Act of Consecration to the Blessed Sacrament – A Thursday Devotion

I, (Name), the servant of Jesus Christ, acknowledging my great unworthiness, but confiding in divine grace, consecrate and devote myself with all my heart, with all my soul, and with all my strength, to the worship and adoration of our Lord Jesus Christ, really, truly, and substantially present in the Most Holy Sacrament for the love of men.

I sincerely purpose to offer an hour (weekly or monthly) in Eucharistic Adoration. I bind myself likewise to promote according to the best of my ability, the greater glory of Jesus in His Sacrament of love.

Confirm in me, O my God, that which Your grace has formed. O Mary, blessed Mother of Jesus, and my tender Mother also, love me as your child and direct me in Jesus’ service, so that I may be pleasing in His sight, serve Him worthily during my life, and after my death have the happiness of praising and loving Him with you throughout eternity.


– An Hour With Jesus Prayer Book