Prayer For Your Son / Daughter To Return To Faith


(Prayer to St Monica for the conversion of a son or daughter)

O St Monica, by your prayers and tears you obtained from God the conversion of your stray son who later became a saint.

Have pity on this heart of mine, embittered by the behavior of my disobedient, rebellious and irreconcilable son/daughter who has caused so much distaste to my heart and all of the family. Join your prayers as well as your tears to mine in order to move the good God to make my son/daughter come to his/her senses and return to the right road.

St Monica, ask the Heavenly Father to call this prodigal son/daughter back home that I may rejoice and give thanks to God.

St Augustine, pray for us.

St Monica, attend my prayer.


(St Monica is from Tagaste in Africa. Married to Patricio, she had three children, of which Augustine, the young unbelieving rebel, gave her the most trouble. In spite of all her efforts, her son took roads that were contrary to the Catholic faith. Augustine ran away from home and went to Rome and Milan. St Monica went after him, crying and praying. God heard her pleas and Augustine was converted and became a priest and eventually bishop of Hippo. He is considered one of the greatest saints of the Church.)
