Great Saint, who didst prefer a poor and austere life to the comforts of thy home, despising the honour and glory of thy station; obtain for me grace ever to keep my heart detached from transitory goods of this life. St. Philip, whose desire it ever was to become so poor as one day to have to beg thy bread, and find no charitable hand to offer thee a crumb wherewith to support life; ask of God for me such love of poverty that I may turn all my thoughts to goods which never fail. St. Philip, who didst prefer to live unknown, to promotion to the highest honours of the Church; intercede for me, that I may never seek after dignities, but always content myself with that state where God has set me. My heart is too anxious for the empty fleeting things of earth; but thou – ah, what a maxim didst thou leave us by thy two words: “And then-” ! O wonder-working words! may they ever be deeply impressed upon my soul; that, despising the nothingness of earth, God alone may reign sole object of my affections and my thoughts.
Pater, Ave, Gloria.
*Taken from the Raccolta #127. PRAYERS FOR EVERY DAY IN THE WEEK
The Holy Father Pius IX, by a rescript of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences, dated May 17, 1852, granted –
An indulgence of fifty days; to be gained once a day for saying with a contrite heart the following prayers, each on its appointed day, in order to obtain thereby the intercession of this Saint for the acquisition of certain special virtues
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