Lend Your Ears, Lest You Miss

Friends, Christians, Believers, lend your ears to your Mother. Like the voice  calling out in the wilderness, she is  begging to us, though  many  among us  do not recognise her divine voice.  Every apparition of our Holy Mother  in modern  times, right from Lasalette in 1846 through Lourdes, Fatima, Amsterdam, Monti Chiari, Akitha, Garabandhal and  Medjugorje was primarily to prepare us for  the greatest event ever to take place in the history of the world: the glorious second coming of Jesus Christ.

Mary has been guiding her children at every step during these turbulent times. Sometimes through apparitions, sometimes through  messages and  sometimes through  inner  locutions.  We can  observe a  gradual progression in the way our Mother reveals these  important messages  to us.  At Lasalette and Lourdes it was general in nature. By the  time of the Fatima apparitions, the messages  began to  focus on specific  points and this  trend was more visible in the apparitions of Amsterdam.  When we  analyse the Marian apparition at  Monti Chiari, we find   our Beloved Virgin Mother inviting our attention to  three things which  hurt her most  and were represented as three swords piercing her heart. The first sword means loss of the vocation as a priest or a monk. The second sword means priests, monks, and nuns who live in deadly sin. The third sword means priests and monks who while giving up their vocation, often lose also their faith, and become enemies of the Church. Our Lady asked for “PRAYER, SACRIFICE and PENANCE” as remedy.

Messages at Garabandhal  and  Akitha   are  in  many ways a continuation of the Fatima messages. They are  more vivid and intended to  give us a deep insight into what awaited us in the  coming years. Medjugorje apparitions which  commenced in 1981 and continued till 2020, presents the picture of a world passing through the birthpangs of the great  event.

Half a century ago – 1972 to be precise – Fr Stefano Gobbi, an Italian Priest, who was deeply pained by the decision of  some of his  friends to desert their vocation, was  spending  his time in prayer. And the place he chose for it was, by choice or by default, Fatima! He didn’t know what to do because by that time,  deserting the priestly vocation had become commonplace. On 8th May 1972, while in prayer, the Blessed Virgin  Mother started  to talk to him  by way of inner locutions. For the next twenty-five years, the Holy Mother was guiding Fr Gobbi to spread her messages to an unbelieving world. They were compiled to  make the  famous book ‘To the Priests, Our Lady’s Beloved Sons’ also fondly called ‘the Blue Book’ which is now available in all major languages. The series of  messages ended  on 31st December 1997 by when Fr Gobbi had received a total of 604 messages.

Like any other  Marian apparition or message, here too  our Mother’s attempt was to  help us identify the  signs of the times in which we live and prepare us for the  coming  final battle leading to the  ultimate  victory of her immaculate heart.

Today  we invite you to  spend a few minutes with us  meditating on message no. 450 received on  19th May, the feast of Pentecost of the year 1991.

     ” Now you have entered into the days of the  second Pentecost. Therefore, this fellowship need to be  spread to  every part of the world. I request the entire Church to  unite in the spiritual fellowship of my immaculate heart. Then the Holy Spirit will  reveal the fullness of truth to you. The  Holy Spirit will lead  you to the mysteries of the Divine Word and enlighten your intellect  so that you  will understand  what is  written in the gospels   about  the times  in which you live now. He will  help you in understanding  the signs of the times.

     These are the times of  the great apostasy to be followed by the  appearance of the Antichrist as foretold in the  Scripture. It is a period of  sorrow, agony and  untold suffering to  each one of you. It is the time of the final events for preparing you  for the glorious second coming of Jesus Christ.  The Holy Spirit  gives full witness to Jesus Christ. He declares that Jesus Christ is the only begotten  eternal son of the Father and that he  is one with the Father.  Everything was created through him. He is the  Word Incarnate.  He is the  king of the entire universe who is to come again to  re-install his rule  in this world.

    Holy Spirit prepares your heart and soul  for the  second coming of Jesus Christ. For this  reason, the Spirit pours out His gifts in abundance when compared  to the initial days of the Church. Because we have already entered the  end times which is  the precursor to the  coming new age”.

These lines are enough to satisfy  anybody who  still doubts the  second coming of Jesus Christ.  Often we hear the sarcastic remark  ‘Will he come again?’. For a Christian there should not be any doubt at all, because  he repeats this eternal truth  everyday, be it in the Creed or in the  Holy Mass.  Yet, if many Christians across the world still consider the second coming as a  myth, they have nothing to  blame for that  except their own lack of faith.

Two decades have passed  since our Mother  told us about the impending perils. She categorically warned us that   the future years will be  marked by large-scale apostasy. She warned us that the Antichrist is  preparing  to  reveal himself to the world.  Those days will bring great pain and agony to the faithful. A second Pentecost will enlighten the hearts and souls of Mary’s children  during these perilous times. The Spirit will  help  us in understanding the signs of the times in which we live. More importantly, the Spirit will lead us  to the secrets of the  Word, where everything about the end times is foretold. Our Mother is candid in revealing that we have already entered the end times that precedes the dawn of a new age.

Two decades! And we are right  in the midst of the events  foretold  by our Mother. We are living in those days, where all the prophecies about the  end of the time as appearing in the Bible are to be fulfilled.  Are we really aware of it? If not, ask the Holy Spirit. He will open up the sealed prophecies  for you. He will ignite your hearts by  the Divine Word. This ignition of  the heart is the  first  thing we need to realise the  real Jesus  Christ.  Those two disciples   on their way to Emmaus did confess this truth; that  when  Jesus Christ explained the Scripture to them, their hearts were burning within them.

Moving to message 451, we find  our  Holy Virgin designating us  as the Apostles of the end times. She demands from us the courage to  proclaim the  truths of the  Catholic faith and to warn others about  false teachings.   Our Lady’s loving  advice to her children is that they should not  love themselves nor this world. Instead she calls on us to be in prayer with utmost humility and  silence in a spirit of sacrifice and charity.  We should  develop a deep union with God. But remember that  it will make us unknown to the outside world and others will ignore us. We will  have to  face many obstacles. We may be persecuted and treated as outcasts. But our Holy Mother reminds us that  these sufferings are essential for the  success of the mission  with which we are designated as the  Apostles of the end times.

Our Lady continues that we should carry out our mission of evangelisation by reflecting the light of Christ in our life. In this context evangelisation primarily means re-evangelising the Church. Listen to what the Mother says; “The responsibility of undertaking the second evangelisation  rests on you. Evangelise the Church. The Church has been  going away from the spirit of  Christ and  given herself to be  tempted by the pleasures of this world. This trend has grown deep into the Church and  has spread everywhere.  Re-evangelise the humankind who after  listening to the  gospel  two millennium ago has  again become atheists.  Take the gospel  a second time to those who have fallen victim to false teachings, evil and sin.  Proclaim the gospel again to those who are swayed by the wind of wrong philosophies and doctrines. Re-evangelise those individuals and nations who have turned practical atheists by  surrendering themselves  to impurity, pride, money, dissipation and greed for power”.

Anybody hearing? The Holy Virgin is in a hurry. That is why  nowadays she gives apparitions in a scale  unparallelled in the history. She knows that the time at her disposal is short and  unless her children are  properly warned, there is every chance that they  will  be tempted to  exchange the  eternal truths of God  for  the falsities  of the  eternal liar.  ” Today, the Church is ascending the Golgotha, with a heavy cross on her  shoulders. The spirit of  this world has entered her heart and spread everywhere. How many  priests and religious  have  their  spiritual life withered because they offered themselves to be  defeated by worldliness!” (message 459).   These words of lamentation  is a repetition of what she told Fr Gobbi sixteen years ago; “My messages are multiplying by as many times as the voices of my ministers (cardinals, bishops, priests) refuse to preach the truth. How many  of  my children dwell in spiritual poverty caused by the lack of the Word, all this as a result of  many priests  renouncing their faith! The truths which are so important for the conduct of your life today are no longer proclaimed; for example, the teaching about the paradise which awaits you; about the Cross of my Son which saves you; about sin which wounds the heart of Jesus and my heart; about hell into which countless souls are rushing headlong every day; about the urgent need for prayer and penance”( message 85).

Our Holy Mother’s messages are  relevant in our days more than ever. A journey through the messages Our Lady gave to Fr Gobbi is worth for the  pain it demands.  The way in which she  guides him and takes him to  distant countries to prepare the  world, the maternal love and  care  she exhibits even while  warning us about impending perils, and the  steadfast faith which she demands from us – and of which she was the pinnacle- and the  depths of her revelations about the events of the end times are all  meant not for Fr Gobbi alone. As Mary’s beloved children, we are  equally entitled to  go through the same experience. 

Before concluding, let us  have a quick look at the final message (message no 604 delivered on 31 December 1997). “This century has been  under the clutches of Satan.  For that reason, the evil of  atheism – theoretical as well as practical –  led my people astray. They started worshipping the idols of materialism, wealth, entertainment, power, pride and impurity in place of the true  God. Satan has been successful in tempting  all the  nations with his cup of lust…….. Today humankind is  under the influence  of  Satan.  Freemasonry and  other evil forces are  ruling over them. The Church has been eclipsed  due to the smoke of Satan….False doctrines are taught and widely  propagated  to the extent  of leading the humankind to lose the faith in  Christ and his gospel… Divine laws are broken  publicly…. Continued acts of sin and  justifying them is the reason for   the light of  God’s grace and His presence disappearing from the  Church”.

Do we need any more commentaries about our times, our beloved Church, the world at large and the  abysmal depths to which humanity has been gradually sinking, all because  of neglecting the true God and what he commanded us?  A quarter century after Our Lady delivered  her final message to Fr Gobbi, where  do we find ourselves? This is the time for introspection, which should lead us – and through us the  whole world- to a deep conversion. Time is limited.  Let us  seek the  guidance  of  the Holy Spirit and the help of  our Blessed Virgin Mother to  understand the current events in the light of  prophecies given in the Bible. This is the only way to  be prepared for the glorious  and imminent second coming  of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Let us recite the prayer given to Fr Stefano Gobbi by our Holy Mother:

‘Come, Holy Spirit,

Come by means of the

Powerful intercession of the

Immaculate Heart of Mary,

Your well beloved Spouse.’

Time is limited, we know. But it should not  discourage us from reciting the  prayer  as much times as possible. It is  a small prayer which doesn’t need  much time. But its effects are unbelievable. Try it  and  amass the gifts of the Holy Spirit, especially the gift of wisdom to  discern  truth from falsity, good from bad, true doctrine from false teaching and finally true pastors from false prophets. This will help us  in distinguishing the  Antichrist, when he reveals himself to the world claiming to be  the returning Christ. And remember; that  day is not too far!