ONE VIRUS AND TWO COMMANDMENTS—————————————- Let’s have a quick recap of the COVID19 statistics. As of now the virus has reached almost all countries. The total number of persons affected with the virus stands at 4626000 as on 17 May and the number of persons succumbed to the disease is at 311000. In other words,… Continue reading One Virus & Two Commandments
Tag: Catholic Faith
Children’s Prayer Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” – Matthew 19:14 Holy Mary, mother fair, Filled with love for God, Pray for us in all our needs. Pray for us today. O Virgin Mary, My Mother.I want… Continue reading TEACHING YOUR CHILDREN TO LOVE THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY A CHILD’S PRAYER TO THE VIRGIN MARY
One & Only Mission
‘Happy are those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or take the path that sinners tread, or sit in the seat of scoffers; but their delight is in the law of the Lord, and on His law they meditate day and night’ ( Psalm 01:01-02). In fact there are only two ways… Continue reading One & Only Mission
The Promises of Jesus to those who Pray the Chaplet
I promise that the soul that will venerate this image (of Divine Mercy) will not perish. I also promise victory over (its) enemies already here on earth, especially at the hour of death. I Myself will defend it as My own glory.” (Diary, 48) “The souls that say this chaplet will be embraced by My… Continue reading The Promises of Jesus to those who Pray the Chaplet
The Brown Scapular
It is a gift to you from your Heavenly Mother. “WHOSOEVER DIES IN THIS GARMENT SHALL NOT SUFFER ETERNAL FIRE.” – promise of Our Lady to St. Simon Stock on July 16, 1251 History In the year 1251, in the town of Aylesford in England, Our Lady appeared to St. Simon Stock, a Carmelite. She… Continue reading The Brown Scapular