Prayer For Everyday Use


Act of Reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

O Most Holy Virgin Mother, we listen with grief to the complaints of your Immaculate Heart surrounded with the thorns placed therein at every moment by the blasphemies and ingratitude of ungrateful humanity. We are moved by the ardent desire of loving you as Our Mother and of promoting a true devotion to your Immaculate Heart.
We therefore kneel before you to manifest the sorrow we feel for the grievances that people cause you, and to atone by our prayers and sacrifices for the offenses with which they return return your love. Obtain for them and for us the pardon of so many sins. Hasten the conversion of sinners that they may love Jesus and cease to offend the Lord, already so much offended. Turn your eyes of mercy toward us, that we may love God with all our heart on earth and enjoy Him forever in heaven. Amen.



I hold up to Your love Lord … (name the person) who has disturbed my peace. Remembering Jesus, I pray: Father, forgive him, he knows not what he does. In the name of Jesus, send Your love, heal his wounds that cause him to wound others. Let Your love melt down the crust of evil, for he was born in Your image. He is not truly alive until Your light shines on him. Let my forgiving love work in him setting him free from his burden. Redeem him and transform him by Your love, Lord Jesus. As I remove one stone from the channel of Your love fill me with Your loving peace and healing.

(Pray in tongues and praise the Lord in free Praise).


Lord Jesus I am sorry for my critical attitude towards (name the person). In Your name I release him/her from my unkind judgment, accusation or condemnation, under which I had placed him/her through my lack of charity. I pray that Your Spirit moves freely into his/her life and Your loving plan for him/her will be fully realised. Amen.

PRAYER FOR THE FAMILY                 

                    Heavenly Father, we thank You for each and every member of our family. We believe that each member of this family is Your special gift to us. We ask You to forgive us for the number of times we have not treated them as Your children. Forgive each one of us for the sins we have committed against You and against one another.
                    Father, we surrender to You the problems we are experiencing in the family and we ask You to intervene and set right what is wrong in our family. Here lift up your special prayer intention:
(1. Differences between husband and wife 2. Lack of love in the family 3. Childlessness 4. Waywardness of children 5. Bad habits of family members – alcoholism, drug addiction, etc 6. Joblessness 7. Hindrances to marriage 8. Lack of prayer 9. Lack of mutual respect. 10. Enmity and envy of neighbours 11. Obstacles to financial progress or any other intentions)
                Father, come into our lives, and into our family problems. Send Your holy angels to protect us from all temptations and all harm and danger. Send forth Your spirit so that each one of us will be recreated in Your image and likeness and the peace of Your Holy Spirit will flow into this home and remain with us now and forever. Amen.                                                                     


            O Holy Spirit, soul of my soul, life of my life, I adore You, I worship You, I bow down before You. Guide me to make a good confession. Enlighten my mind and memories. Help me to remember all my sins and sinful habits. Give me a deep repentance for my sins and help me to realize the seriousness of living in sin and in sinful situations. I realize that I am called to be holy as He is holy. O Holy Spirit give me true sorrow for offending my God who loves me so much that He sent His only Son Jesus to die for me, to redeem me from the power of sin and Satan. Let Your light penetrate into my whole being so that I may see my inner self as Jesus sees. Give me courage and humility to ask forgiveness, so that I may receive Your peace and love into my heart. Thank you, Holy Spirit.

                            A PRAYER FOR DELIVERANCE

STEP – 1    Examination of conscience

STEP – 2    Feel sorry for your sins and ask forgiveness from the Lord if you have recently made confession. If not make a good confession.

STEP – 3   Say the Prayer (given below)

STEP – 4   Thank and Praise Jesus.

STEP – 5   Pray for the anointing of the Holy Spirit

                         In the mighty Name of Jesus, by the power of the Cross of Jesus and by the Word of God, as a baptized child of the Holy Catholic Church, sharing in the power of the resurrection of Lord Jesus Christ, I take authority and break and destroy all legal rights, Satan has over me because of my sins, the sins of my parents and ancestors up to Adam, all my soul-ties, the circumstances of my conception, birth and upbringing and any other factor and all the negative elements within me.
                      I cut, destroy and demolish any legal right or stronghold that Satan has over my health, my prayer life, my spiritual life, my relationships, friendships, occupation, income, peace in the family, my talents and all other blessings that the Lord has given me, by the mighty name of Jesus, by the power of the precious blood of Jesus, by the power of the Cross of Jesus 5nd by the Word for God. I claim them all back from you Satan and surrender it to my Lord Jesus Christ. I believe in my heart and confess with my tongue that Jesus Christ is the Lord of my life and I pray for deliverance, guidance, healing, peace, joy, enlightenment, spiritual growth, progress, in the name of Jesus. Amen.



Sacred Heart of Jesus, remember that we are consecrated and belong to you. Bless and protect us all. Make our home a shrine of Your love and Your grace. Strengthen the bond of affection that unites us together. Help us to bear one another’s burdens in peace, harmony and unselfishness. Keep us always near to You and to Your Blessed Mother. Amen.


   Most holy Virgin Mary, appointed by God to be the Help of Christians, we choose you as the Mother and Protectress of our home.

We ask you to favour us with your powerful protection. Preserve our home from every danger; from fire, flood, lightening, storm, earthquake, thieves, vandals and from every other danger.

Bless us, protect us, defend us, keep as your own, all the people who dwell in this home: protect them from all accidents and misfortunes, but above all obtain for them the most important grace of avoiding sin.

Mary Help of Christians pray for all those who live in this home which is consecrated to you for all time. Amen.

                                              A PARENT’S PRAYER

                       Most merciful Jesus, I offer my children to You today. Please accept them and take care of them. No other person can understand my sorrows and anxieties and give me a greater help. Give me the grace to bring up my children as You want of me, because without Your help my work will not be fruitful. Purify my actions and enlighten my teachings before my children. Free them from sin, teach them to grow in love, protect them from bad company, help them in their studies, and make them loving and merciful to the poor, the unfortunate and the suffering people. Keep them in good health and may Your Holy Spirit help them to grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. May they grow for the sake of God’s glory, the good of others and the satisfaction of their parents and when after death I appear before You, My judge, let Your mother take good care of my children. I promise hereafter I shall serve You, trust You and spread this devotion. Amen.


                        Loving Lord Jesus, I surrender my entire life to You. Take all that I am and all that I have that I may belong to You fully. You be the Lord and Master of my life today and forever. Take care of me Your little child today. Keep me always holy and innocent. Help me to be always obedient to my parents. Give me wisdom, knowledge and understanding through Your Holy Spirit. Keep me safe from dangers of mind and body. Send Your light and Your guidance that I may walk along Your path according to Your Holy will. I ask You Jesus the grace to accept Your will in all that I intend to do today. Bless my parents, my brothers, my sisters, my teachers and my friends. Help me always to avoid sin and lead a life pleasing to You in every way. Teach me, Jesus to pray, to study and to love everyone according to Your commandment. My dearest Jesus, lay both Your hands on my head today and pour Your love upon me that I may be filled with love, peace, and joy. Thank You Jesus!


           Lord Jesus, I proclaim You as my Lord and Master. I believe You shed every drop of Your  precious Blood to redeem me, to set me free from Satan, sin and bondages. Lord Jesus with deep faith in You, I now claim Your precious Blood over me, over my mind, body and spirit. I also claim total and complete protection for my life and my beloved loves (names). I claim Your precious blood over my house, over every nook and corner in my house, over the vehicles we use and over everything that You have given us, surround us with Your healing light, love and protection.

            Lord Jesus, keep me free today from evil, sin, temptation, Satan’s attacks and afflictions, fear of darkness, sickness, diseases, doubts, anger, all calamities and from all that is not of Thy Kingdom. Fill me Lord Jesus with the gift of Your Holy Spirit and grant me the gifts of wisdom, knowledge, faith, understanding and discernment so that I will live today in Your glory by doing what is right.

             I praise You Jesus, I thank You Jesus, I love You Jesus, I adore You Jesus. Amen.


My Father, I come into Your presence, even as I begin my day.

I come to find WISDOM so that today I will not make foolish mistakes, so that I will know when to speak and when to keep silent, when to act, and when to refrain from action.             

I come to find PEACE, so that nothing may worry me or upset me today.

I come to find COURAGE, to be patient, not to give up hope, to accept disappointment knowing You will turn all things for my good.

I have come to find LOVE, so that nothing makes me bitter, unforgiving and unkind.

I have come to begin this DAY with You and I desire to continue this day with You so that it will be a day with nothing to regret.

Father, You are MY PROVIDER and I know that You will provide my day’s needs.

Father, You are MY PROTECTOR keep me this day free from all attacks from the powers of darkness. Cover me with the precious Blood of Your Son Jesus and surround me with Your angels.

I make this prayer in Jesus name, Amen.


Breathe into me, Holy Spirit,

that my thoughts may all be holy.

Move in me, Holy Spirit,

That my work, too may be holy,

Attract my heart, Holy Spirit,

that I may love only what is holy.

Strengthen me, Holy Spirit,

that I may defend all that is holy.

Protect me, Holy Spirit,

that I always may be holy.

Prayer To The Lord Jesus In Childlike Trust

Jesus I love You


How often I think that I am too busy to pray!

My days are over-loaded!

And yet,


You surely don’t expect me to be so preoccupied.  How could I not have the time to think of You?

You are always at my side,


You alone are my strength, my courage, my support.

I want to make a habit,


Of speaking to You as a Friend,

To confide my joys and sorrows.

And so, from the bottom of my heart,

I want to say simply:


When I am tired, help me still to say:


When I find it hard to forgive, I need only to repeat:


When darkness comes on me, and I don’t know where You are, I will call on You, and say:


My daily task will become easier, and my work will become a prayer which says:


What trouble can shake me-What suffering overcome me if I can always repeat:


For the joys You give me-for the graces You shower on me, my Thank You will always be:


And simply to please You, for no other reason, let me often say:


And when the evening of my life comes, and You invite me home, let me say for one last time here below, before I depart:


And when You call me for judgement, let me meet You my God as Father and not as a Judge.  Be merciful Lord because I am Your child and how many time I have said.



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