MONDAY DEVOTION : A Prayer to Help the Poor Souls in Purgatory


A Prayer to Help the Poor Souls in Purgatory:

Oh Lord Jesus Christ, through the sacred Blood that You shed during Your fear of death in the Garden of Gethsemane, please deliver the souls of Your faithful from the sufferings of the fires of Purgatory, in particular those who are most neglected and lead them to their place in your Splendour to glorify and praise You in Eternity.

(Our Father… Hail Mary…)

Oh Lord Jesus Christ, through the sacred Blood that You shed during Your merciless flogging, please deliver the souls of Your faithful, in particular those who are closest to their liberation and lead them to seeing You so that they may glorify and praise You in Eternity.

(Our Father… Hail Mary…)

Oh Lord Jesus Christ, through the sacred Blood that You shed during Your painful crowning, please deliver all souls of the Christian faithful from the dungeon of Purgatory, in particular those who would have to suffer there very much longer and lead them into the Blessed Community of the Chosen, so that they may glorify and praise You in Eternity.

(Our Father… Hail Mary…)

Oh Lord Jesus Christ, through the sacred Blood that You shed during Your gruesome Crucifixion, please deliver all souls of the departed, in particular those of my father, my mother, my brothers and sisters, my relatives, my benefactors and lead them to Eternal Joys, so that they may glorify and praise You in Eternity.

(Our Father… Hail Mary…)

Oh Lord Jesus Christ, through the sacred Blood that poured from Your Blessed Side, please deliver all Poor Souls from Purgatory, in particular those who during their lives especially served Your Blessed Virgin Mother, and lead them to Your Eternal Glory, so that they may glorify and praise You in Eternity.

(Our Father… Hail Mary…)


Prayer for the Holy Souls in Purgatoryby St. Gertrude the Great.

According to tradition, St. Gertrude the Great was told by Our Lord that the following prayer, each time she piously recited it, would release 1,000 souls (or a vast number) from their suffering in purgatory:

“Eternal Father,I offer You the most precious bloodof thy Divine Son, Jesus,in union with the Masses saidthroughout the world today,for all the Holy Souls in Purgatory,for sinners everywhere,for sinners in the universal Church,for those in my own home,and in my family. Amen.


O Lord, who art ever merciful and bounteous with Thy gifts, look down upon the suffering souls in purgatory. Remember not their offenses and negligences, but be mindful of Thy loving mercy, which is from all eternity. Cleanse them of their sins and fulfill their ardent desires that they may be made worthy to behold Thee face to face in Thy glory. May they soon be united with Thee and hear those blessed words which will call them to their heavenly home:”Come, blessed of My Father, take possession of the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.”Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord; And let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.Amen.


2 responses to “MONDAY DEVOTION : A Prayer to Help the Poor Souls in Purgatory”

  1. Maria Lopez Avatar
    Maria Lopez

    Thank you I truly appreciate you sharing these prayers. I can pray them anywhere and at any time.

  2. Catherine Bassey Avatar
    Catherine Bassey

    Amen Amen and Amen

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