O dearest Saint Joseph,
I consecrate myself to your honour
and give myself to you,
that you may always be my father,
my protector and my guide
in the way of salvation.
Obtain for me a greater purity of heart
and fervent love of the interior life.
After your example may I do all my actions
for the greater glory of God,
in union with the Divine Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
O Blessed Saint Joseph,
pray for me,
that I may share in the peace
and joy of your holy death.



O Blessed Joseph,
foster father of my Savior
and chaste spouse of the mother of God,
this day I irrevocably adopt thee
for my intercessor with the Almighty as well as my model,
my protector and my father in this valley of exile.
O St. Joseph,
whom the Lord constituted guardian of His Family,
I beseech thee to extender thy tender solicitude over all my interests.
Kindle in my heart a vehement love for Jesus
and enable me to serve Him with all thy devotedness and fidelity.
Aid my inability to venerate Mary as my advocate,
to honor her as my Queen and to love her as my Mother.
Be my never-failing guide in the way of virtue and piety,
and grant that, after having faithfully followed thee in the path of justice,
I may receive thy powerful protection at the hour of my death.


(Of Children By Their Parents)

O glorious St. Joseph,
to you God committed the care
of His only begotten Son
amid the many dangers of this world.
We come to you
and ask you to take under your special protection
the children God has given us.
Through holy baptism they became children of God
and members of His holy Church.
We consecrate them to you today,
that through this consecration
they may become your foster children.
Guard them, guide their steps in life,
form their hearts after the hearts of Jesus and Mary.

St. Joseph,
who felt the tribulation and worry of a parent
when the child Jesus was lost,
protect our dear children for time and eternity.
May you be their father and counselor.
let them, like Jesus,
grow in age as well as in wisdom
and grace before God and men.
Preserve them from the corruption of this world,
and give us the grace one day
to be united with them in heaven forever.



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