Tag: Guardian Angel Prayer

  • A Mother’s Prayer To The Guardian Angel Of Her Children

    A Mother’s Prayer To The Guardian Angel Of Her Children

    I humbly salute thee,O thee faithful,Heavenly Friends of my children! I give thee heartfelt thanksfor all the love and goodness thou hast shown them. At some future day I shall,with thanks more worthy than I can now give, repay your care for them,and before the whole heavenly courtacknowledge their indebtedness to thy guidance and protection.…



    O GUARDIAN ANGEL, most Faithful companion, appointed by God to be my guide and protector, and who art ever at my side, what thanks can I offer thee for thy faithfulness and love, and for all the benefits which thou hast conferred upon me? Thou watchest over me in sleep; thou consolest me when I…

  • Prayer To Send Your Angel To Holy Mass

    Prayer To Send Your Angel To Holy Mass

    O holy angel, at my side, Go to church for me, Kneel in my place at Holy Mass Where I desire to be. At Offertory, in my stead, Take all I am and own, And place it as a sacrifice Upon the Alter Throne. At Holy Consecrations bell, Adore with Seraph’s love. My Jesus hidden…