Today, the world is in the grip of grief, anxiety and fear, which we have not witnessed for the past many centuries. We know the reason. It is the outbreak of Corona Virus Disease (COVID) which has by now attained epidemic proportions. As of now the disease has spread to more than 100 countries and… Continue reading COVID Vs. DAVID
Category: Articles
I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE————————————– Times are dangerous. A time when offerings stop, sacrifices cease and regular burnt offerings abolished. Yes, it is about our own times. What we see around is churches closed for Holy Mass and faithful prevented from getting together. For those who are not familiar with the Scripture, it may… Continue reading I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE
————————————————————-“I cannot be silent!”These are not my words. These are the words of St. Augustine. What prompted Augustine to speak out? It is the simple fact that he was accountable for the sheep entrusted to his care. After seventeen centuries, Augustine’s words still echo in the wilderness of our current predicament. Often we are tempted,… Continue reading I CANNOT BE SILENT
Will He Come Again?
When you ask somebody this question , be prepared to face the most unexpected of replies. Some may even ask; who is this ‘he’? For the sake of clarity, let me tell you; We are talking about the second coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Now ask some of your catholic friends. “Will… Continue reading Will He Come Again?
Quid est Veritas? What is Truth? It was the question Pilate asked Jesus. Unfortunately he didn’t get any answer for his question. Looks odd! Why didn’t Jesus answer Pilate? After all Jesus knew what is truth. He himslef declared once. “I am the way, the truth, and the life” ( John 14:6). Simple fact is… Continue reading VERITATEM CATHOLICAM