Eucharistic Act Of Faith


I believe in God the Father Almighty.
I believe in God the Son, Jesus Christ.
I believe in God the Holy Spirit.
I believe in the Holy Trinity.

I believe in the Real Presence of Jesus
in the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist.
I believe in the Real Presence of Jesus
in the Body of Christ, the Consecrated Bread.
I believe in the Real Presence of Jesus
in the Blood of Christ, the Consecrated Wine.

I believe that Jesus instituted the One, Holy, Catholic
and Apostolic Church as His dwelling Home on earth.

I believe in the Real Presence of Jesus
in the Sacred Tabernacles of the Catholic Church.

I believe that Jesus is truly present physically among us,
over and above being spiritually present within us.

May this truth be known to all for the glory of God.

