A Prayer for Deceased Mothers by St Augustine

This prayer for deceased mothers, is an excerpt from the Confessions, where St Augustine prays for his beloved deceased mother, St Monica.

What a blessing it is to have a praying mother. St Monica prayed for St Augustine’s conversion her whole life, and her prayers were answered.

St Augustine once said, “Give me praying mothers and I will rescue the world.” Without our praying mothers, where would we be?

Augustine’s deep love for his mother, as well as his gratitude for his prayers, no doubt compelled him to write this prayer for deceased mothers.

The best way we can repay our deceased mothers for all their sacrifices and prayers, is to remember them in our prayers so that they can attain the beatific vision as soon as possible.

A Prayer for Deceased Mothers by St Augustine

“O my Praise and my Life, O God of my heart, forgetting for a little her good deeds for which I give joyful thanks to thee, I now beseech thee for the sins of my mother.

Hearken unto me, through that Medicine of our wounds, who didst hang upon the tree and who sittest at thy right hand “making intercession for us.”

I know that she acted in mercy, and from the heart forgave her debtors their debts.

I beseech thee also to forgive her debts, whatever she contracted during so many years since the water of salvation. Forgive her, O Lord, forgive her, I beseech thee; “enter not into judgment” with her.

Let thy mercy be exalted above thy justice, for thy words are true and thou hast promised mercy to the merciful, that the merciful shall obtain mercy.

This is thy gift, who hast mercy on whom thou wilt and who wilt have compassion on whom thou dost have compassion on.

Indeed, I believe thou hast already done what I ask of thee, but “accept the freewill offerings of my mouth, O Lord.”


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