While in 1832 the first Miraculous Medals were being produced, Paris was hit by a terrible cholera epidemic that claimed more than 20,000 lives.
In June, the Daughters of Charity started to distribute the first 2,000 medals, especially to infected people who filled the hospitals.
The healings increased, also the special protection against the disease and the healing in emotional distress. It was overwhelming. The population of Paris began to call the medal “miraculous”.
Take special refuge in Mary in times of epidemic!
Wear this blessed medal with trust, and distribute it as a protection against the epidemic, if possible even to people who are already ill with it!
Prayer in special need
Immaculate, Holy Virgin Mary, beloved daughter of the Father, Mother of the Son and Bride of the Holy Spirit! Through the revelation of the Miraculous Medal, you have shown yourself as the Mediatrix of all graces. We thank God from our hearts that He has given you to us as Mother, intercessor and helper in all our needs. With confidence, I take refuge in you in all my needs of body and soul, especially in this special request …
You gave me your Miraculous Medal in which you stretch your motherly arms towards me. Your mother’s hands offer me all the graces for time and eternity that I need, to get to you and your Divine Son in the heavenly kingdom. I trustingly lift up my hands to you to receive all these graces. Also, I thank you for all the graces you have already given me. Help me to keep all the graces faithfully and always eagerly cooperate with them. Amen.
O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee.
We fly to thy patronage,
O Holy Mother of God!
Despise not our petitions in our necessities, but deliver us always from all dangers,
O Glorious and Blessed Virgin.
Our Lady, our Mediatrix, our Advocate. Reconcile us with Thy Son, commend us to Thy Son,
present us before Thy Son.
(Prayer from the 3rd century)
Take this blessed medal, and trust in the Immaculate Virgin!
You can order the Miraculous Medal:
www.militia-immaculatae.info/en/ Produktkategorie/miraculous-medals/