Prayer In Intercession For Priests


[When praying these prayers, remember all priests whom God placed in your life and whom God desires that you honor most, including the priest who baptized you and the bishop who confirmed you.]

O God, Who didst love Thine only-begotten Son from all eternity and didst will Him to become at once the Great High Priest and the Saving Victim for the sins of the whole world, pour forth Thy Holy Ghost, we beseech Thee, upon Thy servants, the priests of His Holy Church; and grant that in these days of tribulation there may be a great increase in the number and sanctity of vocations to the holy office of the priesthood and a growing fervor on the part of all those who offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and who minister to the care of souls.

O Jesus, our great High Priest, may all the love, help, and merciful compassion of Thy Sacred Heart be with Thy priests in their life and work, especially in the sacred ministry of the Altar. Graciously accept our prayers and Communions in union therewith, and grant to Thy priests who have departed this life everlasting rest and the reward of their labors for the salvation of souls.

Grant these our prayers, O Father, for the sake of Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God forever and ever.


O Jesus, Eternal Priest, keep these Thy servants within the shelter of Thy Sacred Heart, especially the priests who have gone astray, so that they may return to their priesthood.



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