O Immaculate Heart of Mary,
in this tragic hour of humanityโ€™s history
we have recourse to thee
and still more in this unprecedented tempest
shaking the Church from top to bottom.
Thou, who once stood at the foot of the Cross
and shared so intimately in the sufferings of thy Divine Son,
how couldst thou not have compassion today on the Church,
His Mystical Body.

O Immaculate Heart of Mary,
Refuge of Sinners,
Mediatrix of all graces,
our Divine Lord has given thee to us
as our ultimate recourse in obtaining our salvation
in the midst of the infernal anguish
that is relentlessly pressing down upon the world,
the Church, and all the priests and the faithful.
He wishes to spread throughout the world
devotion to thy Immaculate Heart,
so that this blessed heart attracts
the souls of poor sinners
along the path to heaven,
that it may be the true home from which
the ardent fire of Divine Love is cast upon the earth,
the never-ending source of the living waters of His mercy.

Sweet Heart of Mary,
thou art the refuge and salvation of all those
who faithfully consecrate themselves to thee:
we are certain, therefore,
of finding in thy loving heart
the consolation of our sufferings
and strength in the storms that assail us on all sides.

Conscious of our weakness in resisting the attacks of hell,
of our inability in relying upon ourselves
to remain faithful to our gentle Saviour,
we come to thee,
prostrate before thy throne,
imploring thy most gentle protection.

In this year,
during our national pilgrimage to thy holy shrine of Walsingham,
we consecrate to thee, O Immaculate Mary,
the District of Great Britain of the Fraternity of Saint Pius X,
all its priests and religious,
all its priories and chapels,
our school and all the faithful who worship in the district.
We entrust and give this entire work to thy Immaculate Heart,
so that it may truly be thy Dowry.

Before all the angels and saints of heaven,
O Queen of the Most Holy Rosary,
all the priests and faithful of the District of Great Britain
choose thee to be their queen,
and offer themselves body and soul
to thy sorrowful and immaculate heart
and consecrate themselves to it with all their belongings.

The District of Great Britain is thine,
O Virgin most powerful,
so that in thy hands, rich in mercy,
it becomes through thee a constant source of grace and blessing.

O Mother of the Eternal High Priest,
grant that the priests remain faithful to their priesthood,
to the holy sacrifice of the Mass,
in its ancient Roman Rite,
a venerable source of every grace.
O faithful Virgin,
keep them strong in the Faith
in combating the many heresies of today;
may they be devoted servants of the Church
so tragically shaken to its very foundations.
May they be joyful in hope
and filled with a burning charity.
Direct all their thoughts and actions
only to the well-being of souls
in the fulfilment of thy gentle will.

In thy maternal love protect all the religious of the District:
may they imitate thee in thy hidden life
and so discover the grace of contemplation
by standing at the foot of the Cross
and receiving the necessary graces
to console the Heart of thy Divine Son
so wounded by the sins of men.

May thy gentle reign extend over all the families
who entrust themselves to the Fraternity of Saint Pius X;
may they belong to thee without reserve each day
striving to be more faithful.
Grant them the light and the strength
to fight the good fight of Faith
to resist and to defend themselves
against the insidious and perverse attacks of the present age.

May all the work undertaken in the District
be to Godโ€™s greater glory and the salvation of souls.
O Immaculate Mary,
because it is thine,
may it withstand the assaults of the devil;
may the District of Great Britain be the refuge
in which thou wilt dry up the tears of all;
where thou wilt always succour the poor and the weak,
and where thou wilt banish hatred
and make our conduct gentle.

Immaculate Mary,
may every soul in the District wounded by sin
find charity once more through reconciliation with its Redeemer.
May the Christian soul,
troubled by error and bruised by the attractions of the world
find comfort and strength to begin the fight once more.

Grant that all may become docile instruments of thy immaculate love
in bringing back to thy throne through the sacrifice of the Cross
a great number of souls in danger of eternal perdition.
Then thy Immaculate Heart will reign forever.

O Mary, thou art powerful as an army in battle array
and we so weak and the enemy so strong in its arrogance.
But the enemy knows the strength of thy love
and the majesty of thy countenance.
Save us.
Beneath thy standard,
consecrated to thee,
we feel certain of victory.

O Sorrowful Heart of Mary deign to accept our humble prayers
and the total gift of ourselves.
Obtain for us through this consecration
the grace to be able to say before thy throne one day
in the presence of all the angels and saints
‘Thou art all fair, O Mary;
thou art the joy, the honour of our people!’



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