Tag: Immaculate heart will triumph

  • Totus Tuus

    Totus Tuus

    We are familiar with the words, ‘TOTUS TUUS’ ( Totally Yours),  the  dearest quote  of  St Pope John Paul II. It was his apostolic motto as well. He always used it to demonstrate his total consecration to the Blessed Virgin.  Readers would recall an  earlier article   narrating the importance of consecration  to the  Immaculate Heart…

  • Prophecies of Our Lady of Good Success About Our Times

    Prophecies of Our Lady of Good Success About Our Times

    During the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, Our Lady of Good Success appeared in Quito, Ecuador to a Spanish nun whose little-known but extraordinary life has a direct connection with our days. The Pope’s “infallibility will be declared a dogma of Faith by the same Pope chosen to proclaim the dogma of the mystery of my…