Act Of Consecration And Love Composed By St.Margaret Mary Alacoque (For The First Friday)

I, (Name), give and consecrate to the Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ my person and my life, my actions, penances, and sufferings, not wishing to make use of any part of my being for the future except in honoring, loving, and glorifying that sacred Heart.

It is my irrevocable will to be entirely His, and to do everything for His love, renouncing with my whole heart whatever might displease Him.

I take Thee then, O most Sacred Heart, as the sole object of my love, as the protector of my life, as the pledge of my salvation, as the remedy of my frailty and inconstancy, as the repairer of all the defects of my life, and as my secure refuge in the hour of death.

Be then, O Heart of goodness, my justification before God the Father, and remove far from me the thunderbolts of His just wrath. O Heart of love, I place my whole confidence in Thee. While I fear all things from my malice and frailty, I hope all things from Thy goodness. Consume, then, in me whatever can displease or be opposed to Thee, and may Thy pure love be so deeply impressed upon my heart that it may be impossible that I should ever be separated from Thee, or forget Thee. I implore Thee, by all Thy goodness, that my name may be written in Thee, for in Thee I wish to place all my happiness and all my glory, living and dying in very bondage to Thee. Amen.

Indulgence of 3 years.

A plenary indulgence once a month on the usual conditions for the daily devout recitation of this prayer (S.C. Ind., June 1, 1897, Jan. 13, 1898 and April 21,1908; S.P. Ap., Feb. 25, 1934).


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