We believe in the  Risen Lord. When we say in our Creed that ‘He rose from the dead’  we are  confessing our  faith in the  resurrection of  our Lord Jesus Christ.

But, often we come across people who, though  regard  Jesus in  high esteem, find it  difficult to  confess that Jesus did really rise from the dead.  They have no issue with Jesus  being celebrated as a great or even the greatest prophet who performed many miracles, a model for  all  humanity, a person sent directly  from heaven, and  founder of a religion of love. They will  agree with everything the Bible said about Jesus, but when it comes to his resurrection,  somehow their reason overtakes their faith, and they  look at it with a  little suspicion. They will ask; ‘how is it possible for a man to  conquer death?’

Those two disciples, whom Jesus met on the way to Emmaus, were also  skeptical about  Jesus’ resurrection. They indeed believed that Jesus was Christ. But they  could not believe that  Christ was supposed to go through  his passion and crucifixion.   More importantly, they  could not believe that a person  could ever conquer  death.   They knew the prophecies about Christ, but somehow they missed the most  vital part of it, that   Christ should suffer, die and  finally rise from the dead.

Jesus corrects them saying; “Oh, how foolish you are, and how slow of heart to believe all that the  prophets have declared!”[Lk 24:25]. The crux of their problem was that  they  could not believe the  words of prophets. But they were fortunate that the Lord himself explained everything to them. Had they believed in prophets, they should have believed in the  resurrection of Christ also. Incidentally, Paul the apostle also criticizes the   folly of those who  question the truth of  resurrection  [1 Cor 15:35].

In the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, the rich man was pleading  with Abraham to send  Lazarus back to earth to warn his  five brothers, so that  they could escape the  torments of  Hades. Abraham categorically denies his request saying that  there was no need of sending Lazarus back to earth, because those on earth have  the  words of Moses and  other prophets to follow. It  was sufficient for them to  please God. But the rich man had a  different opinion. He argues that if his brothers hear the  testimony of a man  who was once dead  and then came back  to life, there was  a better chance of them repenting. To this, Abraham’s reply was curt and to the point. ‘ If they do not listen to Moses and the prophets, neither will  they be convinced even if  someone rises  from the dead”  [Lk 16:31].

Lesson to learn: Absolute faith in the  written Word is     required to believe in the  resurrection of  Jesus.  Those who do not believe verbatim  what is written in the Holy Bible,  will naturally view the truth of   resurrection with  skeptical eyes only.  Christian faith is a package, and  there is  no  option to believe what we like, and reject what  we do not like. At the time of telling the  parable of   the rich man and Lazarus, Jesus knew that  his resurrection is going to be   denied  by many in future. Keeping in mind those who would doubt his  resurrection, he  made the point  very clear; that believing in his resurrection would be impossible for  those who  do not  believe  what is written in  the  Scripture,

In the book of Acts and Epistles  we see the  apostles proclaiming the truth of resurrecion whenever they got an opportunity [Acts 2:24, 2:31-32, 2:36, 3:15, 4:2, 4:10,5:30, 7:56,10:40-41,13:30,13:34,17:3, 17:31,23:6,26:8,26:23, Rom1:4, 4:25, 6:4-5, 6:9, 8:11,8:34,10:9,14:9, 1 Cor 15:4,  1 Cor 15:12-17, 1 Cor 15:20, 2 Cor 4:14, 2 Cor 5:15, Gal 1:1, Eph 1:20, 2:6, Phil 2:9, 3:13, Col 1:18, 2:12,3:1,1 Thes 1:9-10, 4:14, 2 Tim 1:10, 2:8, Heb 10:12,13:20, 1 Pet 1:4,1:21,3:18-22, Rev 1:5,1:18,2:8]. The apostles never  hesitated to  proclaim the truth of resurrection in spite of  it being ‘a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to  Gentiles’  1 Cor 1:23].

Christian life is a life  for proclaiming  the truth of resurrection. ‘If Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile…’ says the apostle [1 Cor 15:17]. There is no gospel without  resurrection. There is no  preaching without resurrection. It is written; ‘If Christ has not been raised, then our proclamation has been in vain and your faith has been in vain’ [1 Cor 15:14]. Conversions, healing, and deliverance happen in the name of  the  Risen Lord.

Let us  say with all  conviction;  ‘The Lord has risen indeed’ [Lk 24:34], and pray for  those whose faith in the  Word of God is  not strong enough to  believe this truth. 

‘Christ is risen, Hallelujah!’
