A Day For Prayer


13 May 2021.  On this  anniversary of  Fatima apparitions, we cordially invite  all to join us  in prayer.

What the  Blessed Virgin  revealed at Fatima was a   spiritual way of life focussing on  prayer, penance and reparation.  Our Mother calls on us to  give  importance to the conversion of sinners and  salvation of  souls. But above all, we should  give more  importance to our own salvation.  Also we need to offer our prayers and sacrifices in reparation to the offences   done against  God. Let us  spare  as much time as possible today  to be in prayer.

In May 1988 the Blessed Virgin told Fr Stefano  Gobbi:

‘These are the times of my great light.

These are the times of prayer and of penance. 

I call upon you again today to pray especially for the 

conversion of poor sinners, of the atheists 

and of those who are far away.

Recite always the holy rosary. 

Offer prayers and sacrifices for the salvation of souls,

because I repeat to you again today that many are 

going to hell because there is no one to pray and to sacrifice for them’.

This is the time to pray. We encourage  all those who have  consecrated themselves to the immaculate heart of the Blessed Virgin to  renew their consecration. This is also an invitation to those  who are yet to    realize the importance of securing the maternal care of  the  Holy Mother by consecrating themselves to her Immaculate Heart.

Remember, this May is  critical.  Please utilise   fully every  moment, every day the  merciful God  extends  for the  purification and conversion of humankind.

‘Give glory to the Lord your God before he brings darkness, and before your feet stumble on the  mountains at twilight; while you look for light, he turns it into gloom and makes it deep darkness. But if  you will not listen, my soul will weep in secret  for your pride’ (Jer.13:16-17)

As the days of  darkness approach, as  deep darkness engulfs nations and  as the world stumbles through the  shadow of death, let us  dedicate this day for prayer.

13 May 2021. We will  spend this day with our  Holy Mother.  With Rosary in our hands, we  will  meditate on the mysteries of salvation. With  readings from  the  Bible, we will listen to what  the Father wants  to tell us.  We will pray for the grace to  come to a true conversion.  We also need to pray for  the spiritual strength to face the   days of uncertainty through which we live.  Please  also do not forget  our brothers and sisters  especially those in most need of our prayers.

May the Blessed Virgin intercede for   us at  all times and may Jesus Christ who is  coming in glory bless us to see his  hand of mercy  before it is too late.
