Prayer To Make St. Joseph Your Family Patron

O Most holy Joseph, glorious Patriarch, chosen by God as the head and protector of the Holy Family, deign to take my family, also, under your fatherly protection and care!

Be for us a faithful supporter, a foster-father, a counselor, guide, leader, and strong defender against all that seek to injure us.

We give into your keeping our soul, our body, our life, and the end thereof.

Into your hands we place the joy and pain, happiness and misery of our whole life, as well as the hour of our death.

Obtain for us, O St. Joseph, that our family life may be always in accordance with the will of God; that we may faithfully fulfill our duties toward Him, our fellow men, and ourselves; that we may thank Him in prosperity and praise Him in adversity; that we may be zealous in the performance of good, and watchful in the avoidance of evil;

that we may live a pious life and die perfectly resigned to the will of God.



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