Lord has  made the last day of the week a special day and commanded His people to observe it with due reverence. ’Remember the Sabbath day, and keep it holy……The Lord blessed the  Sabbath day and  consecrated it’  [Ex  20: 8-11]. Hallow my Sabbaths that  they may be a sign  between me and you [Eze. 20:20]. If you refrain from trampling the sabbath, from pursuing your own interests on my holy day………..then you  shall take delight in the Lord, and I will make  you ride upon the heights of the  earth  [Isa 58:13-14].

Jews were  very particular about the strict observance of sabbath. They once questioned even Jesus   when  he did something  on a  sabbath day that   their orthodox minds could not accept.

As we know,  sabbath was  moved from the  last day of the   week to the  first day of the week [Sunday] because Jesus rose from the  dead on this day. But its importance is not  lost. Christians are  instructed to honor  the day   by attending Holy Mass and by engaging in   only those activities   that  would  glorify the  day of the Lord.  Gradually  Sunday became the approved weekly holiday, first in Christian countries and then in other countries. 

Today China,  with a population of  around 1. 4 billion, and  where the anti-Christian communists are in power  has their weekly holiday on Sundays. Similarly India that is home to more than  one sixth of the world  population, and where Christians are a miniscule minority [2.3%] also observe  Sundays as weekly holidays. In other words, most of the countries in the  world, knowingly or unknowingly, accept the importance of Sunday.

But there are certain countries where Sundays are  regular working days and  weekly off comes on Fridays. They are  Muslim  countries  and for Muslims, Fridays are more important than all other days. 

And the reason? Well, we don’t know it except that Muhammad preferred a day other than Sunday  [Sabbath of Christians] and Saturday [Sabbath of Jews]. Muslims believe that the final judgment is going to happen on a Friday. But the Bible is very clear about the day of   last judgment; we are not supposed to know it, and only God is privy to it. Again Muslims believe that prayer said at a particular hour on Fridays will  find more favor with God. But the Bible does not distinguish between days and hours as far as  prayer is concerned. 

A disturbing fact is that trampling the Lord’s day has become  so common that nowadays nobody cares for it. It doesn’t become news even in Christian countries. Christians have made Sunday a day of enjoyment and often the kind of activities they do on Sundays directly mock the holiness of Lord’s day. The Blessed Virgin laments that her children have made Sunday a day for  sports, games, and  entertainment [To the Priests, Our Lady’s Beloved Sons]. 

We have made the  HOLY DAY of the Lord a mere holiday for us, seldom knowing that the profanation of  the sabbath is at the root of our undoing. We forget the promise attached to the strict observance of sabbath that  the Lord will make  us  ride upon the heights of the  earth [Isa 58: 14]. But sadly, we try to ride upon the heights of the earth  by our own efforts and without seeking Lord’s help and  finally end up losing everything.

Keep the day of the Lord holy and start counting the  blessings it brings with it.