Our Lady of the Tear of Joy

The Story

The mission of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy is under the spiritual direction of a Catholic priest.

My name is Arrow Osborne and this is the true story of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and how this miracle image of Our Blessed Mother came about, and is now known around the world.  Since 1993, I have traveled to many apparition sites in the U.S and Medjugorje.  In August of 2017 there was a visionary from the Philippines and he has a healing ministry using rose petals.  He was going around to different parishes in the greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky area and I was going to all of these most beautiful events.  On Saturday September 2nd, while at St. Patrick church in northern Kentucky, and man by the name of Neil who is very close to this visionary, came up to me and said, “What are you doing next Friday?”  (which was the Friday of September 8th, the day we celebrate Our Blessed Mother’s birthday).  Neil said there is a very Holy woman who lives in the Cincinnati area and she celebrates Our Blessed Mother’s birthday every year.  This visionary from the Philippines also comes, as well as very large group of people from all over and I was being invited.

I arrived at home on September 8th, 2017 and when I walked into the home, there were several statues of Our Lord Jesus and Our Blessed Mother and they were covered in gold dust and one of them would actually pulsate gold dust onto you if you stood near it.  I looked up towards the ceiling in the living room and I saw several large blue and white helium balloons all tied together in the perfect shape of a rosary.  The blue balloons representing the Our Father prayer and white for the Hail Mary prayer.  On a table was small pieces of paper with a string attached to them, and you would write out your petition to Our Blessed Mother and then the petition was tied to one of the balloons.

I then walked to the back yard and they had large tents set up and chairs for everyone.  The visionary arrived, as well as 5 Priests and some were from other countries, with one of these most holy priest came from a parish just outside of Rome Italy to be part of this most blessed event.  There had to be 200 plus people invited to this blessed event, with some coming from all over the U.S and Canada.  There was Holy Mass said and then the visionary did his healing service using the rose petals.  Afterwards, everybody was told to go to the front yard and they were going to release the balloons in the air.  Everybody gathered in the front yard and they were holding the balloons and when they released them, everybody started singing “Happy Birthday” to Our Blessed Mother.  I was standing in the front yard facing the street with my back towards the house.

As the balloons were going up, the sun started to spin and some people were saying, “Look at the Sun!!”  Then innerly I clearly heard, “Turn around” and as I did, I saw Neil (the one who invited me to the party), he was in the up stairs window of the house and was literally hanging out of the window taking pictures of the balloons going up.  I went in the house, went up the stairs and walked in the bedroom where Neil was.  He was hanging out of the window and was taking pictures of the balloons going up using a instamatic camera.

He just took a picture, turned around and gave me one of the pictures saying, “This is yours.”  I watched the image appear of Our Blessed Mother’s face, and there was no doubt who She was when I saw Her face appear in the photo.  There were NO images or photos of Our Blessed Mother on any of the balloons, nor trees, nor anywhere.

I took the image home and placed Her in an envelope so She would not get scratched or damaged.  Approximately two weeks later, I went to a prayer group in Windsor Canada, and it was here that evening that Our Lady gave Her first message.  In Her first message, Our Lady said, “This image of My tear is a Tear of Joy” (hence Tear of Joy), for all those who were present at the birthday party held in Her honor that September 8th day.  And the days that followed, Our Lady kept repeating the same message that it gives Her Joy, “Tears of Joy” when we pray to Her and we heal Her heart we when pray to Her and that She wants Her image known as “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.”  Our Lady said, “Any copies made of My image must be Blessed by one of My Son’s priests and it will be a healing image”, meaning a Blessed copy placed upon somebody, will bring a physical healing (if it is Her Son’s Will) and spiritual conversion to anybody having Her image.

Over the course of the days that followed, I knew this beautiful image of Our Lady had to be under the direction of a Catholic Priest.  I prayed and prayed to Our Blessed Mother to guide me.  I was praying for 1 of 3 priests whom I knew, had special gifts and graces.  Everything in my path came back to a very Holy Priest, whom I knew had special gifts and graces.  He is known nationally, been on Catholic TV and radio and is the author of several books.  In fact, he prayed over me in October of 2013 and healed me of a condition I had for several years.  He does not want his name posted on Our Lady’s website, because he knows it is not about him, nor myself, but about Our Lady.  I met with him and he had heard about the image of Our Lady and everything that was occurring.  He prayed at his desk, lowering his head down for a long period of time and I knew he was praying for discernment about this mission.  He raised his head up and said to me, “I will be the spiritual director for this mission and your spiritual director.

I was having copies made of Our Lady’s image, having them Blessed and mailing them off to different people and prayer groups around the U.S. and Canada.  Then it was getting back to me that Our Lady was giving messages to other visionaries/locutionists who had a Blessed image of Our Lady and they are under the spiritual direction of a Catholic priest.  The messages Our Lady was giving is, “When they look at My image (photo), they are to recite the Memorare prayer and when they do, they are fleeing to Me, causing Me Joy (hence Tears of Joy), and I will heal and intercede for them and lead them to My Son.”  Then taking Our Lady’s original image to other prayer groups, the actual image was coming alive to some people who held Her while they were saying the holy rosary, and others could feel the very strong presence of Our Lady has they held the original image.

Then over the course of a few weeks, I was being contacted by people who had a blessed copy of Our Lady’s image and a person was being healed of an illness or somebody had a deep spiritual conversion when they held Our Lady’s image.  Then Our Lady was giving messages that She wants Her image (photo), “Known to all”,  meaning around the world and the messages Our Lady was giving about Her image.  The website of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy (www.tearofjoy.net) was created by two very devote Catholic men, Ken Watterson and Steve Grier and it was up and running by October of 2017.  By February of 2018, we had people from other countries all around the world logging onto the website of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and what’s amazing about this, we did NO advertising.  All of this is at the hands of Our Lady, getting Her image “Known to all.”

Please go to the top icon choices of “The Message” and “Testaments” and read the messages Our Lady is giving about Her image and the miracles that have occurred with somebody having an image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.  We have it set up to fulfill Our Lady’s request saying that She wants Her image “Known to all”, meaning around the world.  So, if you live in a part of the world where you cannot get mail or it is very difficult to receive mail, go to the icon choice of “Order the Image” and scroll down to the bottom of the page and if you have a printer, you will see instructions to “Download the Image.”  Our Blessed Mother has said that any copies made of Her image, “Must be Blessed by one of My Son’s priests.”  Our Blessed Mother has also said, that if you live in an area of the world where there is no priests or you live in fear of being persecuted, the image you have of Her, will have the same Blessings as being Blessed, Our Lady knows your heart.  If anybody has a physical healing or a spiritual conversion with having the image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy, please email me the story at: [email protected]  God Bless to all, Arrow >>>——–>

Here is a link to a beautiful video telling the story of Our Lady –Click below to view:

Preview YouTube video Miracle! Virgin Mary appears in this polaroid photo!

Miracle! Virgin Mary appears in this polaroid photo!

The Message

The mission of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy is under the spiritual direction of a Catholic priest.

Click Here to see the unveiling ceremony of Our Lady’s canvas prints—->https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=biQJQMuWR9

God Bless to all. Below are the main messages Our Lady has given about Her image (photo) and what She wants the world to know about “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.” Our Lady has said that She wants this image of Her, “Known to all”, meaning “Around the World” and the messages She is giving.

The Tear we see in Her left eye, this is a “Tear of Joy” and it gave Her Joy (Tears of Joy), with everybody there celebrating Her feast day at the birthday party given in Her honor on that day of September 8th, 2017

When we pray to Our Lady, this “Heals Her Heart’, giving Her Joy, hence “Tear of Joy”

When we pray to Our Lady, when we call out to Her in prayer, this gives Her Joy (Tear of Joy), and all those who pray to Our Lady for Her to intercede for them, She will lead all those who go to Her, to Her Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ

When you look at this image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy’, you are to say the “Memorare prayer”, because in this prayer we are fleeing to Our Lady and this gives Her Joy, hence “Tear of Joy” and again, all those who prayer to Our Lady, She will intercede for them and lead them to Her Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ

She wants this image of Her to be called “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy”

This image (photo) is a healing image and can be touched up against somebody and then pray to Our Lady (Memorare prayer), for Her to intercede and if it is Her Son’s “Will” for a healing

This image (photo) will bring Spiritual healing’s to people who are touched with it and you are to pray to Our Lady (Memorare prayer), and She will lead all those who prayer to Her, to Her Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ

Our Lady has said, “I want My image (photo) in your homes and I will Bless your homes”

Our Lady has said, “When you look into the eye’s of My image (photo), I am looking into theirs and wanting them to know, I LOVE YOU and I will lead you to My Son”

When we hold Our Lady’s image (photo), we are holding Her and She will touch our hearts

Any copies made of Her image (photo), must be Blessed by a Priest. Note: If you are in a area of the world where a priest is not available or fear of being persecuted, your image (photo) will have the same Graces as being Blessed, Our Lady knows your heart

PLEASE continue to read the below messages from Our Blessed Mother

The following messages was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on September 23rd, 2020 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.”  This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

Message: “The coolness of the breeze My precious little ones, when you feel the breeze touching your skin, you say, this breeze feels beautiful.  My precious little ones, just as the breeze touches your skin, when you call out to Me, I flee to My Son and Graces and Blessings come down upon you that you cannot feel, but these are true Graces and Blessings from My Son and I, to guide you, to lead you closer in doing the Will of My Son.  Call out to Me My precious little ones and these true Graces and Blessings will come down upon you.  I love you and I Bless you in My Son’s name”

Message: “So many of My little ones suffer from worry and feel they cannot pray.  Look into the eyes of My image (image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy), remain quiet, remain still for I am looking back into your eyes and I will touch your heart, letting you know I Love you.  My mantle of Love and Protection is always wrapped around you, you are never alone My precious little ones.  I love you and I Bless you in My Son’s name”     

The following message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on August 26th, 2020 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.”  This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

Message: “Guiding you.  My precious little ones, when you call upon Me, you are allowing Me to guide you through your day, to guide you in bringing you closer to My Son, to guide you by touching your hearts and letting you know, I am your Heavenly Mother who loves you.  I am so very close to you and always have My mantle of Love & Protection wrapped around all of My precious little ones.  Call upon Me My precious little ones, and I will guide you to My Son’s Eternal Kingdom.  I Bless you My precious little ones in My Son’s name”  

The following message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on August 18th, 2020 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.”  This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

Message: “Whisper My precious little ones, whisper.  Just the soft whisper of My name, I embrace you, to hold you closer, to intercede for you, to lead you closer to My Son.  Just whisper My name My little ones and I embrace you closer to Me, for I am your Heavenly Mother.  So many of My little ones fear I am not with them, you only have to whisper My name.  I love you My precious little ones and I Bless you in My Son’s name.” 

The following message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on July 29th, 2020 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.”  This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

Message:“My precious little ones.  So many of you called upon Me today.  I, as your Heavenly Mother listen to all that you say to Me.  My precious little ones, you bring the brightest joy to My Son’s heart when you call out to Me, for My Son knows that when you honor Me, His Holy Mother, you are also giving Him the highest honor of serving Him.  All of Heaven lights up with joy when you honor Me, by calling out to Me in prayer.  I love you My precious little ones and I Bless you in My Son’s name.”  

The following message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on July 9th, 2020 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.”  This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

NOTE: While attending morning Mass this morning, a brilliant bright light came through the stain glass window of the parish Church and then Our Lady gave the following message:

“My precious little ones.  As you see the brightness of the sun through your eyes, you can also see the brightness of the Love I have for you when you look into the eyes of My image.  I love you My precious little ones and Bless you in My Son’s name” 

The following message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on June 30th, 2020 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.”  This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

Message: “My precious little ones.  On this day I bestowed a special blessing upon all those who called upon Me.  This special blessing was also given to your family members.  If you knew how much I love you, you would shed Tears of Joy with Me.  I love you My precious little ones and bless you in My Son’s name” 

NOTE: I was then shown a vision of thousands upon thousands of bright lights streaking across the sky which I knew were descending upon all those who were receiving this most special blessing from Our Lady of the Tear of Joy

The following message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on June 21st, 2020 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.”  This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

Message: “Abundant Graces Flow My Children.  My precious little ones, as you see the sun going down for the day, you know the warmth and brightness of the sun will no longer be with you.  Unlike the sun My precious little ones, even at night abundant graces flow down upon you when you call upon Me, and with these graces, I will bring warmth and brightness to your hearts.  Call upon Me and allow Me to bring the warmth and brightness of My Motherly love that I have for you, to your hearts.  I love you My precious little ones and Bless you in My Son’s name.”   

The following message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on June 15th, 2020 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.”  This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

Message: “My precious little ones.  I come once again to bring peace into your hearts.  When you hold My image My children, look into My eyes, for I am looking back into yours and letting you know, I love you and you are so precious to Me and I will bring peace into your hearts, and lead you to My Son.  I love you my precious little ones and bless you in My Son’s name.” 

The following message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on May 20th, 2020 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.”  This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

Message: “Peace My little ones.  My little ones, let Me bring peace into your hearts, for many of My little ones hearts are filled with fear.  When you hold My image (photo), you are holding Me and you are calling out to Me.  Please My little ones, remain quiet as you hold My image and look into My eyes and I will bring peace into your hearts and embrace you with My Motherly love that I have for all of My little ones.  I love you and Bless you in My Son’s name” 

The following message was given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on April 29th, 2020 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.”  This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

Message: “Love.  My precious little ones, when you call upon My Son and I, We surround you with Our unending love for you.  Our love surpasses all your fears, your worries, all your pains.  Let Our love envelope your thoughts and your hearts.  Our love will be with you throughout your day and throughout your night.  Trust My precious little ones that Our love will never be taken away from you.  I love you My precious little ones and I Bless you in My Son’s name”

The following message was given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on April 22nd, 2020 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.”  This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.Message: “Calmness.  My precious little ones, I flee to My Son with all your prayers that you give to Me.  My Son and I know your sufferings and as you believe and trust in My intercession for you, My Son will lift all those up through their sufferings and this will bring you calmness, but you must trust.  My Son and I are always with you My precious little ones.  I love you My precious little ones and Bless you in My Son’s name”

The following message was given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on April 11th, 2020 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.  This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.Message: “My precious little ones, for many there is a stillness in your homes, a quietness.  Your daily lives have changed taking shelter in your homes, use this time My precious little ones to draw closer to My Son in prayer.  Call out to Me, your Heavenly Mother and I will lead you to My Son.  If you knew how much My Son and I love you, you yourselves would cry Tears of Joy.  I love you My precious little ones and Bless you in My Son’s name”

The following message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on April 8th, 2020 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.”  This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.Message: “The breeze of the wind My little ones, just as you are able to feel the breeze of the wind touching you, so are the Graces and Blessings from Heaven flowing down upon you when you call upon My Son and I.  Take a moment out in your day, look into the eyes of My image (photo), spend time with Me, My precious little ones for I am your Heavenly Mother.  O My little ones, your hearts are frightened, look into the eyes of My image and I will bring peace into your hearts.  Just as you feel the wind touching you, so are the Graces and Blessings My Son and I give you.  I love you My precious little ones and Bless you in My Son’s name.” 

The following message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on March 23rd, 2020 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.  This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.Message: “My precious little ones, hold My image (photo), look into My eyes and pray to Me, for I am with you.  If you allow Me, I will bring peace to your hearts, trust in My intercession My little ones, all of you are so precious to Me, for I am your Heavenly Mother.  I love you and Bless you in My Son’s name.”  

The following message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on March 18th, 2020 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.”  This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.Message: “Oh My little ones, so many of you are calling out to Me.  I truly shed Tears of Joy because you know that I as your Heavenly Mother will protect you and I will flee to My Son with all your fears, your hurts and tears of sorrow.  My little ones, many of your tears are tears of sorrow because of fear you are feeling.  Fear is of the evil one, don’t let him take your peace away.  Simply call upon Me and allow Me to return the peace to your hearts and the evil one will flee, and if you allow Me, you will feel My presence.  Trust in My intercession as your Heavenly Mother, for each of you are so very precious to Me.  I love you My little ones and I Bless you in My Son’s name.”Note: A vision was also shown of Red & Yellow rose petals falling from Heaven, coming down upon all those who were calling upon Our Blessed Mother.  Each rose petal had Graces & Blessings being given to those who were praying to Our Lady.

The following message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on March 15th, 2020 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.”  This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy. Message:

“My precious little ones, many of you could not go to Holy Mass for My Son’s Churches are closed.  My Son’s Churches are to remain open.  For you My little ones who could not receive My Son in Holy Communion, you did receive Him in Spiritual Holy Communion for My Son knows your heart that you are sadden not being able to receive Him in His body and blood.  Hold My image (photo) My precious little ones, call out to Me in prayer (Memorare prayer) and I will intercede for you and lead you to My Son.  Have no fear, for this is of the evil one.  My Son and I are always with you, We will never leave you, for you are My precious little ones whom My Son created.  Each of you are so precious to Me.  I love you My little ones and Bless you in My Son’s name.  

The following message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on February 26th, 2020 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.”  This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy. Message:

“THE LIGHT OF MY LOVE.  My little ones, when you see the sun rise in the morning, you know you are exposed to the light of the day.  My little ones, when you pray to Me, you are exposed to the light of My love that I have for you and this love I give you, will enlighten your hearts with My presence that I am always with you, interceding for you and leading you closer to My Son.  I love you My little ones and Bless you in My Son’s name”

The following message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on February 12th, 2020 on the miracle image of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.”  This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.”

Message: “My little ones, when you look into the eyes of My image (photo), allow them to pierce your heart for the love I have for you.  For the eyes of My image, reflects My Motherly love that I have for all of My precious little ones.  I want to intercede for you and lead you closer to My Son.  I want to pour out My Motherly love upon all those who call upon Me.  The piercing love My eyes give you, will pierce through any darkness, any suffering you are going through My little ones.  My piercing eyes will enlighten your hearts and bring you peace, if you allow it.  Please allow Me to pierce your heart for the love I have for you.  I love you My little ones and Bless you in My Son’s name.”

The following message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on January 28th, 2020 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.”  This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

Message: “My precious little children, many are in a panic with this new virus (Coronavirus).  My little ones, keep My image (photo) near you, wear your sacramentals, have your homes blessed and call out to Me, your Heavenly Mother and I will intercede for you.  My little ones, do not fear for My Son and I are always with you.  I Bless you My little ones in My Son’s name” 

The following message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on January 2nd, 2020 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.”  This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.Message: “My precious little ones, as you start a new year, flee to Me more in prayer and I will lead you closer to My Son.  Have no fear My little ones, for my mantle of Love and Protection is always wrapped around you.  I shed Tears of Joy when you flee to Me and these Tears of Joy which are filled with graces from Me, will gently come upon you.  I love you My precious little ones and Bless you in My Son’s name” 

The following message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on December 18th, 2019 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.”  This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

Message: “My precious little ones, winter is here and for many of My little ones they are much colder than others who live in different parts of the world.  You put on coats and you then feel warm, this warms your heart.  My little ones, just as your heart feels warm by wearing a simple coat, you warm My heart when you pray to Me, and this gives Me Tears of Joy, for I will intercede for you and lead you to My Son.  I love you My little ones and Bless you in My Son’s name.”

The following message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on November 20th, 2019 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.” This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

Message: “Just a whisper My precious little children, just whispering My name you are calling out to Me in prayer and when you do My little ones, I will hold you closer to Me with My mantle of Love and Protection that I already have wrapped around you. I love you My precious little children and I Bless you in My Son’s name.”

The following message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on October 30th, 2019 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.” This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

Message: “My precious little children, just like the soft rain that comes down upon you, so are My Tears of Joy when you flee to Me in prayer. Each Tear of Joy that comes upon you is filled with the Heavenly graces of My Motherly love I have for each of you. I Bless you My precious little children in My Son’s name.”

The following message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on October 16th, 2019 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.” This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

Message: “My precious little children, you bring Me such joy when you look upon My image. For when you simply look upon My image, you are calling upon Me and I will touch your hearts, and I will intercede for you and lead you to My Son. I love you My precious little children, and I Bless you in My Son’s name.”

The following message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on September 9th, 2019 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.” This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

During a Holy Rosary today, September 9th, 2019, a vision was shown to the locutionist on what occurred for all those in celebration of Our Lady’s Feast Day of Our Blessed Mother’s birthday on September 8th, 2019.  “I was shown a vision of Tears raining down from Heaven. I knew these to be Tears of Joy from Our Blessed Mother. Each Tear was quite large and I could tell they were filled with graces. These Tears were pulsating the most beautiful white light as they were flowing down upon all those who were honoring Our Lady for Her Feast day. As these Tears fell upon those honoring Our Lady, they were enveloping them with graces and not only from Our Lady, but also Our Lord Jesus, for He too was pouring out graces upon those who were honoring His Mother.”

The following message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on July 17th, 2019 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.” This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

Message: “My little ones, just as you see the rain come down and it touches your skin, you can feel the wetness of the rain. Just like the rain, when you pray to Me, I shed Tears of Joy upon you just like the rain. Unlike the rain, you cannot feel My Tears of Joy, but they are blessing you with abundant graces that also come from My Son. For when you pray to Me, it brings so much Joy to My Son when you honor Me, His Mother. Just as you see the rain come down upon you My little ones, so are My graces when you call upon Me. I Bless you My little ones in My Son’s name.”

The following message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on July 10th, 2019 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.” This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

Message: “My little ones, I LOVE YOU. My heart grows even stronger with love for you when you look upon My image (photo), because when you look upon My image, you are expressing your love for Me and I shed Tears of Joy upon all of you. I Bless you My little ones in My Son’s name.”

The following message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on July 3rd, 2019 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.” This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

Message: “My little ones, do not let things of this world consume your thoughts. Please My little ones, take time for Me, look into the eyes of My image (photo), and know My Son and I LOVE YOU! You were created by My Son and I am your Heavenly Mother. Pray to Me and allow Me to come into your life and lead you to My Son. My little ones, if you knew how much I LOVE YOU, you would shed Tears of Joy with Me. I Bless you My little ones in My Son’s name”

NOTE: I took the 2 beautiful large canvas prints of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy to a rosary group this evening. During the rosary, two locutionists saw the following: In one of the canvas prints of Our Lady, Her eyes were looking directly at all those present at the rosary and the canvas prints of Our Lady were shedding “Tears of Joy.” God Bless to all, Arrow >>>————–>

The following message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on June 12th, 2019 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.” This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

Message: “My little ones, when you hold My image (photo), in your hand and look into My eyes, remain silent, remain still and allow Me to touch your heart and lead you to My Son. I love you My little ones, believe in My intercession for you. I will never leave you, I will never abandon you, you are My precious little ones who are very close to My heart. I Bless you My little ones in My Son’s name

The following message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on May 29th, 2019 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.” This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

Message: “My little ones, you are marveled at My Son’s beauty of His creation and of His majestic landscapes. My little ones, Heaven awaits you with beauty, love and peace that you don’t understand for all those who serve My Son. Call upon Me My little ones and I will lead you to My Son. I Bless you My little ones in My Son’s name”

The following message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on May 8th, 2019 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.” This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

Message: “My little ones, I want My image known to all. When you look into the eyes of My image, you are deepening your love for me and I am touching your hearts. I want you to know Me as your Heavenly Mother for I am the Queen of Heaven and of earth. Come to know Me My little ones, and this is done by praying to Me and I will guide your hearts to knowing Me more as your Heavenly Mother and guiding your hearts to the love of My Son, for you are His children. My Son does not want any of His children to fall away to the evil one. My Son wants to embrace each and everyone of His children into His Heavenly Kingdom and I will guide you to My Son’s Kingdom. I Bless you My little ones in My Son’s name”

The following message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on May 2nd, 2019 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.” This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

Message: “My child, tell My little ones I will in a special way, touch the hearts of My little children who receive My image. I Bless all of My little ones in My Son’s name”

The following message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on April 23rd, 2019 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.” This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

Message: “My child, tell My precious little ones, when they hold My image (photo), they are holding Me and I will touch their hearts. I Bless you My precious little ones in My Son’s name”

The following message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on April 3rd, 2019 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.” This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

Message: “My sweet little ones, the Rosary prayer to Me is sweet music to Me. This sweet music resounds throughout Heaven and brings immense joy to My Son for all those who call upon Me. I Bless all of My little ones in My Son’s name”

On March 24th, Our Lady gave a message that She wanted the Holy Rosary said on March 27th for Her Son’s priests. The spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy approved the message and with it being the season of Lent, the “Sorrowful Mystery” of the Holy Rosary was to be said. The Rosary was at 7pm in everybody’s respective time zone. Yesterday (March 27th, 2019), Our Lady gave a message to two locutionist/visionaries and below is what they were told and shown during the time they were saying the Sorrowful Mystery of the Holy Rosary. This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

Message: “Today My little ones, you prayed for My Son’s priests. My Son’s priests are so special to Me for they are doing My Son’s Will. My little ones, I shed Tears of Joy down upon all those who were praying for My Son’s priests. I Bless you My little ones in My Son’s name”

Present at the Rosary there was a statue of Our Lady of Fatima, the statue was immersed in light which was streaming towards all those present and the priests all over the world.

During the Sorrowful Mystery, a drop of Jesus’ blood fell upon all priests

The following message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on March 20th, 2019 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.” This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

Message: “Rays of My love……. My little ones, as you are able to see the rays of the sun come down upon you and you can feel the warmth of the sun touching you, so is My love for you. Although you can not actually see it, the love I have for you comes down upon you, touching you with My Motherly love I have for all of My precious little ones. I Bless you My little ones in My Son’s name”

The following message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on March 13th, 2019 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.” This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

Message: “My precious little ones, when you call out to Me in prayer, all of Heaven rejoices because more of My children are coming closer to Me and all who do, all of Heaven knows that I will lead them to My Son. I Bless you My precious little ones in My Son’s name”

The following message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on March 3rd, 2019 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.” The below message is from the unveiling ceremony that occurred after the Holy Mass at Immaculate Conception Church. This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.


Note: Shortly after the Noon Mass – Two New Heavy Canvas Prints of The Image Of Our Lady Tear of Joy (Professionally Created, Framed & Mounted on a Tripod) were placed in the Sanctuary that were to be Blessed By Fr. Joe. These Elegant Canvas Prints will be traveling with Arrow when he has scheduled “Speaking Engagements”, so that the audience can gaze upon our Beautiful Heavenly Mother as the Miraculous Image of “Our Lady Tear of Joy”.

As Fr. Joe was standing in front of these “Images” he was giving a presentation to those in attendance at this celebration and I suddenly felt the presence of Our Lady, who then began to speak.

My Sweetest Children:

I am filled with jubilation on this wonderful Celebration of Blessings of My Miraculous Images by Fr. Joe. This is indeed a joyous occasion and all of my faithful children who have taken the time this afternoon to attend this event will receive an abundance of Blessings through the Graces of my love for each of you and these blessings will also be given to your family members that you have been praying for. I am so thrilled and delighted on this very special and euphoric day and I want to thank My Child, Arrow and all of my other children who gave of their time, energy and expense to this magnificent project.

I was also in attendance for the Celebration of The Holy Mass and was enraptured by My Priest Sons (Fr. Joe & Fr. Sam) Offering the Sacrifice of My Divine Son in the Celebration of the Mass. To witness both of My Priest Sons celebrating the Mass and now to have them both here at the Blessing of My Images is both blissful and I feel elated. I am ever so grateful for their presence here today.

Oh My Children, what “Tears of Joy” I am shedding on this splendid day as I watch my sweet children come up to the Sanctuary to unveil these elegant “Images”.

Note: As Fr. Joe began the blessing of each Image, I saw what I thought was “Glitter” falling upon all of those present at this celebration. Our Lady then told me that it was “Gold Glitter” and it represented the Graces and Blessings that were being given to all those in attendance. Our Lady said that it was symbolic of both protection and virtue.

Our Lady continues to speak: Oh My Children, what “Tears of Joy” I am shedding on this very special day as I watch all of my children come up to show their Heavenly Mother reverence of love and dedication of My Miraculous Image.


The following message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on February 27th, 2019 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.” This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

Message: “My children, I am love. My love always surrounds you, My love will lead you to My Son, for My Son and I are love. Know My little children that love surpasses all evil, fear and worry. Know My children that I have My mantle of love and protection wrapped around you. I Bless you My children in My Son’s name”

The following message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on February 13th, 2019 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.”  This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

Message: “My little ones, just as when you were a young child, you would scrape your knee and your earthly mother would clean your hurt knee and then give your hurt a gentle kiss.  I as your Heavenly Mother so very much want to heal and kiss all your scrapes, all your hurts and all your sufferings.  I shed Tears of Joy on to you when you pray to Me.  I love you My little ones and I bless you in My Son’s name”

The following message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on January 28th, 2019 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.”  This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

Message; “My child, on February 6th, I want My Joyful Mystery of My Holy Rosary said for all of those involved in abortion.  Life is to be respected and life is to be chosen.  I want to shed Tears of Joy to all of My precious little ones who call upon Me but, abortion cause’s Me to shed Tear’s of sadness for the unborn children My Son has created.  Please tell My precious little ones of this request from their Blessed Mother.  I Bless all of My little ones in My Son’s name”

The following message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on January 16th, 2019 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.”  This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

Message:  “My little ones, I want My image (photo) in your homes and I will bless your homes.  When you look upon My image, I am looking back at you, letting you know My little ones that I hold each and every one of you close to My heart.  I always have My mantle of love and protection wrapped around each and every one of you, for I am your Heavenly Mother.  I bless you My little ones in My Son’s name”

The following message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on January 12th, 2019 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.”  This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

Message: “My little ones, pray for those who are cold and who have nothing to eat.  Pray to Me so I can shed My Tears of Joy upon them to console them.  Many of My little ones are suffering.  I bless all of My little ones in My Son’s name”

The following message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on December 14th, 2018 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.”  This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

Message: “My child, tell My little ones that when they pray to Me, My heart radiates Joy and Love and I pass that Joy and Love from My heart back to them.  Tell My little ones of the Love as their Heavenly Mother I have for them.  I bless all of My little ones in My Son’s name”

The following message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on December 6th, 2018 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.”  This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

Message: “My little ones, you must know, Joy not only comes to My heart, but to My Son’s heart each time you pray to Me, because My Son knows I will lead all of those who pray to Me, to Him.  I Bless you My little ones in My Son’s name”

The following message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on December 1st, 2018 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.”  The following is what the locutionist was shown and told as to what occurred on December 1st when everybody was united in praying the Joyful Mystery at 7pm in their own time zone.  This has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

Message: “My Son opened the gates of Heaven for graces to pour down upon My little ones saying the Holy Rosary to Me for My Son’s unborn children.  My little ones, I Bless you in My Son’s name”

The following message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on November 29th, 2018 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.”  This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

Message: “My little ones, Angels will be be descending down upon those praying.  Graces will flow down upon those praying for My Son’s unborn precious babies whom he knitted with His hands.  I Bless you My little ones in My Son’s name”

The following message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on November 27th, 2018 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.”  This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

Message: “My little ones, the baby in the womb of a mother is a precious gift hand made by My Son.  Life is to be respected and life is to be chosen.  Pray My little ones for life to be chosen for all the unborn babies My Son has created. I Bless all of My little ones in My Son’s name.”

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you” – Jeremiah 1:5

“For thou didst form my inward parts, thou didst knit me together in my mother’s womb” – Psalms 139:13

The following message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on November 5th, 2018 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.”  This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

Message:  “My child. Tears of Joy are flowing down upon My little ones. Through My image many are believing in My intercession for them. I Bless all of My little ones in My Son’s name. “

The following message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on October 30th, 2018 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.”  This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

Message: “My little ones, so many of you are distracted from things of this world.  I am your Heavenly Mother, come to know My love I have for each of My little ones.  All of you are precious to My heart.  Look into My image and see the Tear of Joy I have for each of you.  Pray to Me My little ones, flee to Me in prayer and I will lead you to My Son.  Come to know My deep love I have for all of My little ones.  When you hold a Holy Rosary in your hand, I am holding your hand.  I Bless you My little ones in My Son’s name.”

The following message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on October 18th, 2018 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.”  This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

Message:  “My child, tell My little ones that when they receive My Son in the Holy Eucharist, I shed Tears of Joy that My Son is having a very intimate union with His children. Tell My little ones that they must be in a state of grace with My Son. I love you My little ones and I Bless you in My Son’s name

The following message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on October 10th, 2018 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.”  This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

Message: “I love you My little ones.  I patiently await for you to call upon Me in your sufferings and trials you are going through.  I want to intercede for you and lead you to My Son.  I Bless you My little ones in My Son’s name”

Message:  “My child, I as their Heavenly Mother have so much Joy I want to share and give to My little ones when they flee to Me in prayer, tell them, tell them, (Memorare prayer).  I want to bring conversions to those who look upon My image.  I want to lead My little ones to My Son.  I bless all of My little ones in My Son’s name”

In the second part of this message, Our Lady again is asking us to “Flee to Her” in prayer.  Our Lady has said in past messages that She wants the Memorare prayer said when we look upon Her image (photo) and in this prayer, we are fleeing to Her and all those who flee to Our Lady, She will lead them to Her Son.

The following message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on September 21st, 2018 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.”  This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

Message: “My child, tell My little ones that when they look at My image, I want Peace, Joy and Love to reign from their hearts.  I Love you My little ones and I Bless you in My Son’s name”

The following two messages was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on August 13th, 2018 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.”  These two messages has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

Message: “My child, let My little one’s know I want to bring peace to their hearts when they pray to Me.  Please My little one’s, sit in silence and feel My love I am surrounding you with.  You are My little one’s and you bring Me Tears of Joy when you pray to Me.  I so much want to lead My lost little one’s to My Son.  Pray for those who do not know My Son.  I love you My little one’s and I Bless you in My Son’s name”

Message: “Tell My little one’s I want My story known to all of My Tears of Joy.  I want to bring physical healing’s and spiritual conversions to all of My little one’s, tell them.  I Bless you in My Son’s name”

This message was allegedly given by Our Lady of an anonymous locutionist on August 5th, 2018, on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.”  This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

Message:  “Tell My little one’s that I am holding them and My Motherly touch which is from Heaven, is so soft that they are not able to feel Me touching them.  Tell My little one’s I will never leave them, nor take My Love and Protection from them.  So many of My little one’s think I am not with them.  I Bless all of My little one’s in My Son’s name”

This message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on July 25th, 2018, on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.”  This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

Message:  “My child, so many of My little children are afraid.  They are to know this comes from Satan.  My little ones are not to be afraid, but tell My little ones that I have My mantle of Love & Protection wrapped around them and I will never take that away from them.  Tell My little ones that the Tear they see in My image (photo), is a true Tear of Joy that I shed when they pray to Me.  I Bless you in My Son’s name”

This message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on July 23rd, 2018, on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.”  This has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

Message: “Tell My children that for each child that returns to My Son, I cry Tears of Joy for each one.  Tell My precious children this, I Bless all of you in My Son’s name”

This message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on July 18th, 2018, on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.”  This has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

Message: “My child, when people pray to Me, they are opening the door of their heart and allowing Me to come into their heart and I will lead them to My Son, tell them”

This message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on July 17th, 2018 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.”  This has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

Message: “Tell my little ones that when they pray in unison to Me for somebody, I absorb all their prayers together and take them to My Son.  I bless you my little ones in My Son’s name.  You are My prayer warriors who are close to My heart”

This message was allegedly given by the Holy Spirit on July 14th, 2018, to an anonymous locutionist who has been getting messages on the miracle image of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.”  This has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

“The Caress of Our Lady’s Love”

“All of us once had a mother holding us in her arms.  Whether by our birth mother’s or an adopted mother, we were held with such extreme love with the caress of our mother’s hands.  The caress of our mother’s love was felt with her hands holding us in her arms.  The caress of our mother’s love was felt with a gentle kiss on our little cheeks.  The caress of our mother’s love was felt when we woke up being scared of the dark and the caress of her hands holding us, taking the fear away.  The caress of our mother’s love was felt when we fell down scraping our knee and her hands touching our hurts, making us feel better.  The caress of our mother’s love is not just with her hands.  The caress of our mother’s love was in her eyes, looking at us when we left for school in our elementary school years.  The caress of our mother’s love was those tears in her eyes when we left home, starting our own journey in life.”

“The caress of Our Lady’s love holding us is so very gentle that we cannot actually feel it, it is that soft.  The caress of Our Lady’s love is when She is waiting for us to call upon Her when we are scared so She can hold us even closer to Her, taking the fear away.  The caress of Our Lady’s love is when we call upon Her when we have our own physical hurts and Our Lady will touch our physical wounds with a gentle kiss.  The caress of Our Lady’s love is when we call upon Her in our emotional needs and She lets you fell the warmth and love of Her hands holding you, Her touch is that soft.  The caress of Our Lady’s love can be felt knowing that She is looking into our eyes, letting us know that She loves us with unconditional love.  The caress of Our Lady’s love is knowing that She wants to take our hurts, our tears, our prayers to Her Son.  The caress of Our Lady’s love is knowing that although we cannot see Her, Her love is surrounding us.  The caress of Our Lady’s love is knowing that She has Her mantle of Love & Protection wrapped around us and She will never take that away.  The caress of Our Lady’s Love, wow!!  There is nothing to compare it to.”

This message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on June 29th, 2018 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.”  This has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

Message: “Tell them when they look into the eyes of My image (photo), I am looking back into theirs, letting them know, as your Mother I so very much Love each and every one of you, for you are My children and I so very much want to intercede for you and lead you to My Son.  Tell them, I have My mantle of Love and Protection wrapped around them”  

This message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on May 29th, 2018 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.”  This has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

Message: “My heart burst with so much Love when My children flee to Me in prayer.  Joy flows from My heart and I so much want to lead those who have strayed in their belief in My Son, back to Him.  My Son so very much wants to pour out His graces upon all of you.  Flee to Me in prayer, trust in My intercession to bring you closer to My Son.  I Love you my little ones”

This message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on March 7th, 2018 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.”  This has been approved to be posted by the Spiritual Director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

Message: “Tell them, some are afraid to place my image (photo) to their face.  Some are afraid they may smudge my image, I want to kiss you, please know I want to be close to you, I Love you and want to lead you to My Son”   

This message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on February 27th, 2018 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy”.  This has been approved to be posted by the Spiritual Director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

Message: “When they look into the eye’s of My image (photo), I am looking into theirs and wanting them to know, I LOVE YOU and I will lead you to My Son

First, may the many graces from Our Lord Jesus be upon all those reading this.  As most of you know who are reading this, on September 8th, 2017 (Feast Day of Our Blessed Mother’s birthday), an apparition occurred in Cincinnati Ohio when a private birthday party was held in Our Blessed Mother’s honor, with visionary Carmelo Cortez from the Philippines, at least 5 priests and over 200 plus people in attendance for this blessed event.  Large helium balloons in the shape of a Rosary were released in the sky and everybody started singing happy birthday to Our Blessed Mother.  As the balloons were going up, a photo was taken of them as they ascended toward the sky and what developed in the picture, is a most beautiful image of the face of Our Blessed Mother.  Shortly after this, Our Blessed Mother started to give messages to just one visionary about this image (photo) of her.  Now there are several visionaries from Michigan, Ohio & New York that I know of who are now also getting messages about this image of Our Lady and I have been in contact with them.  Our Blessed Mother in repeated messages has said that She wants this image (photo) of Her, “Known to all”, She wants this message spread around the world.  This is now coming true, I was contacted by “Michael Journal publication” and their publication goes around the world in several languages and they are doing a full story on this.   Myself in addition to other people I know, have made up at least 2,000 photos of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy”, had them Blessed by a priest and sent them out to other States in addition to passing them out  locally.   It is now getting back to me stories of healing’s, both physical and spiritual of people being touched with this photo of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.”

Our Blessed Mother through repeated messages wants everybody to know about this image (photo) of Her and it is a “Healing Image” and this is what we are to know:

  1. We “Heal Her Heart”:  When we pray to Our Lady, when we call out to Her in prayer, this gives Her great Joy (Tear of Joy), and all those who pray to Our Lady for Her to intercede, She will lead all those who go to Her, to Her Son.  When we pray to Our Lady, this heals Her heart, giving Her joy, hence “Tear of Joy.”  When you look at this image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy”, you are to say the Memorare prayer, because in this prayer, we are fleeing to Our Lady and this gives Her joy, hence “Tear of Joy” and again, all those who call out to Her in prayer, She will lead them to Her Son.  She wants this image of Her to be called “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.”  If you look at Her left eye, you will see a single “Tear” and Our Lady has said this is a “Tear of Joy” and it gives Her Joy when we go to Her.
  2. This image (photo) is a healing image and can be touched up against somebody and then pray to Our Lady for Her to intercede for us and if it is Her Son’s “Will” for a healing.  Note: This is already happening from photo’s that we have had Blessed and given/mailed out.
  3. This image (photo) will bring Spiritual healing’s to people who are touched with it and you are to pray to Our Lady when you do and she will lead all those who pray to Her, to Her Son.  Note: This also is already happening, I have had numerous people tell me of spiritual healing’s.
  4. Our Lady recently said: “They are to know. they are to get my image (photo) into their homes and Our Lady will take care of the rest.”  Meaning, just the image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy in a home, will bring about spiritual healing’s just by them looking upon Her.

Memorare Prayer, “Remember, O most Gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help or sought thy intercession was left unaided.  Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of Virgins, my mother.  To thee do I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful.  Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer me. Amen”