Sabbath Of Great Sorrow

This is perhaps the  darkest period of  Christian persecution since the early centuries when men and  women, young and old were thrown to lions,  burnt  at stakes, cut apart, maimed,  ostracised and chased away – all because  they believed in  Jesus Christ who rose from the  dead.  They believed that passion and  death  are followed … Continue reading Sabbath Of Great Sorrow

One Virus & Two Commandments

ONE VIRUS AND TWO COMMANDMENTS—————————————- Let’s have a quick recap of the COVID19 statistics. As of now the virus has reached almost all countries. The total number of persons affected with the virus stands at 4626000 as on 17 May and the number of persons succumbed to the disease is at 311000. In other words,… Continue reading One Virus & Two Commandments

The Promises of Jesus to those who Pray the Chaplet

I promise that the soul that will venerate this image (of Divine Mercy) will not perish. I also promise victory over (its) enemies already here on earth, especially at the hour of death. I Myself will defend it as My own glory.” (Diary, 48) “The souls that say this chaplet will be embraced by My… Continue reading The Promises of Jesus to those who Pray the Chaplet

Living the Faith When Public Worship is Prohibited

“We glory in tribulations” (Rom 5:3)  Living the Faith When Public Worship is Prohibited Millions of Catholics in the so-called free Western world will, in the coming weeks or even months, and especially during Holy Week and Easter, the culmination of the entire liturgical year, be deprived of any public acts of worship due to… Continue reading Living the Faith When Public Worship is Prohibited

Act of Consecration to the Blessed Sacrament – A Thursday Devotion

I, (Name), the servant of Jesus Christ, acknowledging my great unworthiness, but confiding in divine grace, consecrate and devote myself with all my heart, with all my soul, and with all my strength, to the worship and adoration of our Lord Jesus Christ, really, truly, and substantially present in the Most Holy Sacrament for the… Continue reading Act of Consecration to the Blessed Sacrament – A Thursday Devotion


O Heavenly Mother, Our Lady of the Holy Eucharist, through thy most powerful intervention and since thou art the Mother of Our Saviour, we lay our petitions and necessities in thy hands, for through thee, all these favours will be granted. I humbly beseech thee, O Heavenly Queen, to cast out all doubt, anxieties and… Continue reading PRAYER TO OUR LADY OF THE EUCHARIST

An Act of Spiritual Communion

My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite… Continue reading An Act of Spiritual Communion