Prayers To Saint Anthony – Saint Of Miracles



O Holy St. Anthony, reach down from heaven and take hold of my hand. Assure me that I am not alone. You are known to possess miraculous powers and to be ever ready to speak for those in trouble.

Loving and Gentle St. Anthony, reach down from heaven, I implore you and assist me in my hour of need. Obtain for me (mention your request here).

Dearest St. Anthony, reach down from heaven and guide me with thy strength. Plead for me in my needs. And teach me to be humbly thankful as you were for all the bountiful lessons I am to receive.


2.Unfailing Prayer to Saint Anthony:

O holy St. Anthony, gentlest of Saints, your love for God and Charity for his creatures, made you worthy, when on earth, to possess miraculous powers.
Miracles waited on your word, which you were ever ready to speak for those in trouble or anxiety.
Encouraged by this thought, I implore of you to obtain for me (request).
The answer to my prayer may require a miracle; even so, you are the Saint of Miracles.
O gentle and loving St. Anthony, whose heart was ever full of human sympathy, whisper my petition into the ears of the Sweet Infant Jesus, who loved to be folded in your arms;
and the gratitude of my heart will ever be yours.



Good Saint Anthony, in God’s providence you have secured for His people many marvelous favors. You have been especially celebrated, good Saint Anthony, for your goodness to the poor and the hungry, for finding employment for those seeking it, for your special care of those who travel, and for keeping safe from harm all who must be away from home. You are widely known also, good Saint Anthony, for securing peace in the family, for your delicate mercy in finding lost things, for safe delivery of messages, and for your concern for women in childbirth. In honoring you, Saint Anthony, for the many graces our Lord grants through your favor, we trustfully and confidently ask your aid in our present need. Pray for us, good Saint Anthony, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. May it be a source of joy, O God, to your Church that we honor the memory of your Confessor and Doctor, Saint Anthony. May his spiritual help always make us strong, and by his assistance may we enjoy an eternal reward. This we ask through Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord.


Prayer To Saint Anthony For Healing

Compassionate St. Anthony, you are called the โ€œMiracle Workerโ€ by those who have been blessed by your special friendship. I ask you to look with favor on (name the person) who is weak and failing.

Great St. Anthony, come to the assistance of (name). Obtain for him/her health in mind and body, and the strength to accept all suffering in union with Christ, our Savior.

Loving St. Anthony, console all those who are afflicted, and guide them to the heart of the Divine Physician, where they will obtain compassion, mercy and hope.


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O glorious wonder-worker, Saint Anthony, father of the poor and comforter of the troubled, gentlest of saints, your love for God and charity for his creatures made you worthy, when on earth, to possess miraculous powers. Miracles waited on your word, which you were ready to speak for those in trouble or anxiety. Encouraged by this thought, I implore of you to obtain for me my request for all the sick on our list.

The answer to my prayer may require a miracle, even so, you are the saint of miracles. O gentle and loving Saint Anthony, whose heart was ever full of human sympathy, whisper my petitions into the ears of the Sweet Infant Jesus, who loved to be folded in your arms; and the gratitude of my heart will be ever yours.


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One miracle that is attributed to Saint Anthony during his lifetime was described as follows:

A certain inhabitant of Padua, called Peter, had a daughter whose name was Padovana. Although she was four years old, she was absolutely incapable of using her feet and moved like a reptile, crawling with the help of her hands.

Furthermore, it was said that, since she suffered from epilepsy, she would often fall and roll around. When Saint Anthony was still alive, her father, as he carried her in his arms while walking through the city one day, met the saint and began to beg him to make the sign of the cross over his daughter.

The saintly father, admiring the man’s faith, blessed her and sent her away. When the girl’s father returned home, he made his daughter stand up on her feet. Supported by a footstool, she immediately began to walk about. Then, having taken away the footstool, her father gave her a cane. Indeed, walking about in the house, the girl always improved.

At last, through the merits of most blessed Anthony, she healed completely and did not need any prop whatsoever. And, from that moment when she was blessed, she no longer suffered any illness or even the least falling sickness.

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O wonderful St. Anthony, glorious on account of the fame of thy miracles, and through the condescension of Jesus in coming in the form of a little child to rest in thine arms, obtain for me of His bounty the grace which I ardently desire from the depths of my heart . . . . Thou who were so compassionate toward miserable sinners, regard not the unworthiness of those who pray to thee, but the glory of God that it may once again be magnified by the granting of the particular request . . . . which I now ask for with persevering earnestness.


One Our Father, One Hail Mary, and Glory Be to the Father, in honor of Saint Anthony.

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One of the reasons why Saint Anthony worked so hard to convert heretics was because he genuinely felt sorry for them. He saw that they were depriving themselves of the Church and the most precious gift to the Church, the Most Holy Eucharist. He truly believed that no one could long survive without this spiritual nourishment.

One day, a heretic told Anthony that he would believe that Christ was truly present in the Eucharist only if his mule bowed down to it.

They established that the test should take place in three days. The heretic starved his mule for the next three days. When the appointed time had arrived, Anthony stood off to one side with the consecrated host in his hands, while the heretic stood to the other holding some fodder for the mule to eat. The mule, ignoring its own extreme hunger, went before the Eucharist and knelt down to adore the Blessed Sacrament.


I salute you, St. Anthony, lily of purity, ornament and glory of Christianity.

I salute you, great Saint, cherub of wisdom and seraph of divine love. I rejoice at the favors Our Lord has so liberally bestowed on you.

In humility and confidence I entreat you to help me, for I know that God has given you charity and compassion, as well as power.

I ask you, by the love you felt toward the Holy Infant Jesus as you held Him in your arms, to tell Him now of the favors I seek through your intercession. (Mention your petition.)

O glorious favorite of God, in humble reverence I petition you to grant me what I so urgently ask for, and I will make known your goodness and holiness, thereby to honor and glorify Him who has so greatly blessed you. Amen.


St. Anthony, lover of the least and lowly, you reached out to the sick with a generous and compassionate heart. Please be with me at this time of ill health, and accompany me as I face this sickness and all the uncertainties of infirmity. Help me experience Godโ€™s healing power through your prayers, as well as my own.

If I suffer, lead me to unite myself to the Cross of Jesus Christ, so that this suffering can bring spiritual benefit to me and to others. May my bearing the cross of illness here on earth prepare me for new life in the eternal joys of perfect happiness and fullness of life with God forever in Heaven. Amen.


St. Anthony, you always helped those in need. I fervently seek your heavenly intercession now for (here name) who is ill and in need of your miraculous assistance. Give strength to (name) so that he/she may experience Godโ€™s blessings and goodness at this time. May his/her sufferings be lessened and confidence in Godโ€™s Divine Providence be increased.

St. Anthony, you were a true friend to the sick and offered them your compassionate care in powerful acts of healing. Stay near to (name) now with your protection. Console our anxious hearts and grant that our physical and emotional sufferings be a source of purification and growth for eternal life. Amen.

โ€œCompassion toward our neighbors ought to
be threefold: if they sin against us, we ought
to forgive them. If they stray from the path of
moral integrity and truth, we should instruct
them. If they are in need, we must help them.โ€
โ€“ St. Anthony of Padua


St. Anthony, faithful servant of Christ, you offered comfort and consolation to all who came to you in times of trouble. Pray for me now, that I may know true peace of mind, heart and soul. Help me grow in faith, so that I may be free from all useless and needless anxiety in this life.

Fill me with a complete and lasting confidence in Godโ€™s healing graces. Grant me the serenity known by those who let go of resentments, bitterness and anger. Reassure me that Our Divine Savior, Jesus Christ, is with me every step of the way, every day of my life, and that in His gracious love I need not worry or fear any of lifeโ€™s difficulties. Amen.

โ€œWhen you look into muddy or choppy water,
you will not see your face reflected.
If you want the face of Christ, who looks
on you, to be reflected within you, come away
from the disturbance of exterior things,
and let your soul be at peace.โ€
โ€“ St. Anthony of Padua


St. Anthony, model of great holiness, help me to live as a worthy son/daughter of God, faithful to the promises of my Baptism. You know how serious are the dangers and difficulties of my life. Grant that I may overcome all temptations to evil and have the courage to witness to my faith.

Obtain for me, from Our Divine Savior, a heart that is capable of loving God above all things, and open my soul to a generous and sincere love of my neighbor.

Help me to be willing to assist and serve anyone who is in need. Encourage me by your holy example, so that I may be most open and receptive to Godโ€™s perfect and all powerful love. Amen.


St. Anthony, God blessed you with a loving family to form you in the image and the ideals of Jesus Christ. From your place in heaven, watch over my family, and help us grow together in faith and in a loving concern for each other.

Strengthen our bonds of family unity when we practice Jesusโ€™ teachings of forgiveness, of selfless service, of putting the love of God and the needs of others first in our lives. Give us words and ways to express our affection and respect for all in our family, and guide us to work through and resolve all our misunderstandings and disagreements. Amen.

โ€œHe who is the beginning and the end, the ruler
of the angels, made Himself obedient to human
creatures. The Creator of the Heavens obeys a
carpenter; the God of eternal glory listens to a
poor virgin. Has anyone ever witnessed
anything comparable to this? Let the
philosopher no longer distain from listening
to the common laborer; the wise to the simple;
the educated to the illiterate.โ€
โ€“ St. Anthony of Padua


St. Anthony, you were greatly admired by others for your child-like qualities of innocence, trust and goodness. I ask you now to intercede for me before God for the children I entrust to your heavenly care. (Here mention.) Keep them safe from danger. Protect them from illness, disease and harm, and from the unfortunate influence of those who would lead them astray.

Help them grow in faith and wisdom, and to become admirable daughters and sons of our Heavenly Father. Shield them from the presence and effects of evil in our world.

May they experience daily the tender compassion and care of our Loving God, who gave them breath and life, and whose image they bear. Amen.


St. Anthony, God chose you for a mission of mercy to those who had fallen away from our Catholic faith. I entrust to you my concerns for (here name) who does not presently worship at Mass or receive the Sacraments regularly.

Speak to their heart, and lead them to want to know God better, to praise God often in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist, and to offer their time and talents in the dedicated service of a welcoming, holy, faith-filled Catholic parish community. Grant them the joy, the privilege, and the power of a committed personal relationship with Our Lord, Jesus Christ, and His Body, the Church. Guide me with patience and wisdom to be a worthy example of faith to all. Amen.

โ€œIn this murky world, the saints shine like the
of the firmament. And just as shoes protect
the feet, so the example of the saints protects our
souls, by giving us the strength to trample on
the devilโ€™s deceit and the worldโ€™s seduction.โ€
โ€“ St. Anthony of Padua


St. Anthony, you became famous for your academic knowledge and your Christian wisdom. I hereby entrust my studies to your guidance. You know how important they are for my life, and how serious is the commitment they require of me.

Grant me the motivation and determination to apply myself to my studies consistently, the intelligence to understand all that I am being taught, and the gift of a good memory to remember and apply what I have learned.

With your heavenly aid, may I successfully continue and conclude my studies so I can be of help and service to others, and come to know my true purpose and meaning in this life. Amen.


St. Anthony, glorious worker of wonders, you have assisted me with great kindness and have consoled my soul. I express to you now my heartfelt gratitude and thanks for all your heavenly aid.

Accept my prayer, and my sincere promise, to strive to live always in the love of Jesus Christ and of my neighbor. Continue to shield me with your powerful protection, and obtain for me the final grace of being able, one day, to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, and to join with you in the everlasting praises of Godโ€™s love and mercy. Amen.


St. Anthony, you are often called the patron of travelers. Many recount their gratitude for your care and watchfulness upon their journeys. Grant me that same protection as I set out on my travels, both near and far. Be my guide and my safety when I am lost, and always help me to know and to follow the right path. Amen.


St. Anthony, at an early age you were called by Sister Death to your heavenly reward. Help me to live in such a way that I am spiritually prepared to leave this world whenever Sister Death summons me. Free me from fear, and grant me the conviction of faith that I will be welcomed by our Risen Lord, Jesus Christ, at my final hour, to enjoy forever the brightness of perpetual light, the fullness of eternal life, and perfect love in Godโ€™s presence forever.

Help me to die with no regrets for the past, with gratitude for all that has been, and with a joyful openness to the blessings of grace and goodness Christ has prepared for those who love Him. And until then, lead me to live each day fully, with sincere faith and constant praise for all that Our Lord has given me now, and in His promises for my eternal future. Amen.


Behold the Cross of the Lord!
Begone, you evil powers!
The Lion of the tribe of Judah,
the root of David, has conquered,
Alleluia! Alleluia!

V. St. Anthony, vanquisher of demons,
pray for us!
R. That we may be made worthy of
the promises of Christ!

Let us pray

Grant, O Lord, to Your people, through the
intercession of Your servant, Blessed Anthony
of Padua, the grace to prevail over the powers
of darkness, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

From the snares of the devil, deliver us, St. Anthony.


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