O Christ! thou the Holy Angels’ glory, the Creator and Redeemer of mankind! grant that we ascend to the happy thrones of the heavenly citizens.

May Michael, the Angel of peace, come from heaven into this our temple, and, bringing us sweet peace, drive dismal war back again to hell.

May Gabriel, the Angel of strength, come and rout our old enemies; may he often visit the heaven-loved temples, which the triumphant Jesus has placed throughout the world.

May Raphael, our heavenly Physician, descend and visit us, that he may heal all that are infirm, and direct our steps that falter in the path of life.

May the Virgin Queen of Peace, the Mother of Light; may the holy choir of Angels: may all the inhabitants of bright heaven, ever assist and protect us.

May the Godhead ever blessed of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Whose glory is proclaimed through the whole world, grant us this our prayer. Amen.

The following Sequence is from the collection of the Monastery of Saint Gall, and was composed by the Monk Notker, in the eleventh century.
