Prayer Of Saint Getrude The Great To The Sacred Heart Of Jesus

Sanctity of the Heart of Jesus, consecrate my heart;
Providence of the Heart of Jesus, watch over my heart;
Unchangeableness of the Heart of Jesus, strengthen my heart;
Purity of the Heart of Jesus, purify my heart;

Obedience of the Heart of Jesus, subjugate my heart;
Amiability of the Heart of Jesus, make Thyself known to my heart; Divine attractions of the Heart of Jesus, captivate my heart;
Riches of the Heart of Jesus, do Thou suffice for my heart;
Floods of grace and blessing that flow from the Heart of Jesus, inundate my heart.

O Heart of Jesus! be my joy, my peace, my repose in this world and in the next.
O Heart of Jesus! adored in Heaven, invoked on earth, feared in Hell, reignest over all hearts, reignest throughout all ages, reignest forever in celestial glory.


Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us sinners.


Recite 3 Hail Mary.. in honor of St. Gertrude the Great.
St. Gertrude the Great, pray for us.
