QUEEN of Heaven, thou sittest enthroned above all the choirs of the angels nearest to God; from this vale of miseries, I, a poor sinner, say to thee, “Hail Mary,” praying to thee in thy love to turn upon me thy gracious eyes.

See, Mary, the dangers among which I dwell, and shall ever have to dwell while I live upon this earth. I may yet lose my soul, heaven and God. In thee, Lady, is my hope. I love thee; and I yearn for the time when I shall see myself safe at thy feet.
What shall I kiss that hand, which has dispensed to me so many graces?

Alas, it is too true, my Mother, that I have ever been very ungrateful during my whole life; but if I get to heaven, then I will love thee there every moment for all eternity and make there reparation in some part for my ingratitude by ever blessing and praising thee.

Thanks be to God that He has granted me this hope through the precious blood of Jesus, and through thy powerful intercession. This has been the hope of all thy true lovers; and not one of them has been defrauded of his hope. No, neither shall I be defrauded of this hope. O Mary, pray to thine own Son Jesus, as I too pray to Him, by the merits of His passion, to strengthen and increase this hope.


(3 Hail Marys in reparation for blasphemies against the Blessed Virgin Mary.).