Prayer To Our Lady Of Perpetual Help For The Conversion Of A Sinner

O Mary, Mother of Perpetual Help, thou knowest so well the great value of an immortal soul. Thou knowest what it means, that every soul has been redeemed by the Blood of thy Divine Son; thou wilt not then despise my prayer, if I ask from thee the conversion of a sinner, nay, a great sinner, who is rapidly hurrying on towards eternal ruin.

Thou, O good merciful Mother, knowest well his/her irregular life. Remember that thou art the Refuge of sinners, remember that God has given thee power to bring about the conversion of even the most wretched sinners.

All that has been done for his/her soul has been unsuccessful; if thou dost not come to his/her assistance, he/she will go from bad to worse. Obtain for him/her an effectual grace that he/she may be moved and brought back to God and his/her duties. Send him/her, if necessary, temporal calamities and trials, that he/she may enter into himself/herself, and put an end to his/her sinful course.

Thou, O most merciful Mother, hast converted so many sinners at the intercession of their friends. Be, then also moved by my prayer, and bring this unhappy soul to true conversion of heart.

O Mother of Perpetual Help, show that thou art the Advocate and Refuge of sinners. So I hope, so may it be.
