(St. Louis De Montfort’s Consecration)

I, (Name), a faithless sinner –
renew and ratify today in thy hands,
O Immaculate Mother,
the vows of my Baptism;
I renounce forever Satan,
his pomps and works;
and I give myself entirely to Jesus Christ,
the Incarnate Wisdom,
to carry my cross after Him
all the days of my life,
and to be more faihful to Him
than I have ever been before.

In the presence of all the heavenly court
I choose thee this day,
for my Mother and Mistress.
I deliver and consecrate to thee,
as thy slave, my body and soul,
my goods, both interior and exterior,
and even the value of all my good actions,
past, present and future;
leaving to thee the entire
and full right of disposing of me,
and all that belongs to me, without exception,
according to thy good pleasure,
for the greater glory of God,
in time and in eternity.



O Mary, Virgin most powerful and Mother of mercy,
Queen of Heaven and Refuge of sinners,
we consecrate ourselves to thine Immaculate Heart.

We consecrate to thee our very being and our whole life;
all that we have,
all that we love,
all that we are.

To thee we give our bodies,
our hearts and our souls;
to thee we give our homes,
our families, our country.

We desire that all that is in us
and around us may belong to thee,
and may share in the benefits of thy motherly benediction.

And that this act of consecration
may be truly efficacious and lasting,
we renew this day at thy feet the promises
of our Baptism and our first Holy Communion.

We pledge ourselves to profess courageously
and at all times the truths of our holy Faith,
and to live as befits Catholics
who are duly submissive to all the directions
of the Pope and the Bishops in communion with him.

We pledge ourselves to keep the commandments
of God and His Church,
in particular to keep holy the Lord’s Day.

We likewise pledge ourselves
to make the consoling practices of the Christian religion,
and above all, Holy Communion,
an integral part of our lives,
in so far as we shall be able so to do.

Finally, we promise thee,
O glorious Mother of God and loving Mother of men,
to devote ourselves whole-heartedly
to the service of thy blessed cult,
in order to hasten and assure,
through the sovereignty of thine Immaculate Heart,
the coming of the kingdom of the Sacred Heart of thine adorable Son, in our own hearts and in those of all men,
in our country and in all the world,
as in heaven, so on earth.



(For children)

Dear Mary, my holy mother,
I love you so much
and I give you my heart.
Help me to love God.
Help me to love my neighbor
as a child of God.
Help me to love myself
as a child of God.



Oh Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I give you my heart.
I want to love you.
I want to love Jesus,
the Father,
the Holy Spirit,
and this world through your holy heart.
My dear mother,
I place myself in your heart,
I know you will care for me in all my needs.
I give myself to you,
Mary, my mother.
I love you so much!



O Immaculate Heart of Mary,
Queen of Heaven and Earth,
and tender Mother of men,
in accordance with Thy ardent wish made known at Fatima,
I consecrate to Thy Immaculate Heart myself,
my brethren,
my country and the whole human race.

Reign over us,
Most Holy Mother of God,
and teach us how to make the Heart of Thy Son,
Our Lord Jesus Christ reign
and triumph in us even as It has reigned
and triumphed in Thee.

Reign over us,
Most Blessed Virgin,
that we may be Thine in prosperity
and in adversity,
in joy and in sorrow,
in health and in sickness,
in life and in death.

O most compassionate Heart of Mary,
Queen of Heaven,
watch over our minds and hearts
and preserve them from the impurity
which Thou didst lament so sorrowfully at Fatima.
Assist us in imitating You in all things,
especially purity.
Help us to call down upon our country
and upon the whole world the peace of God
in justice and charity.

Therefore, Most Gracious Virgin and Mother,
I hereby promise to imitate Thy virtues
by the practice of a true Christian life
without regard to human respect.

I resolve to receive Holy Communion regularly
and to offer to Thee five decades of the Rosary each day,
together with my sacrifices,
in the spirit of reparation and penance.



O Mary Help of Christians,
Patroness of Australia,
Mother of Mercy,
Queen of Heaven and earth,
refuge of sinners,
We consecrate ourselves to thine Immaculate Heart.
To thee we consecrate our country,
our families,
our hearts,
our souls
and all that we have.

And in order that this consecration may be truly effective and lasting,
we renew today the promise of our Baptism and Confmnation;
we undertake to live as good Christians,
faithful to God,
the Church and the Holy Father.
We desire to pray the Rosary,
partake in the Holy Eucharist,
attach special importance to the first Saturday of the month
and work for the conversion of sinners.
Furthermore we promise,
O most holy Virgin,
that we will zealously spread devotion to thee,
so that through our consecration to thine Immaculate Heart
and through thine own intercession,
the coming of the Kingdom of Christ in the world may be hastened.


Consecration to the Immaculate Heart Of Mary
(By Pope Pius XII.)

Queen of the Most Holy Rosary,
in this tragic hour of the world’s history,
we entrust and consecrate ourselves to thine Immaculate Heart,
our only refuge,
our hope,
our salvation.
Have pity on this world,
torn by the most terrible conflicts,
burning with the fires of hate,
victim of its own sins.
May thy Heart be moved at the sight of so much ruin,
pain and sorrow.

We consecrate to thy maternal heart our persons,
our families,
our country (name),
the whole of humanity.
Protect and save us!

O Heart of Mary,
source of true love,
fill our selfish hearts with Divine charity
and with that true brotherly love
without which there can never be peace.
Grant that men and nations
may understand and fulfill the precept of thy Divine Son,
“Love one another”,
in order that true peace may be firmly established
in the Justice and Truth of Christ.

Consecration to the Immaculate Heart Of Mary.

Queen of the most Holy Rosary,
and tender mother of the people,
to fulfill the desires of the Most Sacred Heart,
and the request of the Vicar of your Son on earth,
we consecrate ourselves to you,
and to your Immaculate Heart,
and recommend to you,
all the families of our nation,
and of all the world.
Please accept our consecration, dearest Mother,
and use us and all families as you wish,
to accomplish your designs upon the world.
O Immaculate Heart of Mary,
Queen of Heaven and earth,
and of our family,
rule over us,
together with the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ, our King.
Save us from the spreading flood of modern paganism,
kindle in our hearts and homes,
the love of purity,
the practice of Christian life,
and an ardent zeal for souls,
and for the holiness of family life.
We come with confidence to you,
O Throne of Grace and Mother of Fair Love;
inflame us with the same Divine fire
which has inflamed your own Immaculate Heart.
Make our hearts and homes your shrine,
and through us make the Heart of Jesus
rule and triumph in every family in the world.

