1- Prayer of Consecration
Abba Father, I consecrate to you (the person’s name, members of your family) our home, our anxieties and problems, our enemies and all our compatriots I consecrate to you and to the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Blessed Mary. Help us to experience spiritual renewal so that we can live pure and holy life. Turn all our problems and difficulties in our favour and to Your greater glory. Amen!
My Father in heaven, how nice is to know that You are my Father and I am Your child! Especially when the sky is overcast my soul and my cross looks more difficult, I feel the need to address You, “Father, I believe in Your love for me!”
Yes, I believe that You are my Father in every moment of my life and that I am Your child! I believe that you love me Thy infinite love! I believe that you watch over me night and day, and that hair on my head does not fall without your permission! I believe that, in Your infinite love, you know better than me what is better for me. I believe that, in Your infinite strength you can turn bad into good. I believe that, in Your infinite goodness You can turn all on good to those who love you, even under the hands that hit me, I kiss Your hand which heals me! I believe and pray empower my faith, hope and love! Teach me to always see Your love that leads me in all areas of my life.
Teach me to surrender myself to You, as a small child in the mother’s arms. Father, You know everything, and You see everything. You know me better than I know myself, You know everything you can do, You love me. My Father, your desire is to Thee always pays. I am coming to You with confidence together with Jesus and Mary …. (here seeking grace that you need). In this necessary link to their Most Sacred Hearts, and I offer You all my prayers, my sacrifices, sufferings and humiliations, all the works and faithfulness to my vocation. Give me the light, grace and power of the Holy Spirit!
Strengthen me in Your Spirit that it’s never lost and never let him be helpless and sad to me. My Father this I beg in the name of Jesus, your Son. You dear Jesus to open your heart and put it in mine and together with the Heart of Mary offer him to our heavenly Father! Give me the grace that I need! Heavenly Father invite all people to Yourself. Let the whole world acknowledges Your Fatherly goodness and Your Divine Mercy.
In Your tenderness protect me in everything I have and what I am, like the pupil of Your eye. Make me worthy son (daughter), have mercy with me! Heavenly Father, sweet hope of our souls, beaware, honored and loved by all men! Heavenly Father, giver of grace to all mankind, be celebrated, honoured and loved by all men!
I consecrate to You this day and put myself under Your protection. Use me, that by me You are familiar, honored and loved by all people. Let my actions speak of Thy love. My tongue shall praise Thee, in all situations, and my thoughts just let them be inspired by Thee. My father, I love You above all else. Amen.
4 – Morning Abba Father prayer
My Father, I come into Your presence at the beginning of the day. I’ll find the wisdom to not make foolish mistakes, so I know when to speak and when to remain in silence, when to act and when not to.
I´ve come to find peace so that nothing makes me anxious and bemused today. I’ve come to findthe courage to be patient, to not lose hope, to accept disappointment, knowing that you’ll all turn to my right. I’ll find love, so that I could do absolutely nothing bitter, hard and unkind.
I’ll start this day with you and I want him to continue with thee, so that it can be a day without anxiety. Father, You are my providence, I know that you would provide all my needs.
Father, You are my protector, forbid me this day from all the dark forces, put the cover on the Precious Blood of Thy Son Jesus and surround me by your Angels. I ask You this in Jesus’ name. Amen!
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