82 Fasting is an “arm,” a weapon of significant power to defeat, (of which atomic power does not compare. Atomic power has not the strength to conquer satan). 6/25/92 4. Bread and water is the… Continue reading Facts About Fasting Brought To Light In Medjugorje By Our Lady

Daily Examination Of Conscience

Night: The daily examination In developing a habit of daily Traditional Catholic prayer, one very important time is just before going to bed. This is an opportunity to spend a few brief minutes reviewing the day with the Lord. We call this the “daily examination of conscience.” This simple exercise helps you see the events… Continue reading Daily Examination Of Conscience

Powerful prayers to ABBA FATHER

1- Prayer of Consecration Abba Father,  I consecrate to you (the person’s name, members of your family) our home, our anxieties and problems, our enemies and all our compatriots I consecrate to you and to the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Blessed  Mary. Help us to experience spiritual renewal so that we can live pure and holy life. Turn all our problems and difficulties in our favour and to Your greater glory. Amen! 2 – “ABBA FATHER” My Father in heaven, how nice is to know that You are my Father and I am Your child! Especially when the… Continue reading Powerful prayers to ABBA FATHER

Daily Advent Prayer


O Infant Savior, many times in life we have prepared for guests about to enter our beloved household. Some guests were important, but not nearly as important as the heavenly Visitor, for Whom we now prepare our hearts. The Prophets of old longed for Thy coming into their world. We long for Thy return to… Continue reading Daily Advent Prayer

Towards The Promised Land

TOWARDS THE PROMISED LAND…. —————————————— The Lord said to Joshua, “See, I have handed Jericho over to you, along with its king and soldiers. You shall march around the city, all the warriors circling the city once. Thus you shall do for six days, with seven priests bearing seven trumpets of rams’ horns before the… Continue reading Towards The Promised Land