I am the Temple of the Holy Spirit

I am the temple of the Holy Spirit,God’s Spirit dwells in me. My body is the temple of Holy Spirit who dwells within me. The one who is within me is greater than the one who is in the world. By the help of the Holy Spirit dwelling within me, I take care of the good treasure that has been deposited in me. By the power that dwells within me, I am able to receive more than I ask or imagine. I am strong because the Word of God dwells within me, and I have overcome the evil one. The anointing that I have received from Christ dwells within me, the anointing that dwells within me teaches me everything. Christ, the hope of glory dwells within me. The Body and Blood of Christ dwells within me.I have eternal life within me. The same Spirit that rose Jesus from the dead and made Him sit at the right hand ofthe Father works in me.


(Say this words everyday 5 to 10 times)


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