Eucharistic Act Of Faith

I believe in God the Father Almighty.
I believe in God the Son, Jesus Christ.
I believe in God the Holy Spirit.
I believe in the Holy Trinity.

I believe in the Real Presence of Jesus
in the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist.
I believe in the Real Presence of Jesus
in the Body of Christ, the Consecrated Bread.
I believe in the Real Presence of Jesus
in the Blood of Christ, the Consecrated Wine.

I believe that Jesus instituted the One, Holy, Catholic
and Apostolic Church as His dwelling Home on earth.

I believe in the Real Presence of Jesus
in the Sacred Tabernacles of the Catholic Church.

I believe that Jesus is truly present physically among us,
over and above being spiritually present within us.

May this truth be known to all for the glory of God.



One response to “Eucharistic Act Of Faith”

  1. ignatius Avatar

    Divine Mercy saved my life

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