Mediatrix of All Grace (Marienfried)

The Blessed Virgin Mary allegedly appeared to twelve year old Barbara Reuss three times. The importance of the Rosary was highlighted as well as the need to live a life of holiness, sacrifice and consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The Blessed Virgin stated the great importance of offering acts of love, praise and adoration to God the Father and the Most Holy Trinity. Our Lady also calls Herself the Mediatrix of All Graces, and declared that “it is the will of the Father that the world acknowledge this position of His Handmaid.”

First Vision: April 25, 1946 The Blessed Mother said to Barbara:

Where the strongest confidence reigns and where it is taught to men that I can do everything, there I will spread peace… I print my sign on the forehead of my children. The star (Satan) will pursue my sign, but my sign will prevail over the star.

Second Vision: May 25, 1946 I am the powerful Mediatrix of Graces… you only find favor with the Son through my intercession… It is true that the world was consecrated to my Immaculate Heart, but… I demand that the world live this consecration. Have unreserved confidence in my Immaculate Heart! Believe that I am able to do everything with my son… The world will have to drain the cup of wrath to the dregs because of the countless sins through which His Heart is offended. The Star of the infernal regions (Satan) will rage more violently than ever and will cause frightful destruction, because he knows that his time is short, and because he sees that already many have gathered around my Sign. Over these he has no spiritual power, although he will kill the bodies of many; but through these sacrifices, my power to lead the remnant host to victory will increase… The devil has power over all people who do not trust in my Heart…

Third Vision: June 25, 1946

I am the powerful Mediatrix of Grace. It is the will of the Father that the world acknowledges this position of His Handmaid… God wants it so… In secret I shall work marvels in souls until the required number of victim souls will be filled. Upon you it depends to shorten the days of darkness. Your blood and your sacrifices shall destroy the image of the beast. Then I can manifest myself to the world for the glory of the Almighty. Choose my Sign, so that the Triune God may soon be adored and honored. Pray and offer sacrifices through me. Pray always; pray the Rosary. Make all your entreaties to the Father through my Immaculate Heart… Keep the Saturdays, which have been dedicated to me, as I have requested. … If you consecrate yourselves without reserve, I shall take care of all the rest. Crosses weighty and deep as the sea I shall lay upon my children, because I love them in my Sacrificed Son. I beseech you, be prepared to carry the cross that peace may soon be achieved. I urge my people to fulfill my wishes quickly, because today more than ever such fulfillment of my will is necessary for God’s greater honor and glory. The Father pronounces a dreadful woe upon all who refuse to obey His Will.


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