Deliver Us From Evil

Often we come across  people  who doubt the  need for deliverance ministries in the Church. They are  satisfied with   prayer, worship and a Christian way of life which  they feel are sufficient to  place them on the  right track to salvation. They are indeed the   cornerstones of  a fruitful Christian life,  but we should  not be  blind to  something that will impede our  journey to spiritual perfection. What obstructs us is nothing  but the works of  the devil, the master of scheming. And the remedy lies in   deliverance. Prayer for deliverance is nothing new. It is there in the  Lord’s prayer itself.  Though the   Lord’s  Prayer  is an essential part of our  prayer menu,  we often  fail to understand the   need of   seeking  deliverance in its true sense.

The Scripture testifies that one of the   major missions  given to Jesus from heaven was delivering  us from  evil. ‘The spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me; he has sent me to bring good news to the oppressed,  to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and release to the prisoners’ (Isa. 61:1). It is no surprise that  at the beginning of  his   public ministry, while  he was in the synagogue in  Nazareth, Jesus was  given the scroll of  the prophet Isaiah to read.  It is also no surprise that when Jesus unrolled the scroll he  found the  place where  this prophecy was written, because  it was exactly the ministry our  Heavenly Father wanted  His beloved son to   accomplish.

Deliverance is one of the  major themes of  the Bible that we should never miss. Freeing the  Israelites from the ‘iron furnace’ called Egypt was a sign of things to come. Real deliverance  came  through  Jesus and  Moses was his  prototype.

Generally we understand deliverance in a broader sense, that Jesus protects us  from  the  snares and temptations of the devil. For those who do not  go beyond it, deliverance is an abstract  term synonymous with  God’s  act of protecting us from  evil forces. But  today’s world compels us to take the  ministry of deliverance more seriously, because the devil  lies in wait for us at every   turn. We know  that  the devil is not an abstract concept, but a  real person. More importantly, the devil is  more  active these days than ever, because  he is in a hurry for obvious reasons.

There are  a number of  instances  described in the gospels where  Jesus  healing persons possessed with demons. Demonic possession or demonic infestation is not a myth, but a  real phenomenon. Unfortunately, we  bypass this important aspect when dealing with  our problems. Our eyes should be opened to the fact that  the root cause of many of our  problems is the  direct attack of  evil spirits on us. To get rid of them, we have only one weapon and it is deliverance performed by a  person anointed for the  purpose.  If  casting out demons  finds a  place in the final commandment  of  Jesus to his disciples (cf. Mk 16:17-18) it means that Jesus wanted them to  continue  this ministry  to the  ends of the  world.

Evangelists have recorded that at the   time of selecting the disciples, Jesus intended to  give them power over all forces of evil. ‘He appointed twelve, whom he also named apostles, to be with him, and to be sent out to proclaim the message, and to have authority  to cast out demons’ (Mk. 3:14-15).

This power handed over to the disciples and   transmitted through the   Church is  still available  to us and will be  available  till the last  day. A consecrated priest can bind evil spirits and cast out  demons in the  name of Jesus Christ, the  son of the Living God.

So, next time when you face something that  requires deliverance, do approach an anointed priest who can  help you. This is not to suggest that deliverance is a panacea for all your  problems.  It  requires  discernment and a consecrated priest  who is bestowed with the  power and anointing and who  is actively into the  ministry of deliverance  can  guide you in   discerning spirits. Believe it or not, many issues which we think as commonplace arising out  of  natural causes, are in fact the  handiwork of Satan. But we believe that  ‘the Son of God was revealed for this  purpose, to  destroy the works of the devil’ (1 Jn 3:8) and that  he will deliver us from evil.

At a time when the devil is  attacking the  children of God in a scale unparalleled in history, let us make good use of the ministry of deliverance  made available to us  through the Church. Let us  pray: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.


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